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pandemic / COVID-19 / higher education / psychological well-being / self-acceptance / self-attitude

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Grynyuk S., Zaytseva I.

In the following paper the authors have investigated the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on students’ psychological well-being and their self-attitude during distance learning. They have focused on the analysis of the concepts: “psychological well-being” and “self-attitude”. The authors have summed up a methodology to counteract COVID-19 for students – the recommendations on improving the level of students’ psychological well-being and readiness during the period of distance learning in an extreme situation

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Therefore, the use of case technologies in the organization of group forms of teaching at clinical departments can be an effective tool of clinical thinking development of the future doctors. Moreover, the use of the above methods contributes to both the optimization of the educational process at the university and the improvement of the level of professional training of graduates, orientates them towards further teamwork, develops such socially significant qualities as mobility, initiative, independence, as well as flexibility, perseverance, and determination.


1. Moskalenko V.F. Modernizatsiia navchalnykh planiv i prohram pidhotovky likariv vidpovidno do novoi paradyhmy rozvytku Yevropeiskoho osvitnoho prostoru / V.F. Moskalenko, P.O. Yavorivskii, I.Ie. Bulakh ta in. // Materialy X yuvileinoi Vseukrainskoi navchalno-naukovoi konferentsii z mizhnarodnoiu uchastiu «Kredytno-modulna systema orhanizatsii navchalnoho protsesu u vyshchykh medychnykh (farmatsevtychnomu) navchalnykh zakladakh Ukrainy na novomu etapi», 18-19 kvitnia, 2013, Ternopil. -Ternopil: TDMU, 2013. - Ch. 1. - S. 25-28.

2. Zhuravska L. M. Kontseptualni umovy upravlinnia samostiinoiu robotoiu studentiv u VNZ / Zhuravska L. M. // Osvita ta upravlinnia. - T. 3. - 1999. - №2.

3. Morozova O. M. Poshuk standartiv vyshchoi medychnoi osvity dlia vdoskonalennia systemy okhorony zdorovia / O.M. Morozova, L. V. Batiuk, V.

H. Knihavko // Aktualni pytannia yakosti medychnoi osvity : materialy XIII Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. z mizhnar. uchastiu (z dystantsiinym pidiednanniam VM(F)NZ Ukrainy za dopomohoiu videokonferents-zviazku). - Ternopil, 2016. - T.1. - S. 109-110.

4. Realnist, problemy, shliakhy vdoskonalennia navchalnoho protsesu v umovakh kredytno-modulnoi systemy / I.S. Shponka, H.S. Korolenko, V.O. Bondarieva, P.O. Hrytsenko, O.A. Alieksieienko, I.O. Maltsev, S.M. Chekan //Materialy Vseukrainskoi navchalno-naukovoi konferentsii z mizhnarodnoiu uchastiu «Dosiahnennia i perspektyvy vprovadzhennia kredytno-modulnoi systemy orhanizatsii navchalnoho protsesu u vyshchykh medychnykh (farmatsevtychnomu) navchalnykh zakladakh Ukrainy na novomu etapi», 15-16 kvitnia, 2014, Ternopil. -Ternopil: TDMU, 2014. - Ch. 1.- S. 120-122.

5. Goldi J. The formation of professional identity in medical students: considerations for educators / J. Goldi // Med. Teach. - 2012. - Vol. 34, № 9. - P. 41-8.

6. Pro zatverdzhennia Polozhennia pro spetsializatsiiu (internaturu) vypusknykiv vyshchykh medychnykh i farmatsevtychnykh zakladiv osvity III-IV rivnia akredytatsii medychnykh fakultetiv universytetiv: Nakaz Ministerstva okhorony zdorovia Ukrainy vid 19.09.1996 r. № 291 [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0696-96

7. Frolov Y. T. Fylosofskyi slovar: [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: http://bookre.org/reader?file=634254&pg=345.


Grynyuk S.,

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor Department of Foreign Philology National Aviation University Zaytseva I.

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


In the following paper the authors have investigated the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on students' psychological well-being and their self-attitude during distance learning. They have focused on the analysis of the concepts: "psychological well-being" and "self-attitude". The authors have summed up a methodology to counteract COVID-19 for students - the recommendations on improving the level of students' psychological well-being and readiness during the period of distance learning in an extreme situation.

Keywords: pandemic, COVID-19, higher education, psychological well-being, self-acceptance, self-attitude.

1. Introduction

The following study is the result of the project "Potential of higher education in conditions of the pandemic: global, European, national dimensions" (registration number: 2020.01/0172) of the National Research Fund of Ukraine financed at the expense of the state budget.

Currently, due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an actualization of socio-psycholog-ical, economic and many other problems, which inevitably affect the sphere of higher education as well. This alarming situation affects the entire population of the world, regardless of age, gender and social class; and this situation, which has a high stressogenic potential,

is being actively researched by the psychological science.

During the pandemic, people have a disproportionate degree of fear because of the rapid and unnoticed spread of the virus; there is a violation of their personal rights, which leads to increased anxiety, increased distress and the appearance of psychopatholog-ical symptoms. As a result of such social isolation people have the following mental reactions: increase of irritability and fatigability, deterioration of attention concentration; panic and avoidant behavior.

The above mentioned facts are directly related to the functioning of higher educational institutions that have switched to distance learning in order to prevent the infection with the coronavirus. Considering the current epidemiological situation in the world, we can state that, at the moment, distance learning is the most optimal mode of instruction in the universities. Here, it should be noted that the main factor influencing the success of student learning is the state of psychological comfort. Abrupt change in learning conditions can affect, first of all, students' well-being, their self-attitude, self-esteem, self-image, life satisfaction, self-consciousness, which, in turn, are of great importance to psychological health. The negative impact of distance learning on the learner's psychological well-being can lead to the deterioration in disciplinary performance and a decrease in learning motivation. This problem has determined the purpose of our research: to study students' psychological well-being, their self-attitude during distance learning and to suggest a methodology to counteract COVID-19 for students (psychological recommendations on students' behavior and activity in an extreme situation).

2. Research results

The current situation of modern human life, in accordance with the WHO decision on the pandemic, governmental and administrative decisions, medical recommendations related to the threat of infection and spread of coronavirus is an extreme situation. It is characterized by high uncertainty, unpredictability, variability, contradictory requirements and assessments of what is happening. There is a significant increase in the level of anxiety, depression, confusion, hopelessness, etc. in the population of different countries. It is known that anxiety acts as a signal of danger, threat, and is important for the person. However, the level of anxiety that causes disorganized behavior, panic, suicidal thoughts and other disorders, becomes dangerous in itself.

Most scientific articles express concern about this issue and suggest the need to overcome the so-called health crisis [1; 4; 5; 6], which has arisen not only because of the spread of disease, but also because of the threatening content and the amount of information broadcast by the media, and because of the specificity of the stressor itself - the invisible threat. It is not only the fear of being infected that is alarming, but also the doubts about whether we can count on full and quality medical care. Lack of protective equipment, problems with adequate treatment, and the purely human factor of fatigue, tension, anxiety, and professional burnout

among medical personnel induce negative emotional states in the population.

Therefore, nowadays the phenomenon of "psychological well-being" is being actively studied by many fields of science, including psychology. One of the first researchers of psychological well-being is the American psychologist N. Bradburn [9], who defined this concept as a subjective feeling of happiness and general life satisfaction. In the scientist's understanding, psychological well-being is a balance between positive and negative effect, which are in constant interaction with each other.

In the work of P. P. Fesenko psychological well-being is seen as a subjective phenomenon, a holistic experience expressed in a sense of satisfaction with oneself and one's life. From the scientist's point of view, it is in direct dependence on the basic values, needs and the system of internal assessments of the personality itself.

In C. Ryff [7] psychological well-being is a basic subjective construct, reflecting the perception and evaluation of one's own functioning with the maximum disclosure of a person's potential. According to C. Ryff's psychological well-being consists of six main components: self-acceptance (awareness and acceptance of one's personality), autonomy (independent evaluation of one's behavior, ability to maintain a stable position under social pressure), positive relationships with others, environmental management (ability to achieve goals despite existing difficulties), and purpose in life, personal growth.

L.B. Kozmina [8, p. 194], taking into account the multi-component nature of psychological well-being, associates it with such an integrative psychological formation as self-esteem. The term "self-perception" means a person's attitude toward his or her "I".

The creative team under the guidance of the scientific supervisor S. Grynyuk [1; 2; 3] conducted a research regarding the students' self-attitude. The researchers examined the students in 65 Ukrainian universities with different levels of psychological well-being during distance learning. According to the analysis, the general level of well-being of all students has an average indicator. According to the researchers, the actual life events of students, the presence or absence of their inner support, readiness or unreadiness to take responsibility for the events happening to them determines their mental state. It was also found that when the subjects avoided contact with the surrounding reality, their activity in dealing with the pandemic situation and the need for distance learning decreased. There was also an opposite tendency: if the subjects effectively used their personal resources to find ways to solve academic and other problems, their psychological and physical discomfort was reduced.

Researchers of the above-mentioned team note that the mental state of students in conditions of self-isolation is generally quiet (a feeling of satisfaction, complacency, equilibrium and carefree), because students stay in a comfortable environment in their place of residence; they have no need to visit public places daily, to use transport. At the same time in the actual

mental state there are also such manifestations as pessimism, apathy, decreased motivation, irritability, anxiety, which is almost not typical for students of this group. Despite the normative values of the identified mental changes, a decrease in the emotional background can lead to a negative impact on the effectiveness of learning activities, which indicates the need for timely psychological and pedagogical support for students. As a result of qualitative analysis the leading forms of psychological defenses in students were established, which are compensation and denial. It means that students, experiencing negative mental states, often unconsciously suppress unpleasant thoughts and experiences.

Based on the study, several socio-psychological factors determining the subjective well-being of students in a distant learning environment were identified: 1) the presence of interest in learning regardless of the mode to study; 2) the ability to maintain relationships with classmates; 3) the presence of high quality interaction with teachers.

The study allowed the creative team of researchers to identify the main difficulties arising in the course of distance learning: the presence of difficulties in the organization of learning and daily activities, low level of self-acceptance and critical attitude to themselves, apathy and pessimism, decreased learning motivation, frequent manifestations of irritability and anxiety.

In accordance with the above-mentioned we have developed the following recommendations for students to improve their level of psychological well-being in distance learning conditions:

1. In this critical situation the student must take a responsible personal and civic position: to realize and accept the new, extreme logic of life as his own reality. Accordingly, he should restructure his way of life, activity, behavior, communication and his relations to various aspects of life, adhering to the new requirements of reality.

2. Extreme style of existence for a modern student means active, positive, optimistic, life-affirming, realistic attitude to life, allowing to engage in new deep resources in various forms of remote work and digital communication, taking into account the real threat and taking care of health and life of his own and others.

3. To work constructively with information. Obtain necessary information about the COVID-19 pandemic from official sources and share verified information with the community. Work selectively with information and news, filtering out anything that is not relevant to self-preservation, adaptation, transformation.

4. To work on oneself in order to create and maintain the most effective functioning and operation of the personality in the given situation of life, resilience, psychological and emotional stability. To take seriously the threat and risks associated with the coronavirus infection. Maintain internal and external calm, distance oneself from negative images and situations, and concentrate on pleasant impressions and aspects of life.

5. The changed situation with elements of self-isolation, restriction of contacts, distant, remote mode of

education and work, staying for a long time in one territory often entails a number of consequences, such as stressful states, aggravation of interpersonal contradictions, creation of conflicting relations, social distancing, closed way of life. In this situation, the manifestation of empathy and complicity in the life of their environment, taking into account the requirements for distance is a partial solution to the problem. Caring for others maintains a positive attitude in students and increases the meaningfulness of life.

6. Strictly comply with medical recommendations, rules of hygiene, safe behavior and distant functioning mode. Continue to live a healthy lifestyle in both preventive and quarantine situations and in the event of coronavirus. Observe work, rest and sleep patterns, and maintain physical activity to enhance immunity.

7. Do not communicate with people who have a negative attitude and constantly complain about life. If there is no way to completely exclude such communication, limit it to a minimum. Talk more with your family and friends, organize joint conversations, watch movies and discuss various topics. Communicate with classmates and friends by telephone and video calls. Quality communication improves mental health.

3. Conclusion

With the COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning has become mandatory for numerous universities around the world. The mass transition to distance learning was unprecedented and unparalleled in human history. The associated need for isolation and social distancing impacted the formation of student groups and the subsequent adjustment of students to the new social group. Higher education students faced new additional complexities that led to increased psychological well-being. In this regard, there was a need to identify the main symptoms of psychological disorders and their causes, as well as methods of eliminating or minimizing such negative symptoms.

The conducted research does not examine all aspects of the stated problem; it remains to see how the quality of learning is affected by the shift from face-to-face to online teaching, especially when the situation will change from a crisis management one to a new normal for the new academic year.


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2. Kovtun, O., Melnyk, N., Grynyuk, S. and Ro-halska-Yablonska, I., 2021. General and communication impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education: Global and Ukrainian dimensions. In: INTED2021, 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Spain, 8-9 March, 2021. IATED. doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.1925

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Kvasnytsya I.,

Postgraduate student,

department of theory and methods ofphysical education and sport

Khmelnytskyi National University Kvasnytsya O. Phd (Physical Education and Sport), department of theory and methods ofphysical education and sport

Khmelnytskyi National University


The article reveals the formation level of the issue of professional mobility of future sports coaches-teachers in higher educational establishments. Researches regarding the given issue have been generalized, results of polling of students of higher educational establishments, specialty "Physical culture and sports", and coaches-teachers that have practical experience have been analyzed.

Keywords: formation of professional mobility, higher educational establishments, coach, student, polling.

Problem setting. Under present-day conditions, high-pace dynamics and intensive rhythm of life call for being constantly prepared to social and professional changes, operative response, i.e. personal and professional mobility which is a guarantee of competitiveness in the labor market. Due to this, modernization of the educational system, namely the system of higher education, actuates orientation of the formation and development of future specialist's qualities that will enable to improve personality and professional mobility potential, such as social responsibility, adequate perception and quick response to new factors, independence and immediacy in decision making, preparedness to conversation, socially active actions, ability to quickly adapt to new conditions, and other qualities that determine mobility.

Analysis of academic references proves that the issue of formation of future specialists' professional mobility is urgent among researchers. In pedagogy, the issues of training of professionally-mobile specialists in

different fields, aspects and conditions of formation of professional mobility have been described in the works by Ye. Ivanchenko, L. Horyunova, N. Kozhemyakina, L. Amirova, L. Piletska, L. Sushentseva, L. Voro-novska, N. Denysenko and others. At the same time, attention draws the fact that professional mobility of future sports coaches-teachers, their preparedness to successful professional activity under conditions of labor market and employment, is viewed by the majority of researchers either partially within argumentation of the basic issue, or is almost not viewed at all.

The aim of the work is to reveal the formation level of the issue of professional mobility of future sports coaches-teachers in higher educational establishments.

In the investigation, the following methods of research were used.

The material of the research encompassed empirical data and theoretical points of researchers in the is-

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