Научная статья на тему 'About manufacture of some «Special kind» weapon samples at Zlatoust Armory in XIX C'

About manufacture of some «Special kind» weapon samples at Zlatoust Armory in XIX C Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Kulikovskih Svetlana N.

Through all the times all peoples had special attitude to the ornamented side-arms. A sword at Europeans, as well as a sabre at peoples of the East, were honored, they were allocated with special sense that was expressed in peculiar design, form, refinement of a decor, at last, using expensive and rare materials. A history of Russian including Zlatoust side-arms art decoration is not an exception. The theme «a special kind» weapon, namely a sword, in researches of traditions of Zlatoust art metal rises for the first time. The sword was unique in respect of idea incorporated in it, assignment, ornamentation. The creative heritage of masters Zlatoust side-arms school of XIX century represents a vivid example of synthesis, organic connection in creativity of the Ural gun makers the best cultural traditions and arts of peoples of Europe and Asia. Rare samples of this kind of cold steel are submitted in expositions of famous museums of Russia and the countries of the Europe. Studying the question of appearing original products within blades manufacture of Zlatoust creates the precedent of revealing original applied art items and their inclusion in a context of the all-European and global cultural heritage.

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Текст научной работы на тему «About manufacture of some «Special kind» weapon samples at Zlatoust Armory in XIX C»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2010 3) 429-436

УДК 94(57)

About Manufacture of Some «Special Kind» Weapon Samples at Zlatoust Armory in XIX c.

Svetlana N. Kulikovskih*

South-Ural State University, 76 Lenin's, Chelyabinsk, 454080 Russia 1

Received 28.05.2010, received in revised form 4.06.2010, accepted 18.06.2010

Through all the times all peoples had special attitude to the ornamented side-arms. A sword at Europeans, as well as a sabre at peoples of the East, were honored, they were allocated with special sense that was expressed in peculiar design, form, refinement of a decor, at last, using expensive and rare materials. A history of Russian including Zlatoust side-arms art decoration is not an exception. The theme «a special kind» weapon, namely a sword, in researches of traditions of Zlatoust art metal rises for the first time. The sword was unique in respect of idea incorporated in it, assignment, ornamentation. The creative heritage of masters Zlatoust side-arms school of XIX century represents a vivid example of synthesis, organic connection in creativity of the Ural gun makers the best cultural traditions and arts ofpeoples ofEurope and Asia. Rare samples of this kind of cold steel are submitted in expositions offamous museums of Russia and the countries of the Europe. Studying the question of appearing original products within blades manufacture of Zlatoust creates the precedent of revealing original applied art items and their inclusion in a context of the all-European and global cultural heritage.

Keywords: the cold decorated arms, Zlatoust school of masters, cultural - historical traditions, a sword as «a special kind» arm.

Establishing the Armory at Zlatoust state factory1 was held with «the Highest statement in 15 day of December» 18152. The direction of activity of the enterprise new as a matter of fact was determined by prescript of March, 7, 1817, which required number of the white weapon for the army to manufacture only at Zlatoust factory (Bokov, 1913, 361). Since 1835 the factory became the unique manufacturer of a cold steel in Russia (Lyapin, 1993, 204). Manufacture of Russian blades, strictly regulated was focused here, which were in big demand by the Russian army and fleet (Kulikovskih, 2003).

Besides in the considered period the office accepted orders for manufacturing blades which differed from «Highest authorized» samples by originality in the form and special design. Basically, there were the subjects intended for the nobility, and represented real pieces of arts. However, filling in the documents at acceptance of a finished article in the arsenal or sending it to destination, bureaucrats of the Armory did not trouble themselves with the detailed description of remarkable products, specifying only on separate, most expressive either significant elements or attributes of the weapon. Thus, almost all similar

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

products of side-arms were marked as samples of «a special kind».

Among such products specially designed and embodied in a material by creative masters of Zlatoust Armory of considered period, the special place has a sword. It is pertinent to notice, that by the beginning of XIX century necessity for a sword as the fighting weapon has already disappeared. But now the sword has continued the existence as a product Zlatoust smiths, taken an exclusive place in Russian arms art.

A sword is one of the most ancient kinds of weapon; it was known to slavic peoples, the sword is mentioned by the Arabian writers and Russian historians. Presumably, the name of it occurs from Finnish «mettis» (Lents, 1895, 58). Basically, swords received the name in their place of their production or origin, for example, a sword Iberisky, Normanskiy, Russian, Scandinavian, Anglo-Scottish, German-Swiss etc. Legendary swords of the past quite often received names, as for example, Irish sword Orna or an outstanding sword of Ancient China Taie (Trubnikov, 2004, 142, 146). During studying Scythian swords researchers have revealed the most typical features of their form and ornamentation (Kokorina, 2003). Work of historian F.R. Nakov is devoted to consideration of ways forming a sword in adigeya environment (Nakov, 2004). Arguing on the form of a sword, researcher S.A. Shumov testifies to its connection with knights, thus informs that «genetically the sword of Middle Ages is not connected with antique forms of a sword, and goes from German or gallic spatha» (Shumov, 2003, 13). In the second half of XVII centuries the sword has lost the fighting purpose but was kept only as a symbol of authority and justice (Kulinskij, 2003, 59). A sword as the original kind of a cold steel, as if accumulated moral-ethical principles of a soldier-defender, the defender of honour and valour that has found art expression in an aesthetics of its monumental form and a

decor. Agonal request of Genrich Geione in this connection is clear to put on its coffin a sword as he «valorously battled for freedom of mankind» (Burton, 2005, 7).

The first mention of a sword manufactured in Zlatoust concerns to 1819. The matter is that in the list decorated and sent that year in capital of the weapon there is a «Roman sword»3. According to the sheet, «the Roman sword» is made in the single copy, cost of which s determined in 442 rubles of 12 kopecks. For comparison, for example, a blade of special kind with gilded top, a hilt from an ivory with diamonds, as well as another blade with Trojan battle are evaluated only in 364 rubles 50 kopecks (Kulikovskih, 2006, 217-218).

The unknown accountant of the Armory has noted the copper gilt hilt of «a special kind» mentioned sword. Sheath and a grip of the handle was ornamented with the decorative overlays executed from an ivory, the metal sheath is gilt4. The description of the form of a subject is absent, but as the sword is named «Roman» also the prototype is necessary to search in antiquity. It is known, that similar swords in XIX century «had characteristic for epoch of a classicism of the form of Romance antique swords» (Kulinskij, 2003, 59). Thus, made in the Ural «the Roman sword» had the form of traditional swords of legionaries (Vinkler, 1992, 66). The Ural masters, following requirements of style and traditions Zlatoust school, have introduced solemnity and splendor in ornamentation.

Original products of the Ural gun makers did not remain unnoticed. It is known, that at the First industrial exhibition of 1829 in St. Petersburg Zlatoust product have made one of most remarkable expositions in which «the sword in sheath from an ivory» (Denisova, 1947, 217) also was included.

Mention of «the Roman sword» it is met in 1834 when masters of the Armory after four

years of laborious work have finished so-called «Ancient arms» (Glinkin, 1967, 11) intended for cesarevitch Alexander Nikolaevich). The magnificent ensemble of «Ancient arms» consist of an armor on a breast part, a helmet with closed visor, oversleeves, kneecaps, a board, a spear and «the Roman sword».

On one side of the blade sword the god of war Mars, on the other the Minerva is represented. The handle of a hilt represents the topped Authority, under it - ancient wallbreaker and two sleeping lions who symbolize fearlessness and a fortress, the image of a monogram of cesarevitch Alexander Nikolaevich in the same place. According to «the Description to an amour and ancient arms», prepared in conditions of Zlatoust armory, «the Roman sword» is dated 1817 (Kulikovskih, 2006, 221). As in decoration of a sword there is no such expensive material as an ivory that we don't talk about the second copy above mentioned «the Roman sword». Probably «the Roman sword» to «Ancient arms» is the other weapon of «a special kind» which waited for its time.

To sword set had also a shield made in 1816, «in the middle of which there is Minerva with a shield and Nika in hands (the goddess of war and wisdom) . Around there is armature from ancient military arms and tools»5. Subjects are ornamented in classical style, the decor is executed in traditions of Zlatoust school of art metal (Kulikovskih, Chumanov, 2007). «The Special order» was executed and sent by the Ural masters in the Museum of the Mines institute and then for exhibition in the Imperial Hermitage (Glinkin, 1967, 57). In 1930 «the Ancient arms» was returned to Zlatoust. According to the act of transfer, number 44 the Sword to an armour (№ 268) with initials on a cross section «A.N.», in sheath»6.

Elements of decorative ornamentation of the set have inspired artists-engravers of Zlatoust factory of the first third XIX century to create of a

lot of products of weapon art (Kulikovskih, 2006, vol. 4,152-160). Manufacturing by local masters of a similar sort of unique subjects testifies to a high degree of skill and art perfection.

The continuous exchange with the East has resulted, that it is quite obvious, in subjects of the weapon and arms (Denisova, 1962, 397-410). Training in 1833-1834 years in the weapon centers of Caucasus, in particular, at Tiffliss masters Eliarovyh (Polarnaja, Tumanova, 2001, 10), has influenced creativity of Zlatoust gun makers of XIX century. After returning from business trip, as the report, Vasily Juzhakov and Charles Vol'ferts were obliged to prepare, the «their own» weapon, thus to observe technology to sustain style and a manner of east masters7 . Blades of sabers «on manners» of Turkish, Circassian, Arabian, Georgian have executed from Damask steel prepared in a way invented by P.P. Anosov (Kulikovskih, 2001). In an arsenal of the Armory a lot of much side-arms «a special kind» were delivered and a treasury of weapon art was enlarged by sabers of Eastern type «on mamelyuk manners», «on turkish manners» Asian sabers and so forth.

Among all variety of mentioned blades in «Lists about preparation of the arms» there is a sabre «on the manner of an ancient Egyptian sword»8. It is marked, that blade is casted from steel, iron and Turkish black metal, the blade is decorated with etched figure. The Steel hilt is decorated with a notch with the image of the Russian coat-of-arms and a monogram of emperor. The handle is made of ivory with cutting, sheath of sabers are pasted over with red morocco and decorated with metal superimposed elements. As we see, for demonstration of the skill Zlatoust gun-makers have selected the weapon of the unusual and complex form that demanded a certain experience, knowledge and boldness in realization conceived.

As is known, the majority of the arms went to Ancient Egypt from Asia and quite often acted as a tribute. They were sickles, swords, daggers (Gnedich, 1997, 41). In the tombs of pharaohs they found also sabers with the big curved blades -khopesh under which «Egyptians understood a sort of sword with a curved blade inserted in the handle from wood, elk horns or an ivory» (fon Vinkler 1992, 30, 32). Appearance of Egyptian khopesh or hopesh in the beginnings of XIX century belonging to vice-admiral of the Russian fleet N.N. Matusevich (Sukhanov, 2000, 38, 39), corresponds to the historical description above mentioned. Probably, the saber «on manners of an ancient Egyptian sword» corresponded to these examples that allows us to correlate created in conditions Zlatoust Armory of XIX century blade of «a special kind» from its Ancient Egyptian prototype - hopesh.

The sword executed by masters of Zlatoust Armory was intended for a present to «High persons»9. The destiny of a remarkable sword in art advantages «on manners of ancient Egyptian» is not known yet. However, the keeper of assembly of arms collection of Imperial Hermitage E. Lents mentioned a sword and the sabre made in the St.-Petersburg Institute of technology by master Juzhakov, «blades of welding Damascus» (Lents, 1915, 91). We believe, the question is other remarkable subjects executed by the talented Ural gun-maker. Certainly, the given facts only started the research which will open a new page in a history of unique manufacture of Zlatoust Armory and creative activity of its masters.

During a theme of manufacture side-arms of «a special kind», we believe, pertinently to present two more original samples. One of them a saber «on Asian manners» made by Vasily Juzhakov and his colleagues. Its exclusiveness is, that it has two blades «from which one is included into the other, made of iron of Zlatoust factory and from turkish black metal, in the way

of Eliarovs masters». Both blades are etched, a hilt is steel, the handle is from an ivory, sheath are pasted over with a crimson velvet with the metal device or a frame. It is remarkable, that the design of a similar sabers was known to Zlatoust smiths even earlier: in 1824 the saber with two blades was made by I.N. Bushuev. Now it is in the collection of the State Hermitage (Miller, 2000, 147-149).

The second saber of «a special kind» is not less remarkable. The matter is that in 1837 the successor of a throne cesarevitch Alexander Nikolaevich made a trip along the provinces of the Urals and Siberia. The «High» delegation has visited Zlatoust factory and the Armory which it is serviceable within two decades filled up the Russian arsenals with the qualitative regular and superb decorated cold steel. In the Arsenal of the Armory «some pieces different damask arms» (Bokov, 1904, 31) were presented to the visitors. Among the presented subjects there was an original saber of eastern type with doubled blade known as «a sword Zulfakar».

The remarkable sample of a turkish saber is «a sword zulfakar» from assembly of the Military-historical museum of artillery (Kulinskij, 2004, 144) is known. Flameshaped dask blade of a saber is doubled in the third bottom that is prominent feature of the given type of the arms. The part of a blade opposite to an edge, on both external parts is decorated with the gold stalk finishing by gracefully bent head of a flower. It is remarkable, that the same element is used by Zlatoust master Vasily Juzhakov in decoration of a saber which is included nowadays into assembly of Tsarskosel'skiy Arsenal (Fajbisovich, Bardovskaja, 2000, 83, 124). The sword of the Ural master, undoubtedly, imitates the forms of sacred weapon of the founder of an Islam, but its steel surface is decorated with Christian symbols -«All-seeing eye» decorate, an anchor and a cross. On left part the inscription is engraved: «Honor

and Fatherland» (Fajbisovich, Bardovskaja, 2000, 14-15).

All consignment of Zlatoust «eastern» arms is sent to Saint Petersburg with last autumn caravan of gold. The basic part of products is handed to a collection of its Imperial Majesty, three subjects are left at Minister of Finance, and other eleven sabers are handed into the Museum of Mines Institute10. In 1837 the samples of Russian damask steel - two sabers and one Circassia saber are presented to emperor Nikolay I (Glavatskij, 1999, 64).

As we see, the activity of well-known Russian arms centre that became already in first half XIX centuries Zlatoust Armory is connected not only with manufacture of the uniform arms for needs of army and fleet. The magnificent decorated side-arms and the subjects of arms created in conditions of factory by its remarkable masters, smiths and artists - engravers to no small degree promoted formation of this image. Among the big variety of cold decorated steel other products of weapon art deserve attention and studying also. In them centuries-old ways of development of a history, cultural traditions of many peoples are synthesized. With appearance in Zlatoust arms art of such kind of the arms as a sword an applied art were enriched with new products, and traditions of Zlatoust arms school included new forms, have found reflection peculiarities of West-European and eastern technology and ornamentation. The Ural masters avoided a formalistic approach, every time introduced own author's vision. Keeping the general features of similarity to a prototype, the ornamentation informed a product the new contents, filling with other sounding general style of an item. The Ural smiths in spite of the fact that manufacture developed in conditions of industrial production, have created a really unique kind of art (Pavlovskij, 1975, 79).

Again to creation of samples of «a special kind», craftsmen of Zlatoust have addressed only in the middle of XX century. Now appearance of monumental product of arms art - a sword -symbol was connected to a real event of Russian history. So, within Great Patriotic war leading artist-engraver A.I. Boronnikov has made the order of Kirov factory - a sword of the Victory to liberators of Leningrad (Grijer, Samoilov, Yachmenoyv, 1994, 57). The memorable swords made by G.M. Bersenev in 1958 were on display in the International exhibition in the Bulgarian Plovdiv (Glinkin, 1967, 23; Kulikovskih, Nagajev, 2004, 110). In 1995, masters of Zlatoust have immortalized the anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic war, having established in the Memorial museum on Poklonnaya mountain (Moscow) the Shield and the Sword of the Victory (Kulikovskih, Fokina, 2007, 116-117).

Thus, tradition of Zlatoust arms school of the first third XIX century apprehended the best cultural traditions of masters of the East and West, by remarkable image were embodied in original products of arms art. The products of the Ural arms makers which have made in XIX century certain assembly of samples of «a special kind», as a matter of fact, represent rare on the art, cultural and historical importance items. The analysis of isolated historical certificates of researchers, attraction of not published before archival materials, have allowed to present technical opportunities of the unique enterprise and to note achievements of its masters. Created at Zlatoust Armor of XIX century of arms art items distinguishes adherence to traditions of local weapon school which during two centuries of existence has absorbed the best cultural traditions of art metal working of the known weapon centers of Europe and Asia, has generated own aesthetic, technological and art-decorative principles.


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V.A. Lyapin, Unique manufacture of a cold steel on Ural, Preservation of an industrial heritage: World (global) experience and the Russian problems / Materials of International scientific conference TICCIH (Nizhnij Tagil - Ekaterinburg, 1993), 204-209. - (in Russian and English).

S.N. Kulikovskih, Production of Zlatoust Armory in the period of its establishiong (1815-1820-е), Southern Ural in destiny of Russia: Materials of the All-Russia scientific - practical conference (Chelyabinsk, 2003), 69-72. - (in Russian).

E. Lents, The inventory of assembly of the weapon S.D. Sheremeteva's column: With the appendix of 26phototypical tables (St.-Petersburg, 1895). - (in Russian).

B.G. Trubnikov, A cold steel: the Dictionary the directory (St-Petersburg, 2004). - (in Russian).

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F.R. Nakov, Circassian (adigey) bladearms. Dis. ... cand. hist. Sciences (Nalchik, 2004). - (in Russian).

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A.N. Kulinskij, European cold arms (St.-Petersburg, 2003). - (in Russian and in English).

R.F. Berton, Book ofswords = The Book of the Smord: the cold Steel through millennia (Moscow, 2005). - (in Russian).

S.N. Kulikovskih, Zlatoust school of the author's cold decorated steel. Establishing and development (1815-1860) ( Chelyabinsk, 2006). - (in Russian).

P.P. fon Vinkler, Background of management to a history, the description and the invention of the manual arms from most ancient times prior to the beginning of XIX century (Moscow, 1992). - (in Russian).

M.M. Denisova, Art the weapon of XIX century of Zlatoust Armory, Works of the State Historical museum (Moskow, 1947), vol. 18, 207-251. - (in Russian).

M.D. Glinkin, Zlatoust engraving on steel (Chelyabinsk, 1967). - (in Russian).

S.N. Kulikovskih, V.I. Chumanov, Engraving of Zlatoust - a kind of the fine arts and engineering of dressing blades, Design. Materials. Technology (St.-Petersburg, 2007), vol. 1(2), 81-84. - (in Russian).

S.N. Kulikovskih, Klinki with «figures» of first thirdXIX in., Culture and art in monuments and researches (Chelyabinsk, 2006), vol.4, 152-160. - (in Russian).

M.M. Denisova, Art an armour and the weapon, Russian decorative art from the most ancient period up to XVIII in. (Moskow, 1962), vol. 1, 397-410. - (in Russian).

Z.A. Poljarnaja, K.V. Tumanova, Formation of a collection of a cold steel in the Mountain museum of the College of mines in the period since 1819 for 50th XIX in., Modern life of the ancient weapon: the Second Tsarskoselski seminar (St.-Petersburg, 2001), 9-10. - (in Russian).

S.N. Kulikovskih, Klinki of metallurgist Anosov - synthesis of a science, art and craft, Modern life of the ancient weapon: the Second Tsarskoselski seminar (St.-Petersburg, 2001), 13-16. - (in Russian).

P.P. Gnedich, A world history arts (Moskow, 1997). - (in Russian).

I.P. Suhanov, Art the weapon. Masterpieces of the Sea museum of Russia (St.-Petersburg, 2000). -(in Russian).

E.E. Lents, Imperial the Hermitage. The brief guidebook to assembly of the weapon in branch of Middle Ages and Renaissance (Petrograd, 1915). - (in Russian).

Juri A. Miller, Stahl. Glanz. Gold (Münster: Ardey-Verlag, 2000). - (in German ). V. Bokov, Poseshchenie's sides the highest persons Zlatoustovskih of state mountain factories (Ufa, 1904). - (in Russian).

A.N. Kulinskij, Private of a collection of the weapon in pre-revolutionary Russia (Moskow, 2004). - (in Russian).

V.M. Fajbisovich, L.V. Bardovskaja, Tsarskoselski Arsenal (St.-Petersburg, 2000). - (in Russian and in English).

M.E. Glavatskij, The general from metallurgy Paul Anosov (Ekaterinburg, 1999). - (in Russian).

B.V. Pavlovskij, Arts and crafts of industrial Ural (Moskow, 1975). - (in Russian).

O.M. Grier, B.S. Samojlov, V.A. Jachmenev, Engraving on steel from Zlatoust (Chelyabinsk, 1994). - (in Russian).

S.N. Kulikovskih, A.V. Nagaev, G.M. Bersenev - master Zlatoustovskoj of school of art metal of XX century, Culture and art in monuments and researches (Chelyabinsk, 2004), vol.3, 107-117. - (in Russian).

S.N. Kulikovskih, V.A. Fokina, Image of a cross and his(its) embodiment in an art cold steel of Zlatoust, Traditions and innovations in domestic spiritual culture (Chelyabinsk, 2007), 111-117. - (in Russian).

List of abbreviations

AVIMA- Archive of the Military-historical museum of artillery, engineering armies and armies of communication(connection)

ZGAO - Archival department of administration of Zlatoust ASH - Archive of State Hermitage * E-mail address: [email protected]

1. AVIMA. Ф. 3. Оп. 5/7. Д. 1. Л. 140.

2. ZGAO. Ф. И24. Оп. 1. Д. 1283. Л. 213

3. ZGAO. Ф.24. Оп. 1. Д. 161. Л. 442 about.

4. ZGAO . Ф. And 24. Оп. 1. Д. 161. Л. 442 about.

5. ZGAO. Ф. And 24. Оп. 1. Д. 559. Л. 10 about.

6. ASH. Ф. 1. Оп. V. Д. 1039. Л. 231 about. 1929-1930.

7. ZGAO. Ф. And 24. Оп. 1. Д. 537. Л. 21-21 about.

8. ZGAO. Ф. And 24. Оп. 1. Д. 537. Л. 21 about.

9. ZGAO. Ф. И24. Оп. 1. Д. 559. Л. 39.

10. ZGAO. Ф. And 24. Оп. 1. Д. 559. Л. 60-60 about., 71-72 about.

О производстве некоторых образцов оружия «особого вида»

на Златоустовской оружейной фабрике в XIX в.

С. Н. Куликовских

Южно-Уральский государственный университет, Россия 454080, Челябинск, пр. Ленина, 76

Во все времена у всех народов к украшенному оружию было особое отношение. Меч у европейцев, как и сабля у народов Востока, почитались, их наделяли особым смыслом, что находило выражение в особенностях конструкции, формы, изысканности декора, наконец, привлечении дорогих и редких материалов. История отечественного, в том числе златоустовского, оружейного искусства не исключение. Тема оружия «особого вида», а именно меча, в исследовании традиций художественного металла Златоуста поднимается впервые. Меч был неповторим по заложенной в нем идее, назначению, убранству, принадлежности. Творческое наследие мастеров Златоустовской оружейной школы XIX века представляет собой яркий пример синтеза, органичного соединения в творчестве уральских оружейников лучших культурных традиций и искусства народов Европы и Азии. Редкие образцы этого вида холодного оружия представлены в экспозициях ведущих музеев России и стран Европы. Изучение вопроса появления оригинальных изделий в условиях оружейного производства Златоуста создает прецедент выявления подлинных произведений прикладного искусства и включения их в контекст общеевропейского и мирового культурного наследия.

Ключевые слова: холодное украшенное оружие, Златоустовская школа мастеров, культурно-исторические традиции, меч как «особый вид» оружия.

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