Academic special health groups: physical ed ucation and sports motivations and values survey
Dr.Hab., Professor E.F. Nasyrova1 PhD, senior lecturer O.Y. Muller1 1Surgut State University, Surgut
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to survey and analyze the physical education and sport motivations and values of the special health group students.
Methods and structure of the study. We surveyed the physical education and sport motivations and values of the special health group students using the A.V. Shaboltas Sports Motivations Survey method. We sampled for the survey the Surgut Polytechnic College's special health group students (n=40) and provisionally grouped them into Hearing Impaired Group and Somatic Diseases Group.
Results and conclusion. The physical education and sport motivations and values of the special health group students may be grouped into general cultural, socio-psychological and specific ones. The general cultural motivations and values refer to the group conceptions of the ongoing socio-cultural processes in the key communities and their own potential contributions to the social life and cultures. The socio-psychological motivations and values refer to the public priorities, public opinions, motives, interests, values and priorities of the relevant social groups, plus the physical education-and-sport-spe-cific social relationships. And the specific motivations and values refer to the personality progress agendas of the special health group students with the self-fulfillment, socialization, health improvement and social role/ image/ status building aspects. The above grouped motivations and values altogether constitute the physical education and sport motivations and values of the special health group students.
The survey data and analysis give us the grounds to conclude that the hearing impaired group prioritizes their physical education and sports interests for individual physical education and sports progress, whilst the somatic diseases group is much more focused on the team sports with the teamwork related motivations and values. Generally physical education and sport service to special health group is recommended being sensitive to the relevant individual motivations and values and progress agendas to attain the health improvement goals.
Keywords: motivations and values, sports, physical education, special health group students.
Background. Modern social and high education policies and practices give a high priority to the students' physical progress needs, with a special attention to the special health group needs. Surveys and analyses of the group determinations for sports have found the relevant sporting motivations and values, cognitive and operational/ progress motivations and values components. The physical education and sport motivations and values were found dominant as they are indicative of an individual genuine interest and drivers, and this is the reason why the academic physical education and sport system takes special efforts to form and
encourage the physical education and sport motivations and values. These efforts and service for the special health group students will be designed to: improve their physical and mental/ emotional health standards; facilitate their intellectual and creative progress; improve the spiritual and moral education service; develop good stress tolerance and endurance under external pressures; offer special therapeutic service for functional rehabilitation; facilitate their socializing and communicative progresses; help their health-specific adaptation; and advance their self-realization/ personality progress agendas [1, 2].
Objective of the study was to survey and analyze the physical education and sport motivations and values of the special health group students.
Methods and structure of the study. We surveyed the physical education and sport motivations and values of the special health group students using the A.V. Shaboltas Sports Motivations Survey method. We sampled for the survey the Surgut Polytechnic College's special health group students (n=40) and provisionally grouped them into Hearing Impaired Group and Somatic Diseases Group.
Results and discussion. The physical education and sport motivations and values of the special health group students may be grouped into general cultural, socio-psychological and specific ones. The general cultural motivations and values refer to the group conceptions of the ongoing socio-cultural processes in the key communities and their own potential contributions to the social life and cultures [4]. The socio-psychological motivations and values refer to the public priorities, public opinions, motives, interests, values and priorities of the relevant social groups, plus the physical education-and-sport-spe-cific social relationships. And the specific motivations and values refer to the personality progress agendas of the special health group students with the self-fulfillment, socialization, health improvement and social role/ image/ status building aspects [3]. The above grouped motivations and values altogether constitute the physical education and sport motivations and values of the special health group students. The special health group physical education and sport motivations and values survey data we obtained are given hereunder in Table 1.
The survey data showed that the Hearing Impaired Group tends to prioritize the social self-assertion, socio-emotional and success motives
- that means that the group is focused on the physical education and sports progress and prepared to take significant efforts to attain the progress goals on the way to success. These students strive to assert themselves in their communities in the physical education and sports domain by demonstrating their accomplishments and skills being determined to take leading positions in the teams or groups. Therefore, the Hearing Impaired Group was found mostly driven by the individual success motivations and striving to mobilize the own motivations and values resource as dictated by the individual progress agendas. This means that the Hearing Impaired Group students may be highly successful in the academic physical education and sports when their progress is duly encouraged.
The Somatic Diseases Group students were tested to prioritize the emotional uplift and socio-moral motives, with a special focus on the emotional return from the physical education and sports classes on the whole and from the teammates in particular. This means that they strive to establish emotional contacts with the teammates for joint progress in the physical education and sports domain. Their socio-moral motives are dominated by the team success related ones, with every Somatic Diseases Group student prepared for self-sacrificing contribution to the collective physical education and sports progress. This high commitment for constructive and emotional teamwork make the Somatic Diseases Group highly determined in academic team sports as they facilitate their motivations and values resource being fully mobilized for progress and success. It should be also emphasized that both the Hearing Impaired and Somatic Diseases Group were tested with high rational-volitional/ recreational motives and needs in physical education and sports.
Table 1. Physical education and sport motivations and values of the Hearing Impaired and Somatic Diseases Groups (Hearing Impaired Group, Somatic Diseases Group) Groups, points
Elementary motivations and values Hearing Impaired Group Somatic Diseases Group
Emotional uplift 13 14
Social self-assertion 14 13
Physical progress 13 13
Socio-emotional motives 15 11
Socio-moral motives 12 15
Success motives 15 10
Physical education and sport specific cognitive motives 14 14
Rational volitional/ recreational motives 18 18
Professional progress motives 2 1
Civil/ patriotic motives 4 2
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I December I № 12 2021
Conclusion. The survey data and analysis give us the grounds to conclude that the hearing impaired group prioritize their physical education and sports interests for individual physical education and sports progress, whilst the somatic diseases group is much more focused on the team sports with the teamwork related motivations and values. Generally physical education and sport service to special health group is recommended being sensitive to the relevant individual motivations and values and progress agendas to attain the health improvement goals.
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