U. Inoyatov
The article proposes a methodology for assessing quality using pedagogical and educational settings, criteria, and criteria that are outside the sphere of education. This reveals the essence of innovation activities methodology as a system of methods by which the strategy for innovation, including the system of necessary factors, conditions, methods and mechanisms is developed.
Key words: education quality, educational needs, assessment system, assessment criteria, and mechanisms of education quality management.
The major problem of modernization of lifelong education is to improve quality. Such a problem reflects the typical process of social and economic, scientific and technical development. Changes in the educational needs and conditions of their implementations require greater attention for the quality of education. The quality-related problem appears in conflict with the up-to-date needs of production, economics and society, and an education system that does not always and in all ways comply with such needs. Therewith, the statement by R. Kh. Dzurayev that “the education system, being a social, as well as open system, cannot be affected by all social and economic factors” is reasonable. Thus, study of education problems involves the problems of other social spheres” [1].
In light of modern community development trends and the need for management of all such changes, the essence is that the basic resource of such changes is a human potential that, in turn, is to be determined by education. Present day society is in need not of a good worker, but of a well-educated specialist meeting the up-to-date requirements. Under these conditions education shall provide for good training of youth for life in a changing society, with upbringing of responsibility for global decision-making, and development of readiness of a young person to choose his or her way in life. The quality of education is determined not based on the quality of domain knowledge, but also based on the quality of the personal, worldview, and civil development of the younger generation. It is its main common value. Thus, it is obvious that the quality of education shall be assessed not by using pedagogical and educational settings, and criteria, but also by using criteria that are outside the sphere of education. “The quality of education cannot and shall not be considered based on educational settings only, since education is a wide social and economic, social and cultural category” [3].
Today, the idea and philosophy of the quality of lifelong education is of the great importance. It is not just about practical, but also about understandable problems of the quality of education. From the point of view of the systematic approach, quality is to be considered as balance of the target and the result. Education is always focused on the quality as an ideal of whatever kind - the ideal result of education. In terms of various methodological approaches and frameworks, the quality of education will be filled with various contents depending
on the presence of the target and the result of education. If speaking about the quality of education, this means, firstly, a theoretical basis, i.e. the level of knowledge acquisition by subjects, and the ability to solve not just standard, but also creative tasks. The quality of knowledge is a formed and understandable system of concepts by the course supposed for the level of relevant brain building. It is also important to include the standard of the quality of education in the system of developing the ability of the student to perform activities, and the level of reflection in self-organization of the activity performed.
Thus, the quality of lifelong education is determined not only by the quantity and quality of knowledge, but also by the quality of personal, moral, and civil development of the younger generations. And this is the main common value.
Thus, it is not a surprise that this poses the question which pedagogical theory may be treated as the methodological and worldview basis of lifelong education, and to which criteria shall it comply?
The methodology of innovation activity is a system of approaches through which the innovation strategy is to be formed, including the system of required factors, conditions, methods, and mechanisms. According to V.V. Kraevsky: “pedagogical methodology is a system of knowledge of structure of pedagogical theory, approach principles and ways of knowledge acquisition reflecting pedagogical reality, as well as a system of activity for acquiring such knowledge and justification of programs, logic, method and quality assessment” [2].
The methodology of education quality assessment includes all aspects of assessment and analytics related activities, among which: (a) setting targets, defining a methodological approach (as a rule, based on dynamic analysis methods of changing student features); (b) developing logistics and mathematical models; (c) choosing the method of information collection and analysis (basically according to the theory of pedagogical dimensions and statistical methods that include extensive use of quality expert evaluation); (d) developing reach design; (e) defining the methods of data processing and interpretation in the process of analysis for making any management decisions for the purposes of improving the quality of education.
The education quality assessment has external managerial and internal educational targets. Implementing targets of the first group, the education quality assessment helps the governing bodies to carry out comparative analysis of the quality of education, to reasonably distribute the resources. The education quality assessment system includes: assessment levels; objects of quality management and their assessment; the subject of assessment; assessment criteria and factors; assessment method; assessment arrangement; and motivational sets of education quality management based on their assessment. The education quality assessment is carried out based on the system of factors and indicators characterizing basic aspects of education system activity (result quality, condition quality and process quality).
Generally, the system of lifelong education assessment is a required item of up-to-date education systems; many modern educational problems cannot be settled without it.
1. Джураев Р. Х. Организационно-педагогические основы интенсификации системы профессиональной подготовки в учебных заведениях профессионального образования: дис. ... д-ра пед. наук. - СПб.: 1995. - 292 с.
2. Краевский В.В. Методология педагогики: прошлое и настоящее // Педагогика, 2002. № 1. - С. 3-10.
3. Управление качеством образования / под ред. М.М. Поташника. - М., 2000. - С. 99-100.
Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas