Научная статья на тему 'About types of grammatical transformations'

About types of grammatical transformations Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tillayeva Shahlo Maksudovna, Kurbanova Shirin Hikmatovna

This article is about the types of grammatical transformations. In some cases a transformation can be interpreted as one or another type of elementary transformation. In practice the cited types of lexical and grammatical transformations are seldom met to combine to form complex transformations.

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Текст научной работы на тему «About types of grammatical transformations»

процессе речи высказывания устанавливается нормами сознания, но передается грамматическими приемами, выработанными каждым отдельным языком по закрепленным за ними системам синтаксических построений [5, с. 9]. Как отмечает И. И. Мещанинов, именно логические категории устанавливают общую структуру предложения [5, с. 10].

Изучать язык в его конкретной реализации и исследовать языковые средства передачи экстралингвистических явлений и ситуаций позволяет функционально-системный подход [2, с. 11].

Категория отношения есть ядро процесса познания. Отношения в языке характеризуются всеобщностью, они присущи всем уровням языка. Слова в языке оказываются связанными между собой определенными отношениями, являющимися отражением в языке тех связей, в которых находятся единицы сферы реалий и понятий [6, с. 4-5]. Любое неоднословное предложение представляет собой цепочку связанных между собой слов. Связь слов - это соединение слов, выражающее с помощью определенных средств смысловое отношение между этими словами. Термин «связь слов» используется, кроме всего прочего, как обозначение самих синтаксических отношений, выражаемых за счет соединения знаменательных слов, и как обозначение собственно формальных средств, служащих для выражения синтаксических отношений. Связь слов в предложении и в словосочетании служит для выражения синтаксических отношений между словами.

Список литературы

1. Будагов Р.А. Человек и его язык. М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1976. 429 с.

2. Власова Ю.Н. Теория языковых полей // Функционально-семантические и словообразовательные поля в лингвистике. Ростов н/Д, Изд-во РГПУ, 1998. С. 7-19.

3. Гайсина Р.М. Лексико-семантическое поле глаголов отношения в современном русском языке // Саратов: Изд-во Саратовск. ун-та, 1981. 196 с.

4. Гулыга Е.В., Шендельс Е.И. Грамматико-лексические поля в современном немецком языке // М.: «Просвещение», 1969. 184 с.

5. Мещанинов И.И. Соотношение логических и грамматических категорий // Язык и мышление. М.: Наука, 1967. С. 7-16.

6. Скиданенко Ю.Д. Типы семантических отношений в русской лексике и их отражение и идеографических словарях: Автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. М., 1984. 16 с.


'Tillayeva Shahlo Maksudovna - senior teacher; 2Kurbanova Shirin Hikmatovna - senior teachers, FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT, BUKHARA ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, BUKHARA CITY, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: this article is about the types of grammatical transformations. In some cases a transformation can be interpreted as one or another type of elementary transformation. In practice the cited types of lexical and grammatical transformations are seldom met to combine to form complex transformations.

Keywords: substitution, transposition, omission, syntactic connection, transformation, grammatical form, linguistic elements, semantic components.

In order to attain the fullest information from one language into another one is obliged to resort to numerous interlinguistic lexical and grammatical transformations. Grammatical transformations are as follows:

1) substitution;

2) transposition;

3) omission;

4) supplementation.

1. By substitution we understand the substitution of one part of speech by another or one form of a word by another. Consequently there are two kinds of substitution constituting a grammatical type of transformation: substitution of parts of speech and the grammatical form of a word. Transformation by

substitution may be necessitated by several reasons: the absence of one or another grammatical form or construction in the Target language; lack of coincidence in the use of corresponding forms and constructions as well as lexical reasons — different combinability and use of words, lack of a part of speech with the same meaning. An example of the substitution of a word-form may be the interpretation of the meaning of the grammatical category of posteriority of an English verb, which is presented in two particular meanings: absolute posteriority (He says he will come) and relative posteriority (He said he would come). Uzbek and Russian verbs do not possess word-forms of this kind and communicate their meaning with use of other grammatical means: У келишини айтяпти. Он говорит, что придет. У келишини айтди. Он сказал, что придет, in Uzbek the meaning of this category is expressed by a substantivized participle ending in-жак or by the infinitive ending in -(и)-ш; in Russian the future tense form of a verb is used.

There are two types of substitution of parts of speech: obligatory and non obligatory. The obligatory substitution is observed when in the Target language, there is no part of speech corresponding to that used in the Source language, e. g. the English articles[2].

Apart from other functions the article may function as an indefinite or demonstrative pronoun, a numeral, and may be used for emphasis, in cases of this kind it is necessary to substitute them with functionally — adequate means of expression in Uzbek and Russian.

E.g. When we were in Majorka, there was a Msr. Leech there and she was telling us most wonderful things about you. (A. Christie)

Биз Мальоркада булганимизда, у ерда кандайдир миссис Лич бор эди. У бизга Сиз тугрингизда жуда куп кизикарли нарсаларни айтиб берди.

(А Кристи). Когда мы были в Мальорке, там была некая миссис Лич, которая рассказывала очень много интересного о Вас (Л. Кристи).

In Uzbek and Russian an indefinite pronoun is used for translating the indefinite article. Non obligatory substitution is a substitution undertaken by the needs or demands of the context: The climb had been easier than he expected. Кутарилиш у кутгандан oco^o; булди. Подняться оказалось легче, чем он ожидал.

A noun in the English sentence is substituted by infinitives in the Uzbek and Russian languages.

2. «Transposition (as a type of transformation used in translations) is understood to be the change of position (order) of linguistic elements in the Target language in comparison with the Source language». Transposition is necessitated by the difference in the structure of the language (fixed or free order of words etc.), in the semantic of a sentence, and others. There are two types of transpositions; transposition of parts of a sentence and transposition occasioned by the change of types of syntactic connection in a composite sentence. In English the indefinite article, the construction it is . . . that (who), inversions of different kinds are used for this purpose, while the order of words is the most frequent means of expression in Uzbek and Russian: words, communicating new information are not placed at the beginning of the sentence: A big scarlet Rolls Royce had just stopped in front of the local post office (A. Christie). Махаллий ало;а булими олдида кизил рангдаги ката Рольз Ройс автомашинаси тухтади. У местного почтового отделения остановилась комфортабельная автомашина алого цвета Рольз Ройс. (А. Кристи).

In the English sentence the semantic core is expressed by the indefinite article while in Uzbek and Russian it is assigned to the second and third places accordingly.

When translating English compound sentences into Uzbek and Russian, the principal and subordinate clauses maybe transponed. This is explained by the fact that the order of words in compound sentences does not always coincide in the languages considered. Compare:A remarkable air of relief overspread her countenance as soon as she saw me. (R. Stevenson.) Мени куриши билано;,, унинг юзида енгил тортганлик аломати пайдо булди. Как только она увидела меня, на ее лице выразилось чувство облегчения (Р. Стивенсон).

3. As a type of grammatical transformation — omission is necessitated by grammatical redundancy of certain forms in two languages.

He raised his hand^ кулини кутарди. Он поднял руку.

4. Addition, as a type of grammatical transformation, can be met with in cases of formal inexpressiveness of grammatical or semantic components in the language of the original text. Also, there was an awkward hesitancy at times, as he essayed the new words he had learnt.

Баъзида у якиндагина урганган янги сузларини талаффуз килишга ^озирланиб, тухтаб коларди. Иногда он запинался, готовясь произнести слова, которое он только недавно выучил.

The meaning of the verbal form is expressed in Russian by the words «только недавно» and in Uzbek by the adverb «якиндагина». It must be emphasized that the division into lexical and

grammatical transformations is, to a great extent, approximate and conditional. In some cases a transformation can be interpreted as one or another type of elementary transformation.


1. Brinton E., Cruz E., Ortizy Ortiz, R. & White C. Translation Strategies. London: Macmillan, 1981.

2. Duff A. Translation, 1989. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Barhudarov. Language and translation. Moscow, 1975.

4. Levitskaya T.R and Fiterman A.M. Textbook about translation from English into Russian. M., 1973.

5. Retsker Y.I. Theory of translation and translation practice. M., 1974.


'Tillayeva Shahlo Maksudovna - senior teacher;



Abstract: this article is about some grammatical problems of translation of English sentences into Russian and Uzbek languages. It also states about the principal types of grammatical correspondence among three languages.

Keywords: synthetic character, grammatical inflections, order of words, agglutinative, predicate, correspondence, affixation, lexical, syntactic means, grammatical inflections.

Every language has a specific system which differs from that of any other. This is all the more so with respect to English, Uzbek and Russian, whose grammatical systems are typologically and genetically heterogeneous. English and Russian belong to the Germanic and Slavonic groups respectively of the Indo-European family of languages; the Uzbek language pertains to the Turkic group of the Altaic family. Concerning the morphological type both English and Russian are inflected, though the former is notable for its analytical character and the latter for its synthetic character in the main. Uzbek is an agglutinative language.

As to grammar the principal means of expression in languages possessing an analytical character (English) is the order of words and use of function words (though all the four basic grammatical means — grammatical inflections, function words, word order and intonation pattern — are found in any language) . The other two means are of secondary importance. The grammatical inflections are the principal means used in such languages as Russian and Uzbek, though the rest of grammatical means are also used but they are of less frequency than the grammatical inflections [2].

The comparison of the following examples will help to illustrate the difference between the languages considered:

The hunter killed the wolf. ввчи бурини улдирди. Охотник убил волка.

In English the order of words is fixed. The model of simple declarative sentences in this language is as follows: Subject — Predicate

This means that the subject (S) is placed in the first position and the predicate (V) — in the second position. If the predicate is expressed by a transitive verb then in the third position we find the object (O), that isS—Vtr —О.

Any violation of this order of words brings about a change or distortion of the meaning.

The corresponding Russian sentence adheres to the pattern S — Vtr — O. But it permits the transposition of the words, i. e.Oxoi^K убил волка. Волка убил охотник and so on.

The Uzbek model S — О — Vtr differs from the English and Russian models by the order of words and morphological arrangement of the object which may be marked or unmarked [3]. Compare: ввчи бурини улдирди. Овчи бури улдирди.

These patterns are not equivalent. The first allows transposition of words, which leads to stylistic marking (characteristic of poetry). Besides, the ending «НИ» expresses an additional meaning of definiteness. The second pattern does not tolerate transposition of words.

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