A new pontoon for reservoir oil storage tank
Habibullaev Saidaziz Shohsuvarovich, Tashkent State Technical University, Faculty Oil and Gas- Head of department for working with academic lyceums and professional colleagues E-mail: [email protected] Akhrarov Bobur Boxodirovich, Tashkent State Technical University, assistant Mukhamedgaliev Baxtiyor Abdukadirovich, Tashkent State Technical University, professor E-mail: [email protected]
A new pontoon for reservoir oil storage tank
Abstract: In work are brought results on development new composition for modification froth pontoon. They are determined physic-chemical and applied characteristic new modified pontoon. Possible areas of the practical
application pontoon are shown.
Keywords: pontoon, oil product, fires, modification oil refenirer enterprise
Efficiency pontoon, as facility ofthe reduction of the losses, reaches 90%. Under alike degree of the hermetic ties shutter and under alike warm-up mode and evaporation oil production, in reservoir with pontoon of the loss from evaporation less, than in reservoir with sailing roof [1].
From provided in literature ofthe technical factors reservoir type RVS with metallic pontoon is seen that consumption of the metal in specified design noticeably increases. So for reservoir by capacity 5000m 3 with pontoon consumption metal increases on 22%. Possible use the relieved designs a pontoon by using inmetallic material.
What has shown domestic and foreign practice industrial production and usages pontoon from froth (FPU), this material possesses the ingenious combination mechanical, technological and the other characteristic. Comparing features pontoon from FPU, with pontoon from the other неметаллических material, possible select the simplicity of the service, repair and it is enough reliable capsulation. At present, there is trend to increase the use aluminum pontoon in reservoir of the type RVS. What has shown the practice industrial production and usages aluminum pontoon, this type sailing covering possesses the best feature in contrast with steel and frothing pontoon.
However, process to usages metallic pontoon have shown the possibility to wedge, slanting that, in turn, brings about large damage (the fall pontoon on pumped product with arising the heat effect, bring about fire and blast). So actual are questions of the further improvement to designs pontoon for using in hot climatic condition of our region.
evaporation, reservoirs, polymer, froth, factor adgesing,
At present became known many compositions, raising toughness, fire-proof and practically not changing constructive characteristic material. However they present itself lowmoleculyar of the join, which characteristic such defect, as aptitude to migration and to sweating from protectable material, extraction by water, low compatibility with polymer and others, removal which possible only using fire-retardant composition of the polymeric nature [2].
Phosphor-azotcontaining compositions refer to the main or primary ingibitoring of the combustion and many of them are an antipirens of the general-purpose. Besides, for reduction of combustibility polymeric material reasonable using mixture antipirens. Fire-retardant compositions usually contains the main inhibitors of the combustion and synergists — a material, intensifying their action (the halogens, metals and their oxidizes).
In article are brought results of the study fire-retardant and modifying characteristic designed by us fire-resistant polymeric compositions, characteristic and mechanism of the action to synthesized polymeric compositions on base froth (FPU).
The Action phosphorcontainings fire-retardants reveal itself in hard phase (in zone pirolizing and surface zone), in which they play the role an inhibitor thermo oxidation and catalyst coxing [3].
The Analysis of the large number experimental and theoretical given on increasing flammability polymer, enables to approach this phenomena’s to understanding fundamental aspect.
In this context us were explored physic-chemical characteristic (the temperature of the decomposition
Section 9. Chemistry
material) to synthesized fire-resistant polymeric compositions since, knowing them, possible approximate to define the degree of the participation these fire-retardants in process, running in zone pirolizing and surface zone of the combustion of the material. High efficiency of ingibitoring combustion is reached under correct selection and introductions to protectable material that or other fire-retardants, their compatibility, solutions, the temperature of the melting, decompositions fire-retardant to compositions, as well as the temperature of the decomposition material.
As is well known between heat of combustion, heat of the formation and energy relationship exists the functional dependency. The Heat of combustion, oxygen indexes and factors inflammable interconnected moreover in some cases possible symbating change the specific heat of combustion and factors inflammable or inverse importance’s oxygen index.
The known [4] that essential influence upon dif-fuzioning processes renders the physical structure of the polymer and such characteristic, as density, crystalline, solutions, swelling and others, which are manifestations of the physical structure. The Physical structure is conditioned by chemical construction of the polymer, its composition and way of the reception; she depends on power intramoleculyaring interactions and presents itself the most profitable on density of the packing formation from macromolecules in data condition. These factors required for development polyfunctionaling pontoon.
As a result called on studies was revealed relationship physic-chemical characteristic polymer with their combustibility and coxing.
At calculation of the parameter solutions usually use the degree swell, presenting itself function of the energy cogezing. The Least importance’s of the energy cogez-ing account for aliphatic of the group moreover they else
less for nodes of the branching. Bes of interest that fact that abreast galogencontainings groups energy cogezing decreases when turning from Вг to Cl that corresponds to change to combustibility in this row.
So, the known that presence of the bromine in polymer more effectively assists the reduction to combustibility, than such amount of chlorine.
From these comparisons follows that introduction to protectable polymer halogen, nitrogen — and phosphor containing groups coke numbers increase. Presence in polymer of phosphorus promotes the structuring and increase the output of coke. This possible explain formation on surfaces material mineral surface layers, as is a reason of the reduction to their combustibility.
After identification of the main features to synthesized fire-resistant polymeric compositions we were conducted studies on improvement of the designs pontoon, modification completing by giving fire- and thermosta-bisity, atmosferestability and to swamp.
To this effect designed new fire-and biostability to polymeric compositions on base hard departure chemical enterprise of our republic such as, OJK “Maxam-Am-mophos”, OJK “Maxam-Chirchik” were carried in composition sample accessory and completing — an external ring, compacting shutter, gaseinpermeation sheets of the covering, additional covering from modificationings material, as well as frotha, which were processed fire-resistant polymeric composition different way such as, inoculation, copolymerization, internal and external protection.
The Most effect flammability was reached under external protection i. e. when processing frotha (FPU) with solution of the fire-resistant polymeric composition. For giving external flammability, the sample FPU were loaded in special solutions of the polymeric composition under different concentration (0,3%, 0,5%, 1,0%, 1,5%,2,0% and 3,0%), prepared in ethanol (tabl. 1.).
Table 1. - The Influence of the contents fire-retardation to compositions on applied characteristic sample FPU
Sample Containing Fire-retar- dants,%. Temperature begin distribute; scatter-thread, Т, К Energy to activations, kDj Temperature of ignition, Т, К Oil-stability, % Chemo-stability, %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
FPU 0 550 160,9 673 5,9 8,90
LA-2,0 525 164,6 713 5,6 6,50
OPK-1 (1) 540 163,5 900 3,5 3,40
OPK-1 (3) 544 188,4 949 2,6 1,36
FPU 0 550 160,9 673 5,9 8,90
LA-2,0 525 164,6 713 5,6 6,50
OPK -2 (1) 548 171,7 906 3,5 4,14
OPK -2 (3) 554 184,9 955 2,6 1,42
A new pontoon for reservoir oil storage tank
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
FPU 0 550 160,9 673 5,9 8,90
LА-2,0 525 164,6 713 5,6 6,50
OPK -3 (1) 546 174,4 916 3,5 3,24
OPK -3 (3) 552 186,1 969 2,6 1,21
FPU 0 550 160,9 673 5,9 8,90
LA-2,0 525 164,6 713 5,6 6,50
OPK -4 (1) 549 174,2 914 3,5 2,68
OPK -4 (3) 558 189,3 937 2,6 1,16
The Note. LA -lowmoleculing fire-retardant, OPK -1-fire-resistant polymeric composition on base of the waste of a OJK «Maxam-Ammophos» and epychlorgydrine, OPK -2-fire-resistant polymeric composition on base of the departure «Maxam-Ammophos» and metacryloilchlorid, OPK -3-fire-resistant polymeric composition on base of the departure «Maxam-Ammophos» and epibromgydrin, OPK -2-fire-resistant polymeric composition on base of the waste of a OJK «Maxam-Chirchik» and metacryloilchlorid.
From provided in tabl.1. given is seen that with increasing of the concentrations of the solution to polymeric composition, roughness to surfaces FPU vastly decreases that is connected with that that macromolecules polymeric composition, fill the times, because of compatibility of the systems i. e. FPU and polymeric composition is formed strong intramoleculling structure on surfaces sample FPU. This creates the certain difficulties for penetration of the molecules of benzene and chemical reagent (dioxan) in inside FPU. Besides introduction to fire-resistant polymeric composition brings about natural increasing of the temperature begin decompositions modified sample FPU, in contrast with lowmoleculling by analogue (trichlorid surma) that is bound first of all with polymeric nature designed by us compositions. At introduction to composition FPU fire-resistant polymeric composition, macromolecules which execute the function of the modifier, because of compatibility polymer, occurs the compaction in peripheral parts FPU, where runs external protection i. e. runs the process an intramoleculling modification to compositions on base FPU.
It was Researched also influence of time exposing metallic plate in oils on value of the factor adgezing. The Studies have shown that increase of time exposing metallic plates in oil product does not give practically observable increasing the factor adgesing. The experiments were conducted on determination of the influence upon mass adgesing oil-production repeated submersions of the metallic plates in oil-product. As a result absence of such influence is installed.
The Purpose of the further studies was a determination to dependencies of the values of the factor adgesing oil-production worked out on oil
refenirer enterprise of our republic (FORP, BORP) on sample FPU from viscosity.
For reception of the dependencies of the value adgesing oil-production (the factor adgesing) was executed 16 experiments. In process of the studies were executed necessary measurements, provided by methods. The results of the measurements were written in journal of the observations. As main method of the determination of the losses oil-product from adgesing was accepted method weighing froth sample.
For checking relationship factor adgesing (the masses adgesing oil-production on unit of the surfaces) preliminary studies were executed with viscosity of a oil product.
On got experimental data and from suggestion of presence relationship between factor adgesing and viscosity was determined factor to correlations.
The Sequence accounting operation determinations of the factor to correlations and results are presented in table 2. Brought importance of the factor to correlations allows to confirm about presence to close relation between cinematic by viscosity and value of the factor adgesing oil-production.
For clarification of the influence of time of the endurance on value of the factor adgesing oil-production on froth sample are executed preliminary experiments.
The results have shown that increase of time of the endurance froth sample in oil product does not give observable increasing the factor adgesing. Besides, were organized experiments on determination of the influence upon mass adgesing oil produce repeated submersions froth sample in oil product. The Studies were winnowed under one and same temperature oil producta. As a result absence of this influence is installed.
Section 9. Chemistry
Table 2. - Some importance of the factor to correlations
№ Sample Containing modificators, %. Type oil product (benzene of the mark) Cinematic viscosity of a oil product, g/dl Coefficient of a adgesing oil-products Coefficient of a correlation
№ 1 LA-3,0 AI-95 0,750 1,8 0,416
№ 2 ОРК-1 (1) AI-95 0,750 0,87 0,862
№ 3 ОРК-1 (3) AI-80 0,770 1,2 0,641
№ 4 ОРК-1 (3) AI-76 0,780 1,6 0,487
№ 1 LA-3,0 AI-95 0,750 1,8 0,416
№ 2 ОРК-2 (1) AI-95 0,750 0,94 0,797
№ 3 ОРК-2 (3) AI-80 0,770 1,0 0,770
№ 4 ОРК-2 (3) AI-76 0,780 1,2 0,650
№ 1 LA-3,0 AI-95 0,750 1,8 0,416
№ 2 ОРК-3 (1) AI-95 0,750 0,84 0,842
№ 3 ОРК-3 (3) AI-80 0,770 0,92 0,836
№ 4 ОРК-3 (3) AI-76 0,780 1,24 0,629
№ 1 LA-3,0 AI-95 0,750 1,8 0,416
№ 2 ОРК-4 (1) AI-95 0,750 0,86 0,860
№ 3 ОРК-4 (3) AI-80 0,770 1,1 0,700
№ 4 ОРК-4 (3) AI-76 0,780 1,4 0,557
Thereby, as a result of preliminary studies have defined that from all factor, which could render that or other influence upon value of the factor adgesing, the most influence renders viscosity oil product.
On the grounds of result of the preliminary studies, have proceeded with experimental determination of the dependencies of the factor adgesing from cinematic of viscosity oil products.
The Experiments executed in the following order. Before undertaking experiment were collected statistical given about possible value cinematic to viscosity oil products, swapped on main oil product.
Earlier made sample modified frotha, with different degree of the roughness’s with size 100 h 50 h 5 mm in amount 5 items marked, weighted on analytical weight with accuracy 0,0001, then plates sank; sunk in oil product. On outflow of time of the endurance of the plate took out and weighted again. The Difference two weighing corresponded to the mass an adgesing oil product. What have shown the called on studies, specific mass adgesing oil producta on sample increases with growth cinematic to viscosity. Hereinafter was of interest study sedimenting modified pontoon.
Sediment — an ability sailing bodies, found out from position of the balance influence external power, return in former position on cessation of this influence. The Theory sedimenting studies the behavior of the body as a result of exhibits pair’s power (tipping moment), plane of the action which vertical. The Above named
plane name the plane of the inclination, but line, called on through cross point two waterlines, perpendicular to this planes — an axis of the inclination. The water line — a line of the intersection by body to surfaces to liquids.
Steady-state sedimenting valued by collations tipping moment and restoring moment, appearing at equally deflection bodies from reference position of the balance. The dynamic sedimenting name the ability sailing bodies to perceive suddenly attached external dynamic tipping moments, not overturning. Dynamic sedimenting valued by collations ofthe work tipping moment with work restoring moment at inclination of the body from reference position of the balance before considered positions. For determination sedimenting sailling covering have prepared the raw data whereupon high-hats normative given (the radius of the pontoon, height of the covering, mass of the covering) and data, got by experimental way (density to liquids, cinematic viscosity) and have calculated the method of the mathematical processing result. Pontoons were considered at calculation from FPU, thickness 0,07 м, 0,14 м, 0,3 м and 0,5 м for reservoir by capacity 1000 m3, 2000 m 3, 3000 m 3, 5000 m 3, for the reason determinations optimum constructive parameter pontoon.
Since, the pontoons sink in product only on 50% from its diameter and to exclude the penetration of the pairs in andesepantoone space, on perimeter pontoon is equipped by skirt, bending around whole pontoon and constantly sunk in product, creating gidrocran. The Spare to floatability of the pontoon -100%.
Synthesis and properties of the phosphonium polymers
Thereby, us is designed new froth pontoon, modified hot climatic condition of the Central Asia. The Practical fire-resistant polymeric composition, not requiring com- application of the development can solve many techno-plex technological registration, available, idle time firm to logical, economic and ecological problems of the republic.
1. Cat M., Wolf O. M., Pustomelinik V. P. Fire-prevention actions on oil reference planes. - M.: Stroyizdat, 2005. - 111 s.
2. The Coachman’s seat V. A. “Guard of the air ambience on chemical and petrochemical enterprise”: - M., Chemistry, 2002, - s.245.
3. Mukhamedgaliev B. A., Khabibullaev S.SH. The Processes of the combustion and fireman safety production enterprise: (the monograph). T.: 2012. - 156 s.
4. Demidov P., Saushev V. S. Combustion and characteristic combustible veschestv. - M.: Chemistry, 1995. 279 s.
Habibullaev Saidaziz Shohsuvarovich, Tashkent State Technical University, Faculty Oil and Gas- Head of department for working with academic lyceums and professional colleagues E-mail: [email protected] Akhrarov Bobur Boxodirovich, Tashkent State Technical University, assistant.
Mukhamedgaliev Baxtiyor Abdukadirovich, Tashkent State Technical University, professor.
E-mail: [email protected] Allamuradov Maxmud Umarovich, Nukus State University, assistant.
Synthesis and properties of the phosphonium polymers
Abstract: Nowadys an Epichlorohydrine [ECG] is widely used for the polymers synthesis, and its high reaction ability made it possible to synthesise some epoxy polymers [1; 2].
The reactions of interaction ECG with amino-units are more studied [1; 3] and as a result, the polymers with high reaction activity were received, which are used as superficial active substances, high-molecular stabilizers, polymer glues, etc.
In this aspect the reaction of interaction ECG with trivalent phosphorus units, which is the same according to structure of trivalent nitrogen, is much more interesting for study. We have studied the reaction of interaction ECG with triphenilphospin [TPP] which is less toxic.
Keywords: polymerization, phosphin, viscosity, kinetics, density, velocity, output, potensiometriya, ion exchange, spontaneous polymerization, spectroscopic investigations.
The Experimental Part
The ECG before using was twice outrun (Boiling T=389 K, nfl20=1.4350; JI, n 20=l,1807). In IR-spectrum the line of absorbtion at 2870-3000 sm 1 ‘is reliable to group (CH2). The middle- intensively absorbing line in 850-800 sm 1. is relating to the valents oscillation of CC1 structure group.
In PMR — spectrum the ECG is characterized by two multiplete signals at 2.5 and 2.75 m. p.
This is explained by the form of these signals which is the same with the signals in PMR spectrum of propilen oxide [5; 6].
The multiplete complex signal situated in more weak fields with a centre 3.45 is reliable to the two proton metilen groups which are connected with chloride atom.
Triphenilphosphin is the white crystals recrystalized twice before using from the mixture of ethanol and diethyl ester.
There are some absorbed zones of weak activity in IR - spectrum.
IR -, PMR - and UV- spectroscopic investigations show that this product is a linear polymer, containing guarternary phosphonium groups in its external bonds.