Научная статья на тему 'A research on forest road planning and projecting by InROADS software in Bolu Region of Turkey'

A research on forest road planning and projecting by InROADS software in Bolu Region of Turkey Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
Forest roads planning / Digital terrain models / Inroads software / Turkey / планування лісових доріг / цифрова модель місцевості / прог- рамне забезпечення InROUDS / Туреччина

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Murat Demir, Tolga Ozturk

The computer software and hardware is extensively and effectively used especially in many countries of the world for the solution of complex problems. The facilities offered by the computer technology is used to great extent in forestry also as in numerous other areas. With this purpose, this research includes a study of forest road construction activities in Turkey, basic principles of planning forest roads, digital terrain models and forest road planning which were integrated in applied sample at the Mengen district of Bolu in Turkey. Analysis of slope and aspects have been made by digitization of maps and InROADS SelectCAD Version 8.0 software. The road network and the transportation planning of forest have been done by using above mentioned and general facts.

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Планування та проектування лісових доріг за допомогою програмного забезпечення InROUDS в районі Болю, Туреччина

Можливості комп'ютерних технологій широко використовуються в багатьох країнах світу для вирішення комплексних проблем, пов'язаних з просторовим моделюванням. У статті наведено приклад планування лісових доріг з використанням інформаційних комп'ютерних технологій в районі Менген області Болю, Туреччина. Аналіз ландшафту було виконано в програмному середовищі InROUDS SelectCAD версії 8.0. Із використанням цифрових моделей місцевості стало можливим накреслити план мережі лісових доріг, призначених для виконання комплексу лісогосподарських робіт.

Текст научной работы на тему «A research on forest road planning and projecting by InROADS software in Bolu Region of Turkey»

3. Heinimann, H., R., 1996. Opening-up Planning Taking Into Account Environmental and Social Integrty, The Seminar on Environmentally Sound Forest Roads and Wood Transport, Sinaia, Romania, Proceedings, 62-69.

4. OECD, 1994. Environmental Impact Assessment of Roads, Report of OECD Scientific Expert Group, Paris.

5. Turker, A., 1989. Project Analysis, I.U. Journal of Faculty of Forestry, Seri B, Volume 39, Number 3. _

Dr. Murat DEMIR1; Dr. Tolga OZTURK1 - University of Istanbul2, Turkey


The computer software and hardware is extensively and effectively used especially in many countries of the world for the solution of complex problems. The facilities offered by the computer technology is used to great extent in forestry also as in numerous other areas. With this purpose, this research includes a study of forest road construction activities in Turkey, basic principles of planning forest roads, digital terrain models and forest road planning which were integrated in applied sample at the Mengen district of Bolu in Turkey. Analysis of slope and aspects have been made by digitization of maps and InROADS SelectCAD Version 8.0 software. The road network and the transportation planning of forest have been done by using above mentioned and general facts.

Keywords: Forest roads planning, Digital terrain models, Inroads software, Turkey.

Др. Мурат ДЕМ1Р, Др. Толга ОЗТУРК - Стамбульський

ун-т, Туреччина

Планування та проектування лкових дор^ за допомогою програмного забезпечення InROUDS в район Болю, Туреччина

Можливост комп'ютерних технологш широко використовуються в багатьох кранах CBiTy для виршення комплексних проблем, пов'язаних з просторовим моде-люванням. У статт наведено приклад планування люових дор^ з використанням ш-формацшних комп'ютерних технологш в райош Менген област Болю, Туреччина. Аналiз ландшафту було виконано в програмному середовищi InROUDS SelectCAD верси 8.0. 1з використанням цифрових моделей мюцевосп стало можливим накрес-лити план мережi люових дорщ призначених для виконання комплексу люогоспо-дарських робт

Ключов1 слова: планування люових дорщ цифрова модель мсцевосп, прог-рамне забезпечення InROUDS, Туреччина.

1. Introduction

It is known that exploitation of forests in rough terrain is highly impacted by transportation facilities. Consistent exploitation and protection of forests; and making the direct benefits of forests available to public, is primarily depended on a well arranged road network and transportation plan for such forests [1].

The computer software and hardware is extensively and effectively used especially in the developed world for the solutions of complex problems. The faci-

1 [email protected]; [email protected]

2 Faculty of Forestry Department of Forest Construction and Transportation 34473 Bahcekoy/Sariyer/Istanbul/TURKEY Phone: +90-212-2261100 / 12 Fax: +90-212-2261113

lities offered by the computer technology are used to great extent in forestry also as in numerous other areas. The accelerated development in computer software and hardware particularly during the last few decades has made topical the use of such systems as a significant tool in the realization of space analysis, planning, management and decision making. With the assistance of digital terrain models to be developed out of such digital data, it is possible to draw up land cross sections required to plan forest road constructions for serving the purpose of administrative forestry works, transportation of raw logs, forest protection, particularly keeping conflagrations and pest invasions under control; and to make projects for installation locations of skylines which are more economic for extracting the basic product (trunk) out of forests in steep areas and highlands, access of which is either impossible or highly expensive. Furthermore, slope maps developed out of digital terrain models are very useful in erosion detection activities which is highly significant for Turkey. With this purpose, this research includes a study of forest road construction activities in Turkey, the basic principles of planning forest roads, digital terrain models and forest road planning which were integrated in a applied sample at the Bolu-Mengen district of Turkey [2-5].

2. Materials and methods


Turkey, with 97 % of its land in Asia and 3 % in Europe continents, is located between 42°06' - 35°51' N latitude and 25°40' - 44°48' E longitudes. Turkey is surrounded with the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Marmara and the Aegean Sea, has an area of 77945200 hectares and coasts of 8333 km long. This width along with large distances of over 1600 km in East-West, and changing between 475-650 km in North-South direction, as well properties such as location, relief and climate have caused the formation of different geographical regions within the country boundaries. (Figure 1) [6]. As of the end of 2003, the total forest area in Turkey is 20703122 hectares. This figure is 26.6 % of Turkey's area. High quality forests and coppice forests spread over 10 547 987 hectares account for 50.9 % of the total forest area, coppice forests spread over 10 155 135 hectares account for 49.1 % of the total forest area. According to 2003 figures, the percent of coniferous forest in the total forest area is 53.9 and that of deciduous forest is 46.1. Production capacities are approximately 12039718 m3/year in high quality forests and 8837705 m3/year in coppice forests, respectively [7].

Until recently, the forests in Turkey have encountered excessive interventions at diverse levels and densities in order to meet the country's needs for firewood. These detrimental interventions started generally in forest lands which provided easy access or transportation, and continued for long causing damage to some parts of the natural structure of our forests. Forest roads are the most important infrastructure for forestry operations. But, if does not good plan; they caused technical, economical and environmental problems. Though the construction of forest roads has been subject to certain regulations under Forest Act, which was first introduced in 1937 in Turkey, the forest road construction operations have resulted in non-systematic forest roads since these construction operations were based only

on obtaining firewood easily, economically and rapidly until 1963 which was the beginning of the planned period. For this reason, the forest road construction operations in Turkey should be evaluated in two categories: planned period and unplanned period. The forest roads constructed in Turkey prior to the planned period were, as mentioned above, were constructed at random on easily accessible forest lands in order to rapidly transport cut woods and to meet daily needs, thus there appeared a substantial tendency to construct roads rapidly, easily and economically. So, there have been many forest roads constructed failing to be compliant with the standards in relation to forest road declivity and location and also failing to ensure that forest is managed properly. The planning of systematic forest roads

network after the unplanned period was commenced in 1964 in Turkey and completed in 1974. Also in this period, a total road of 144425 km was planned by taking into account only fertile forest lands in Turkey. However, the developments in forestry science and practices and the production technologies and techniques as well as the results obtained from rational forestry and plan implementation requirements entailed revision of such plans. Basing on a plan prepared in accordance with that new understanding, the need for forest roads in total in Turkey was 201810 km, and that 133693 km portion of which, corresponding to 66.25 %, was constructed by the end of 2002. It is aimed that the construction of the planned forest roads and the completion of forest road structures of all forest roads will be achieved within 20 years. As a result, today, a substantial part of the forests of Turkey have been provided with forest roads constructed basing on a plan and transportation by truck on such roads has almost been the one and only choice. Today, the concepts like the digital map, digital terrain model, the geographic information systems, and the land information systems have gained an important role. Turkish General Directorate of Forests has initiated the works in this field, in order to be able to realize all kinds of services and

studies (such as road planning, cadastre, forest management planning) more rapidly, efficiently and economically; and to produce digital data that are necessary for the coordination between various units which apply these techniques. This unit named "Forest Information System" (FIS) has been established for all kinds of demands of the people who deal with the matter [5, 6, 8].

Today, computer software and hardware facilities will be extensively advantageous with respect money, personnel and time for the Turkish Forestry Administration which is an institution building or contracting an average of 35004000 km forest roads per year in Turkey. When the amounts to be saved out of the utilization of computers for forest road plans and projects is considered, it will be observed that the return on investment with initial high outlays for the system (software and hardware etc.) would be achieved in a short time. On the other hand, activities are going on for the digital maintenance of basic supporting maps with the purpose of ensuring a more accelerated, more economic and more effective performance of multi-purpose forestry services and implementations of Turkish Forestry Administration [9-11].

With this purpose, digital terrain models and forest road planning which were integrated in an applied sample at the Mengen district of Bolu in Turkey. Mengen district is located between 40 ° 53' 45" - 41 ° 00' 30" N latitude and 31 ° 53' 40" - 32 ° 03' 30" E longitudes and 55 kilometers distance from center of Bolu (Figure 2). The research area average elevation is 450-1400 m and average slope is 40-80 %. The meteorological climate elements of the research area is under influence of West Black Sea Region. The average annual rainfall here is 536.4 mm, 31.12 % of annual rainfall drops in winter, 28.62 % in spring, 18.83 % in summer and the remaining 21.23 % in fall. There are Pinus nigra, Abies sp., Fagus sp.,

Figure 2. The location of Mengen district of Bolu in Turkey

Quercus sp., Carpinus betulus, Populus sp., Tilia sp., Platanus sp., Acer sp. and Cornus sp. in the research area [4, 7, 12].

Using Software and Hardware of the Research

Software and hardware profiles have been shown under below.

Software profiles:

• InROADS SelectCAD Version 8.0

• AutoCAD 2002

Hardware profiles:

• Intel Mobile Centrino 1.4 Ghz CPU, 256 MB RAM, 40 GB Harddisk Drive, DVD

CD-RW, 15 inch XGA TFT Screen, MS Windows XP Pro Portable Computer

• Calcomp Drawing Board III, 16 Button Cursor, A0 Digitizer

• HP Scanjet 6100C A4 Scanner

• HP DesignJet 2500CP A0 Plotter

• HP DeskJet 1220C A3 Printer


Preparation of the Road Network Plan

According to the existing forest management plan of Mengen district, total research area is 8801 hectares, 7518 hectares of which is forest. Total area of reforestation has been designated as 1725.5 hectares in the forest management plan. The average wealth per hectare of the research area is 188.78 m3/hectare, which is below 250 m3/hectare. Thus, forest roads spacing should be 1000 m and road density should be 10 m/hectare according to the basic principles of planning forest road network. Accordingly, with the consideration of only the areas to be reforested and the wealth per hectare, total length of forest roads should be 92+435 km given a road density of 20 m/hectare at 1725.5 hectares (34+510 km); and a road density 10 m/hectare at 5792.5 hectares (57+925 km). It is decided that all roads which will constitute the road network of research area, will be constructed in accordance with the B type forest road standards and coverer with gravel. The studies concerning the preparation of the road network plan started with the assessment of the roads' characteristics such as slope, width, curb radius and structures. The cardinal points related to the routes are determined through studies conducted on the land and marked on 1/25000 scale orthophoto maps. The length of the existing roads in the research area is 37+926 km. In addition, this roads coded 218, 218-1, 218-2, 218-3, 220 have been included in the new road network, provided they are repaired. Attention is paid in not exceeding standard values determined for slight slope (9-10 %) in the studies on the routes of roads constituting the road network. A slope at 9 % was allowed provided it became compulsory and only in short distances. At least 2 % slope was formed in order to ensure sufficient drainage all along the roads. Reverse slopes were avoided as much as possible during the route studies but only reverse slopes not exceeding 6-7 % in short distances were allowed due to negative circumstances and for attaining important cardinal points.

Preparation of the Digital Terrain Model

The data consisting of heights and coordinates of the research area were obtained from 1/25000 scale orthophoto black-white maps. In order to effect the analysis of the digital terrain model and declivity and aspect of the said land, con-

HiivKOBiiii BiCHHK, 2004, BHn. 14.3

tour lines of the land were copied from the orthophoto maps. The contour lines copied were digitized into a DXF format by using the AutoCAD 2002 and with the help of the Drawing Board III model digitization tablet. The existing height data were transferred to this map by effecting necessary corrections on InROADS Se-lectCAD software. With the help of the digitized terrain model created, the Terrain Analysis module in InROADS SelectCAD software.

Formation of the Slope and Aspect Maps

After digital terrain model created, the Terrain Analysis module in InROADS SelectCAD software can conduct the slope and aspect analysis. At this stage, first the aspect analysis was conducted. By using it as an input, the digital terrain model which was created to that purpose, was introduced to the Terrain Analysis module. The flat terrains, along with aspect in 8 directions, were created in the file in new format by choosing the option 8-Directional existing in the module. The same module was also used to create the slope categories. In this process, the percent option was chosen by employing the Slope command. At the end of the operation, slope categories between of 0-190 % - 1 % variations were created. Later, the variations of slope categories were joined together by employing the Recode command basing on the slope categories to be created. For instance, the slope categories between 010 % were assessed as one single category by including them in the same category. As a result, a new file and slope map have been created (Figure 1, 2; Table 1,2).

Table 1. The Results of Slope Analyses of the Research Area


0-10 593.28 6.74

11-20 1319.04 14.99

21-33 2126.88 24.17

34-50 2410.56 27.39

51 < 2351.24 26.71

TOTAL 8801.00 100.00

0-33 4039.20 45.89

34 < 4761.80 54.11

TOTAL 8801.00 100.00

Table 2. The Results of Aspect Analyses of the Research Area


North (N) 1188.17 13.50

North East (NE) 775.47 8.81

East (E) 1128.24 12.82

South East (SE) 1134.15 12.89

South (S) 1142.67 12.98

South West (SW) 688.40 7.82

West (W) 928.45 10.55

North West (NW) 1532.33 17.41

Flat Area 283.12 3.22

TOTAL 8801.00 100.00

Table 3. The Cut and Fill Volumes of Forest Roads of the Research Area


218 0+900 993.200 521.350

218-1 10+986 22511.800 23596.300

218-2 12+828 23697.600 19691.300

218-3 1+018 1355.434 953.182

220 4+068 5783.378 5171.725

6 11+900 21228.600 18002.400

7 4+332 6604.526 7233.650

8 6+600 13964.950 13958.100

12 3+817 10928.430 7245.900

13 8+230 15181.300 17688.750

14 2+330 5020.835 5163.050

15 0+718 1130.250 3515.550

17 3+000 5679.850 6686.300

18 1+824 4221.500 3828.440

20 4+597 9488.990 10000.400

21 3+684 9088.560 6233.910

22 3+429 9754.170 7481.000

23 3+121 6365.087 8163.465

24 1+973 2887.734 2714.950

25 9+140 24165.450 21766.550

26 9+430 22486.500 23752.100

27 3+222 9060.740 6679.800

28 3+620 6803.700 10202.470

30 2+252 5413.120 2862.310

31 6+200 12735.200 10753.850

32 22+436 90672.850 78684.600

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40 0+485 677.575 1572.750

41 0+766 2004.500 2289.420

TOTAL 146+906 349915.829 312479.430

3. Results and discussion

With the road network to be constructed, the forest will be used in the most optimum way possible and through utilization at maximum level, be very beneficial in terms of environment. Because, by way of digital terrain modelling and assessment of slope thereat, the usage of a land in an impropriate way will be prevented and besides, the most beneficial road will have been planned in technical, economical and ecological aspects. Accordingly, optimum transportation plans will be established in line with this optimum road planning.

The data consisting of heights and coordinates of the research area were obtained from 1/25000 scale orthophoto black-white maps. In order to effect the analysis of the digital terrain model and declivity and aspect of the said land, contour lines of the land were copied from the orthophoto maps. Slope and aspects maps are used intensively in making the road network and transportation plans by InRoads software (Figure 3-4). Slope rate 33 % and higher area is form of 54.11 %

Figure 3. Slope maps of the Research Area

and slope rate 33 % lower area is form of 45.89 % of the research area (Table 1, 2). With the consideration of only the areas to be afforested and wood production per hectare, total length of forest roads has been calculated to be 92+435 km. However, due to the fact that the land and the flora is patched scattered; and mechanical de-partitioning is not possible, road distance has been designated as 500-1000 m for purposes of the most economic extraction of forest products out of partitions; to

Figure 4. Aspect map of the Research Area

shorten primary transport distances and facilitate the prevention of forest fires and insect invasions. Thus, total planned road length ahs been calculated as 146+906 km and road density as 19,54 m/ha. All roads included in the forest road network plan have been screened on the computer (Figure 5). With the completion of works for the roads included in the forest road network plan, equal access will be ensured throughout the forest; thus facilitating the realization of production, recreation, forestation and fire fighting activities.


1. AYKUT, T.; SENTURK, N.; DEMIR, M. 1998: Situations of Turkish Forest Roads in 75th Years of the Republic of Turkey, Symposiums of the Turkish Forestry in 75th Years of the Republic of Turkey, 21 -23rdOctober.1998, Istanbul, Turkey.

2. AYKUT, T.; DEMIR, M.; ACAR, H.H. 2000: Designing Forest Road Network and Transportation Plans in Computer, Proceeditnhgs ondf the International Conference Forest and Wood Technology vs. Environment, Page 35-42, 20th-22nd October 2000, Brno, Czech Republic.

3. DEMIR, M. 1999: The Importance and Effects of Forest Transportation Plans at the Mountain Region. Review of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Istanbul Series B, Volume 47, Number 1-2-3-4, Year 1997, Istanbul, Turkey.

4. DEMIR, M. 2002: Computer Aided Forest Road Network And Transportation Planning in Bolu Region, Doctorate Thesis, University of Istanbul, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul, Turkey.

5. DEMIR, M.; OZTURK, T. 2002: The Evaluation of Forest Roads in Turkey, International Conference Logistics of Wood Technical Production in the Carpathian Mountains, pp. 39-45, ISBN 80-228-1170-X, Zvolen, The Slovak Republic.

6. SIS, 2004: The Prime Ministry State Institute of Statistics (SIS) of The Republic of Turkey, www.die.gov.tr, Ankara, Turkey.

7. GDF, 2004: Turkish General Directorate of Forestry, www.ogm.gov.tr, Ankara, Turkey.

8. HASDEMIR, M.; DEMIR, M. 2001: The Condition and Evaluation of Forest Roads in Turkey, Third Balkan Scientific Conference Volume IV, Page 268-276, ISBN 954-90896-5-7, 02nd-06th October 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria.

9. HASDEMIR, M.; DEMIR, M. 1997: A Model of Forest Road Network Planning based on Geographic Information Systems. Review of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Istanbul, Series B, Volume 44, Number 3-4, Year 1994, Istanbul, Turkey.

10. HASDEMIR, M.; DEMIR, M. 1998: Computer Aided Forest Roads Planning. Symposiums of the Turkish Forestry in 75th Years of the Republic of Turkey, 21st-23rd.October.1998, Istanbul, Turkey.

11. SENTURK, N. 1992: The Possibility of Using the Digital Data in the Planning of Forest Roads, Doctorate Thesis, Istanbul, Turkey.

12. FCR, 2001: Turkish Commission Report, The Prime Ministry State Planning Organization of The Republic of Turkey Publication Number: 2531/547, Ankara, Turkey.

Yoshinori MIYAMOTO1, Hideo IGARASHI1 - The Tokyo

University Forest in Hokkaido



A selection cutting system in a natural forest will not be successful without thought of profit. This paper shows a successful example: the natural forest management of the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido. The forest has gradually been improved to the high productive multi-layered forest keeping the original natural diversity and high stock volume. The management and operations of felling, planting, and tending should be done for the improvement of forest, in other words, quality, health and productivity of remaining stands must be better than before after the repetitions of harvesting. The method of natural forest management of the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido is called "Rinbun-segyouhou"; which means forest management based on the stand characteristics. The cutting intensity is 16 % in volume every 10 years, or it is 17% every 20 years. From 1955 forest railways were converted to forest roads, and extended to 930km in 2004. Density is 41 m/ha. By the presence of a forest road network at a high density in a natural forest management, even standing trees at a low price can be sold. All forest roads have truck transportation capacity. The forest roads are classified into three classes, that is, "main road", "management road" and "operation road". The main roads are constructed along main rivers or calm ridges and connected to public roads. In non-snow seasons, 11-ton hauling trucks are always able to pass through. The management roads are constructed through 5-6 compartments or their boundary, and connected to main roads or public roads. The operation roads are constructed in the blank space of roads and through 1-4 compartments. Roads occupy only 2.4% of the whole area of a forest, and the trees along roads grow well due to the increased photosynthesis. Cut slope sometimes provides a new environment suitable for certain rare plants.

Keywords: forest road, natural forest management, operation road, Rinbun-segyou-hou, selection cutting

Йоmirnpi М1ЯМОТО, Xideo 1ГАРАШ1 - Токшський лковий

ун-т у Хоккайдо, Японш

Ведення лкового господарства i мережа лкових дор^

Система B^ipKOBoro рубання люу не буде устшною, якщо не думати про майбутнш прибуток. У статп наведений приклад устшного ведення люового господарства в люах Токшського люового ун-ту, Ноккайдо. Продуктившсть люових маси-bíb була поступово полшшена Í3 збереженням оригшального природного бiopiзнoма-шття та високого об'ему приросту. Люогосподарсью роботи з посадки, догляду та рубання люу повинш виконуватися з думкою про здоров'я та продуктившсть дере-востану. Метод природного люового господарювання Токшського люового ун-ту в

1 Graduate School of Agric. and Life Sci., The University of Tokyo, Furano 079-1561 [email protected]

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