Easwari Engineering College, Chennai.
Employee training and development is acritical issue for organizations to maintain a skilledand experienced workforce. Less training rates can lead to decreased productivity, increased costs, and a negative impact on company morale. The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that importance of employee training and development and identify strategies that can beimplemented to improve the same . The studyutilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative data collectionmethods. The sample size of study consists of 120employees in F&B sector, Chennai. A total of 21 questionnaire have been distributed to the employees in Chennai. For data analysis,Descriptive analysis, One Sample t- test, Correlation, One Way Anova, Chi - square test was explored to analyze the data.
Keywords Training, development, upskill,knowledge, upskills, food and beverages.
Employee Training and development is a critical challenge that many organizations facein today's competitive business environment skilled and experienced employees is essential to maintain a high level of productivity, reduce recruitment and wastage costs, and ensure continuity in business operations, Low training and development can adversely affect organizational performance, morale, andreputation. Therefore, it is important for organizations to identify the importance and influence employee training and develop effectivestrategies.
Employee training is a significant need that organizations face in today's competitive business environment. Training refers to the ability of organizations to upskill their employees for a longer duration, which can have a direct impact on organizational performance. Employee training is essential for organizations to maintain productivity, maintain a stable workforce, and saveon the costs associated with employee turnover.
There are several challenges that organizations face in training employees. These challenges may include factors such as low job satisfaction, poor organizational culture, lack of career development opportunities, inadequate compensation and benefits, and poor management practices. Consequently, organizations need to understand the factors that influence employee training and to identify the strategies that they canuse to improve training.
The need for this study on employee training arises from the fact that employee turnover rates can have a significant impact on an organization's productivity, morale, and profitability. Less training can lead to decreased productivity, increased recruitment and trainingcosts, and reduced morale among the remaining employees. Additionally, organizations that experience Less training may find it challenging to maintain a consistent level of quality in their products or services.
The scope of this study is to explore the factors that importance of employee training and to identify effective training strategies. The study will examine the experiences of employees and managers in various organizations across differentindustries. The study will be limited to a particular sector or industry but will instead provide insights into employee training practices across single industries.
In the current cutthroat competition scenario, should every employee must be given relevant training and development to upskill them and achieve the organizational goals. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE:
To identify the importance of employee keepingthe best employees in the company. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE:
❖ To identify the factors that influence employee training and development in F&B sectors
❖ To evaluate the impact of training on employees.
❖ To analyze the suggestion of employees toimprove the training program.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Research methodology is a systematicmethod to solve a problem, which explains how research is to be carried out. It involves describingthe problem, explaining and predicting the phenomena, by which the answer to the problem isfound out. Research methodology is also defined as the study of methods by which knowledge is gained. It aims to give the work plan of research. The questionnaire was sent to the employees of F&B sector Chennai, out of which the respondentswere 120 responded. In the Likert Scaling method,the respondent indicates
degree of agreement or disagreement with a varietyof statements. A Likert scale typically holds an odd number of options, usually 5 to 7.
❖ The time component might beregarded as the key constraint.
❖ The respondent's perspective, which is completely dependent on the data, may beskewed.
❖ It had been challenging to please the respondents and get information because they were preoccupied with their jobs.
❖ For the study, fewerrespondents are collected.
❖ Klara Nelson: Reveals substantial connections between three key knowledge management (KM) design factors and the perception of knowledge worker training across 150 firms.
❖ Toy. R (2008): Reviewed a thorough and useful resource for all managers and HR specialists who desire to keep crucial talent in their company. Calculating attrition costs and developing strong training strategies.
❖ Keith Mcllvane (2011):. The workplace culture comprises peer relationships, open communication, demanding work, proactive thinking, teamwork, and co-ordination. Positive workplace culture helps employees tostay with the company.
❖ Bidisha Lahkar Das, Dr. Mukulesh Baruah (2013): In this review study, several studies that have been conducted on employee training were analyzed.. The researchers came to the conclusion that there is still much room for research in the area of employee training , taking into account aspects like pay practices, leadership and supervision, career planning and development, flexible work schedules, alternative work schedules, working conditions, etc.
❖ Muppuri. Nagabhaskar (2014): This theoretical essay looked at the motivationalelements that affect employee training and considered how they affect both businesses andworkers.
❖ Doug Lawrence (2017): The biggest issuefacing businesses worldwide is employeeturnover, which is expected to increase by 23%between 2013 and 2018. Together with theleadership style, mentoring is a strategy that may be used.
Summarized data analysis table for eightcomponents are given below. For the each attributes different questions were framed and collected the opinion of respondents.
yes no maybe
adequate training provided for workers in the food and beverage industry 1-2 hours 26 25 12 63
2-3 hours 7 11 14 32
3-4 hours 7 5 5 18
4+ hours 3 2 2 7
Total 43 44 33 120
Above table shows that relationship between employees and management is most important component toincrease training of employees in the organization.
According tothe overall analysis mostof the employees have strongly accepted the importance of Training of the organization in employee training. They are happy with the organization.
H0: There is no significant H1: There is a significant association between how often employees receive training and adequate training provided for workers in the food and beverage industry association between how often employees receive training and adequate training provided for workers in the food and beverage industry correlated with each other, as indicated by the correlation coefficients ranging from 0.435 to 0.628. In this case, all three correlation coefficients have a p-value of less than 0.01 (i.e., p < 0.01), which means that the correlations are statistically significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Since the p-value for each correlation coefficient is less than 0.01, we can reject the null hypothesis for all threecorrelations. This means that we can conclude thatthere is a statistically significant positivecorrelation between each pair of variables. Therefore, the null hypothesis is not accepted.
Value df Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 17.000a 9 0.049
Likelihood Ratio 17.975 9 0.035
Linear-by-Linear 13.158 1 0
N of Valid Cases 120
❖ It is inferred that 63.3% of the respondents are Male, 36.7% of the respondents are Female.
❖ It is inferred that 50% of respondents lie between the age group of 18-24, 23.3 % of the respondents lies between 25-30. ofage group.
❖ It is inferred that 53.3 % of the employees in the food and beverageindustry have 0-2 years experience 23.3% had 2-4 years experience 20.0% of the respondents had 4-6 years experience and 3.4 percentage of the respondents had above 6years of experience.
The p-value for each correlation coefficient is less than 0.01, we can reject the null hypothesis for all three correlations. This means that we can conclude that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between each pair of variables.Therefore, the null hypothesis is not accepted.
In conclusion, the study on employee training and development in F&B industry highlights the importance of implementing effective strategies to engage employees and promote their job satisfaction and overall well-being. The research found that employees who feel training and development for their contributions are more engaged and motivated, leading to increased productivityand better performance outcomes for the organization. Furthermore, the study suggests that incorporating meaningful training and development such as on the same. The results of the study indicate that employees highly value training and development programs, which can significantly improve employee engagement and overall organizational performance.
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