1Professor and Head, MBA Department
SRM Easwari Engg. College Ramapuram, Chennai-89
2II nd year, MBA Department SRM Easwari Engg. College Ramapuram, Chennai
3II nd year, MBA Department SRM Easwari Engg. College Ramapuram, Chennai
4II nd year, MBA Department SRM Easwari Engg. College Ramapuram, Chennai
5II nd year, MBA Department SRM Easwari Engg. College Ramapuram, Chennai - 89
Abstract-This study observes and analyses the work-life balance being handled by the employeesin Alltechz Solutions Pvt Ltd. It is discovered that there are several elements, many of which arelinked, which tip the scales in favour of work over family life. Achieving work-life harmony is indispensable for the welfare of employees as well as the organization they belong to. This can be ensured by balancing career life and personal life to a certain extent. This study vividly exposes the need for work-life balance by individually analysing the factors that affect or affect the balance. This comprehensive research has made recommendations for improving workers' work-life balance (WLB) for the benefit of both the workforce and the firm used as a subject of study.
Keywords-Employees, work-life balance
The importance of WLB has grown as a concern for workers' health. Organizations strive to increase output in order to increase profit. Organizations must concentrate on their whole management structure in order to optimize profits over the long term. The most important resource for the organization to concentrate on is human resources in this context. The primary factors thatdetermine an organization's ability to expand depend on the health and contentment of its workforce. As a result, the idea of WLB has gained popularity. This may be brought on by the complexity of work rising, the need for greater specialization, the need for greater effectiveness and productivity, the engagement of women in the workforce in the service industry, and the escalating market competitiveness. At the same time, ignoring the employees' responsibilities towards family and society, as well as their personal traits, will bring adverse effects.
Luz de la cal, Elena Martinez-Tola, Mertxel, Yolanada Jubeto, Arranaga, (2019): Five hundred and three private organizations participate in the project. The study's objective is to assess how corporate characteristics and WLB (Work-Life Balance) policies adopted by firms relate to one another. Analysis of gender equality in relation to WLB strategies is a secondary goal.
NuriaMatilla-Santander, Cristina Lidón Moyano, José M. Martínez Sanchez, Adrián González- Marrón, Juan Carlos Martin-Sanchez, and Kailey Bunch (2019): The study's goal is to discover how job satisfaction and the effect of working hours on WLB are related. In contrast, due to theirlonger workweeks, women are more worn out. Working hours and WLB have a strong correlation.The degree of satisfaction with working hours and WLB in Europe appears to be high. However, there are some differences based on gender and age.
Patricia C. Meloa, JiaqiGe, Tony Craig, and Ines Thronicker & Mark J. Brewer, (2018): An intriguing study linking pro-environmental behaviours to work-life balance was conducted.Personal dedication to environmental sustainability is what is meant by pro-environmental behaviour. The main
determinants of an individual's pro-environmental behaviour are their attitude toward the environment, age, educational background, family income, and childcare.
Peter Holland (2019): The research is carried out in the medical field. Workload affects both the intention to quit and how the company views its welfare programs for its employees. The use of HIWPs ("High Involvement Work Practices") in the company is the study's main emphasis. The goal of HIWP is to systematically eradicate the professionals' pessimistic mindset. Work-life balance is negatively impacted by workload. Organizations have a bigger role in analyzing the amount of work that people are carrying.
Xiaoxia Sun (2019): Entrepreneurs in the hotel and tourist industries participated in the survey to examine their patterns of work-life balance. Many business owners moved into that sector. Havingto leave their city-based families behind to work in another region has a significant psychologicalimpact. Even yet, they manage to balance work and life by hiring dependable people, so they aredelighted with their employment. They have chosen trusted friends and family members to serve as the authorities. In this case, business is a way of life rather than a job. This research talks abouthow entrepreneurs should control their boundaries.
Kiecolt (2003) found that those who consider working a haven spend more hours at work than those working from home.
Borah observed that employees' positive attitudes toward their carrier would increase the productivity of the company. Employees' physical and mental health will definitely affect job satisfaction and performance.
Jane Sturges, David Guest (2004): Analytical study was done on the commitments of graduates in their carrier beyond working hours and the adverse effect on work-life balance.
This study's main objective is to examine the work-life balance at AllTechz Solutions PVT LTD. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES
1. "To identify the factors affecting work-life balance and its effect on employee's productivity.
2. To examine the existing system of work-life balance of employees.
3. To understand the challenges they face and the type of coping strategy they use to achieve work-life balance.
4. To know how to maintain a balance in work life and personal life."
5. To provide suggestion and recommendation for Alltechz solutions.
Primary and secondary data sources are used to accomplish the study's goals. The survey was compiled and distributed to all potential participants. Survey responses are gathered through google forms. There are both multiple-choice and dichotomous items in the questionnaire. This project utilized the descriptive research method as its research strategy. It speaks about the kindof research question, design, and data analysis that will be utilized on a specific subject.
Sample Design
The sample design is the smaller framework within a larger structure which shows how the finaldata will be collected. It gives an insight into how the actual survey will be performed and also affects other areas of content needed to create a properly functioning survey, like, say, the number of questions or what features it should have. A sample design can come in all shapes and sizes, from one that is complex to one that is rather simple; it all depends on what sort of information we are looking for.
Sample size
The sample size is 120 - employees in the organization. Convenient sample is a method used when samples are taken from a group of people that are easy to contact or reach.
Questionnaires are prepared and issued to the employees. The required data is collected. SPSS is used for analyzing the data. CHI-AQUARE Analysis, correlation, One-way ANOVA test, andT-test are the tools used to examine the objectives. In this study,120 employees of a private firmwere surveyed individually through a Google form.
1 18 to 25 33 27.5
2 26 to 35 53 44.2
3 36 to 45 27 22.5
4 46+ 7 5.8
Total 120 100
The table mentioned above shows that 27.5% of the participants are 18-25yrs, 44.2% of the respondents are 26-35yrs, 22.5% of the respondents are 36-45yrs, and 5.8% of the respondentsare 46 and above yrs.
Table 2: Gender
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage
Female 49 40.8
Male 71 59.2
Total 120 100%
The above table shows that 49 percent are male participants and 40.8 percent are female participants.
Table 3: Salary
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage
10,000-15,000 2 1.7
16,000-20,000 23 19.2
21,000-25,000 43 35.8
31,000-35,000 26 21.7
>35,000 26 21.7
Total 120 100%
Chart Title
P Woof Respondents Percentage
43 35.8 ÎÊ 21.7 26 21.7
2 1.7
^V V -J1
INFERENCE: From the above table of the salary of the respondents, it is inferred that 1.7% of the respondents' salary is Rs10,000-15,000, 19.2% of the respondents' is16,000-20,000, 35.8% of the respondents' is 31,000-35,000 and 21.7% of the respondents draws the salary of>35,000.
The work schedule allows spending time with friends and family is dependent, and age is independent
"H0-There is no significant relationship between Age and the work schedule; allow spending time
with family and friends.
H1-There is a significant relationship between Age and the work schedule allows spendingtime with family and friends."
Table 4.1 Distribution of respondents by their response for :work schedule allow spending timewith
friends and family
Age*The work schedule allows spending time with friends and family.
The work schedule allows for spending time with friends and family. Total
Age 18-25yrs Expected Count 27.2 5.8 33.0
Count 23 10 33
26-35yrs Expected Count 43.7 9.3 53.0
Count 45 8 53
36-45yrs Expected Count 22.3 4.7 27.0
Count 24 3 27
46 and above yrs Expected Count 5.8 1.2 7.0
Count 7 0 7
Total Expected Count 99.0 21.0 120.0
Count 99 21 120
The probability value may be deduced from the given table. Since 019 is less than 0.05, we reject H0 and come to the conclusion that there is a substantial correlation between age and a work schedule that allows spending with family and friends.
"H0-There is no significant relationship between education and Job as the most significant factor in my happiness.
H1-There is a significant relationship between education and Job is the most significantfactor to my happiness."
Table 4.2:
Job is the most important factor in my happiness
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total
Education Under Graduation Count 4 20 23 2 0 49
Expected Count 4.5 25.7 16.3 2.5 0.0 49.0
Post Graduation Count 7 21 4 0 0 32
Expected Count 2.9 16.8 10.7 1.6 0.0 32.0
Graduation Count 0 22 13 4 0 39
Expected Count 3.6 20.5 13.0 2.0 0.0 39.0
others Count 11 63 40 6 0 120
Expected Count 11.0 63.0 40.0 6.0 0.0 120.0
Total Count 11 63 40 6 0 120
Expected Count 11.0 63.0 40.0 6.0 0.0 120.0
Table 4.3:
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Linear-by-Linear Association 045 1 .832
Likelihood Ratio 26.547 6 <.001
Pearson Chi-Square 22.430a 6 .001
N of Valid Cases 120
a. 6 cells (50.0%) have an expected count of less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.60.
INFERENCE: The preceding table, it can be deduced that the probability value of.832 is more than the 0.05 alpha value. Thus, we accept H0 and come to the conclusion that there is little correlation
between education and my job is the most important factor in my happiness.
H0: There is no significant relationship between the organization providing additional work provisions and rating the leave policy of the company
H1 : There is a significant relationship organization providing additional work provisions and rating the leave policy of the company
Table 5.1:
Rate the leave policy of the company. Organizations provide additional work provisions.
Rate the leave policy of the company. Pearson Correlation 1 0.54
Sig. (2-tailed) .557
N 120 120
organization provides additional work provisions Pearson Correlation .054 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .557
N 120 120
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 5.2:
Mean Std. deviation N
Rate the leave policy of the company. 1.1917 .39526 120
organization provides additional work provisions 3.7167 .58242 120
From the above table, it can be inferred that the probability value 0.54 is greater than the 0.05alpha value. Therefore we Accept H0, and we conclude that there is no major association between the organization providing additional work provisions and rating the leave policy of the company
H0: There is no significant relationship between salary and the salary is the most significantfactor in my Happiness
H1: There is a significant relationship between salary and the salary is the most significantfactor in my Happiness
Table 6.1:
Salary and salary are the most important factor in my Happiness
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F sig
BetweenGroups 4.988 3 1.663 1.436 .236
WithinGroups 134.337 116 1.158
Total 139.325 119
Table 6.2:
Salary and salary are the most important factor in my Happiness.
N Mean Std Deviation. Std Error
strongly agree 8 4.1250 1.45774 .51539
agree 62 3.4194 1.00079 .12710
neutral 43 3.2791 1.09817 .16747
disagree 7 3.5714 1.13389 .42857
Total 120 3.4250 1.08203 .09878
From the above table, it can be inferred that the probability value 0.236 is greater than the
0.05 alpha value. Therefore, we accept H0, and we conclude that there is no major variation between salary and the salary is the most important factor to my Happiness.
H0: There is no significant difference between gender and the stress in your workplaceaffecting your personal life.
H1 : There is a significant difference between gender and the stress in your workplaceaffecting your personal life.
Levene's test for equality of variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t
Gender and the stress in yourworkplace affecting your personal life 12.822 .001 .044 .045
P = 0.001, therefore, the H01 is rejected, and there is a substantial difference between the Gender andthe stress in your workplace affecting your personal life.
• Majority, 44.2% of the respondents are 26-35 years of age
• Majority, 47%, are male respondents
• Majority, 35.8% of the respondents, are getting 31,000-35,000 as a salary
• Majority of 40.8% of respondents' education qualification is UG.
• Marital status of 65.8% of respondents is married
• 42 % of the respondents say that they rarely work overtime or outside work
• 60.8 % of the respondents were content with their current work-life balance.
• 82.5% of the respondents agree that a work schedule allows you to spend time with theirfriends and family.
• 52.5% of the respondents accept that a job is the most important factor in their happiness
• To 51.7% of the respondent's salary is the most important factor to my Happiness
• 80% of the respondents agree family is the most important factor in happiness.
• 64.1% of the respondents prioritize their job over their family and personal life.
• 63.9% of the respondents express their willingness to sacrifice sleep to make up time withfamily.
• 54.2% of the respondents feel that it is easy to find time for hobbies and interests.
• 73.3% of the respondents assert that stress in the workplace is affecting their personal life.
• 97.5% of the respondents agree that the company provides maternity and paternity leave.
• 84.2% of the respondents say yes that company has a separate policy for work-lifebalance
• 92.5% of the respondents feel happy about the amount of time spent at work.
• 70.8% of the respondents are satisfied with the additional work provisions
• 65.9% of the respondents feel content that work is evenly distributed.
• 48.2% of the respondents say support from colleagues at work will help in balancingwork and family commitments.
• 97.5% of the respondents admit that work-life balance management helps to increase the productivity of the organization.
• 82.2 % of the respondents are satisfied with the leave policy of the company.
• 76.2% of the respondents concur without hesitation that the organization encourages the involvement of employees' family members in work/organization through celebrations and functions in which employees' family members can participate.
From this research, it is clear that the WLB of the majority of employees in Alltechz SolutionPvt Ltd is still to be achieved to a maximum level. The balance between employees' job satisfaction and their family commitments is just above marginal only. As suggested, certainfacilities to cater to the needs and traits of employees are to be provided. It is also inferred from the responses of employees that steps could be taken to promote family involvement with the organization through various programs. Flexibility is to be adopted while lengtheningworking hours and managing the shift system. Factors like gender, age, and marital status are to be considered at the mandatory level. This parameter is to be followed without affecting the growth and sustainability of the company.
Meanwhile, employees' enthusiasm and dedication to work should be maintained without affecting their personal and family commitments.
Any slackness in employees can be rectified through counselling and motivating interaction. Even the work-from-home situation could not affect the work-life balance as expected. Pullsout of office work by family members had led to distraction, and many felt the need for an office atmosphere instead of a cabin atmosphere at home. It is realized that boundaries for home and work are to be separated and overlap.
Interaction between employer and employees, support from colleagues, and awareness of family members about earning members' job culture will go a long way in maintaining the balance. Last but least important inference is that if the employees work enthusiastically managing all elements technically, the goal of WLB is within their reach with the supportivehands of employers and family members.
Working hours can be fixed as per the nature of the job, but while lengthening working hours and for overtime working, flexibility is to be followed by taking into account gender, marital status, age and even proximity of residence.
Employees of this organization under study can be provided with refreshment facilities, transport facilities, and healthcare facilities to reduce the stress and absenteeism of employees. Employees' family involvement and concern for the organization can be built up by arrangingvarious programs for employees along with their families. This will lead to affinity and support among employees for each other. Positive work culture will be created. The cooperation and support of family members for their earning members will be guaranteed.
Fixing priorities in achieving employment goals and family-oriented goals will ensure adequatespace for family and organization. This will improve the work-life balance of employees of this organization under study.
1. Time span was inadequate.
2. Responses given by some employees may not be fully reliable.
3. Constraint in the interpretation of data due to the probably biased views of some respondents. REFERENCES
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