Rakhimova Kh.A.
of the Department of FJSTI folk medicine and pharmacology
ANNOTATION: Mankind has always thought about one problem: how to live long? Even two thousand years ago, the great Lucretius commented on this issue in his works, including his book «On Nature». So what is the reason why people cannot live long? What is the point of getting old? First of all, it should be said that life takes everything in its own way. Human aging is also based on certain laws. In addition, according to scientists, old age encourages the development of a number of diseases. People who have reached the same age die more often from atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, arterial hypertension, heart ischemia. In order to understand the mechanism of occurrence of these diseases, it is necessary to determine the connection between aging and age pathology (diseases in the organs, changes in the body's life activity with increasing age). It is possible that there will be several appearances.
KEYWORDS: Medicine, Nature, Health, Diseases, Hepatitis
According to official data, the number of people who have passed the age of 100 in our country is more than eight thousand. What is the secret of the long life of these people who lived in the time of the Second World War, hunger, famine and destruction? It is clear from the conversations with such luminaries that they managed to reach such great young people thanks to their work. Their life is full of constant physical activity. Such people are always in motion, which, according to medical representatives, strengthens and trains the body and increases immunity. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that physical training and circulation in the fresh air play an important role in longevity. He believes that old age begins at the age of 70. Pythagoras said that aging covers the last 20 years of a person's life, from the age of 60 to 80. Others explain aging as a probabilistic process and say that it is caused by many internal and external factors affecting the body. In my opinion, genetic change is not aging, but a metabolic process related to the breakdown of the body. Life is based on this law. It can happen differently in each organism. For example, a mouse has been found to live for 2 years, and an elephant for 100 years. One conclusion can be drawn from this: there is no room for saying when aging begins. It develops along with the fertilization of germ cells.The fact is that in nature some creatures can live for 300 years or even a thousand years. But... why not a person? No matter how much people care about regular exercise, constant health, no matter how much dedication they show in this way, it is absolutely impossible to be in perfect health all the time. A person cannot consider
himself to be «healthy» in all respects, he cannot simply say, «I have no disease». Duty. No matter how many medicines increase, the quality of medical institutions, the level of doctors, and medical equipment improve, if a person does not care about his health, the expected result cannot be achieved. The priceless wealth for a person is health. Is health. Its preservation is entrusted to each of us. That is why it is one of the most important things to take care of one's health. Our wise people did not say «health is the wealth of the region» for nothing. An intelligent person should appreciate his life. Discovering the secret of long life is one of the important problems of the present time. A lot of exemplary work is being done in this direction. Thanks to the tireless research of our scientists, effective methods of combating diseases, especially infectious diseases, have been developed. People's living conditions have changed, their social situation has improved. However, surprisingly, human life expectancy has not increased biologically for several thousand years.Our researchers now consider this age to be around 90. What about actually? After all, there are people living longer in the world than this! It is true that Uzbekistan is leading among the countries of Central Asia in terms of life expectancy. This was stated in the Global Burden of Disease study published by «Lancet». According to the study, Uzbekistan leads in Central Asia in terms of average life expectancy.
LITERATURE REVIEW AND METHODOLOGY: According to scientists, a healthy lifestyle is based on following six basic conditions, - said N. Sagdullayeva. - The first of them is proper nutrition, choosing and eating daily food based on the physiological and biological requirements of the body.
Proper nutrition should be organized in such a way that it does not burden the human body with its physical, chemical and biological properties, but on the contrary, it is quickly and easily digested and provides the body with necessary nutrients.
Materials and methods:
The average life expectancy in Uzbekistan is 73.8 years In Tajikistan, this indicator is 73.7 years In Kazakhstan, this indicator is 72.4 years In Kyrgyzstan, this indicator is 70.9 years In Turkmenistan, this figure is 70.4 years The countries with the longest life expectancy in the world are: Hong Kong 84.3 years Japan 83.8 years Italy 83.5 years
According to statistical data, the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of early death in people over 65 years old. This conclusion was based on the results of research conducted by scientists from the University of Barcelona in Spain. Scientists followed the lifestyle of642 volunteers over 65 years of age for 20 years. To evaluate the nutrition of the participants, the researchers measured the amount
of polyphenols, selenium, vitamin B12, fatty acids and other substances in the urine and blood. During the study, 425 participants died. 139 of them died of cardiovascular disease, 89 of them died of cancer. In addition, participants who strictly adhered to the Mediterranean diet had a lower risk of death from all causes. Had given information. However, at the time, these opinions were based mainly on reports. This time, its benefits were evaluated objectively. Moreover, it is no secret to anyone that our health directly depends on how we eat. Do you know which food products are more useful? What should you eat regularly to stay healthy and fresh for many years? The ten healthiest foods in the world that are guaranteed to keep you fresh, long and healthy include: apples, beans, salmon, broccoli, pomegranate juice, yogurt, garlic, eggs, berries and nuts. There is nothing that is more important than health for every person, there is nothing that is more important than health. Therefore, people do not spare effort, money and time to avoid diseases, protect and strengthen their health. This cannot be achieved by various methods of treatment, sports and physical education exercises, by consuming various healing blessings created by God, by frequent visits to doctors and healers, and receiving advice and recommendations from them. The entire creation of body parts is one of the blessings of God. As in everything, people always need Allah Almighty to recover faster from illness and seek healing for their ailments. Allah the Exalted says: «O people! You need Allah. And Allah is indeed Ghani (Necessary) and Hamid (Praiseworthy)». These are not in vain. Life is sweet, living healthy is even sweeter. For a happy marriage, a person needs health first of all. It is narrated that when the Prophet's uncle Abbas (may God bless him and grant him peace) asked the Messenger of God (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to teach him how to pray, the Prophet said: «Ask for forgiveness and health from Allah. Because, they said, « He has not given anyone a better blessing than disaster after firm faith. » Health is the health of our body, abundance of sustenance and safety from various dangers. But the value of health, wealth and well-being is often known after they rise from the middle. At the right time, we cannot do good deeds and perfect our prayers without reaching the value of our health. When wealth comes, instead of being thankful for it, we ride the horse of arrogance and conceit. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: «There are two great blessings that many people are deceived about. They are: health and free time. It is also emphasized in many hadiths that every person should be concerned about the health of his body parts. Only goes back to one essence. God Almighty tests His servants from time to time, and some for life, with various diseases, disabilities or lack of organs. He especially gives pain and sickness, pain and illness to His beloved servants. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: « Whoever Allah wills good for, He gives him calamity. » In another narration: «Whatever illness, hardship, anxiety, sorrow and pain befalls a believer, even if a thorn enters him, surely Allah will erase his sins because of it (narrations of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim). From these narrations we have It is clear that the diseases that we suffer are not absolutely harmful, but beneficial to us. Because due to illness, a Muslim remembers that he
is a weak and helpless slave, that he needs God's grace at every moment. He prays to God for healing and relief. He is patient. As a result, he achieves many good things. Therefore, it is appropriate for people suffering from a disease to consider it as a test and a blessing from Allah without being offended or angry. By following the rules of hygiene, you can protect your family from many diseases and prevent them. Observing the rules of hygiene will protect your family from diarrhea (intestinal) or gastrointestinal diseases, by preventing the entry of all kinds of dirty and bad microbes into the body. Hygiene prevents the transmission of influenza, hepatitis and other infectious diseases from one person to another by eliminating disease-causing germs. Clean hands are important for health If you wash your hands often, you can avoid getting sick by swallowing germs that fall from your hands into your mouth.
The main principles of a healthy lifestyle:
• Proper nutrition: Eat a variety of foods throughout the day, including fruits and vegetables, grains, protein sources (meat, fish, eggs), and dairy products.
Limit the consumption of sugar, fat and salt.
Reduce the consumption of fast food and sweets.
Drink plenty of water.
• Physical activity:
Do at least 30 minutes of activity every day (walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing).
Reducing a sedentary lifestyle (sitting a lot, spending a lot of time at the computer).
Making exercise comfortable and fun for you.
• Adequate sleep:
Sleep 7-8 hours every night.
Sleeping in a calm and peaceful environment.
Set sleep mode.
• Stress management:
Identifying factors that cause stress and eliminating them.
Learning easy and effective stress management techniques (meditation, yoga, listening to music, walking in nature).
Focusing on positive aspects of life by putting yourself in positive emotions.
• Giving up bad habits:
Complete cessation of smoking.
Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption.
Abstinence from drug use.
It is important to wash your hands and your children when they are dirty, especially if:
• Before cooking.
• Before eating or feeding the child.
• After defecating.
• After cleaning or bathing a child who has made a mess. Clean drinking water is important for health. You should drink clean, boiled water. Never drink water directly from a tap, stream or river, such water contains a lot of germs that can make you sick. Always boil water for 15-20 minutes to kill germs before drinking. Drinking boiled water is dangerous for health. Clean and fresh food is important for health. It is advisable to store food in a cool place such as a refrigerator. Food stored in a cool place stays intact for a longer time. Also cover food and protect against flies it is necessary. You should drink clean, boiled water. Flies fly from one place to another and carry all kinds of dirty things, spreading many dangerous diseases. When they land on trash or dirt, they stick it to their feet, and then when they land on our food, they leave the trash and dirt there. Flies land on food and contaminate it, which can cause diseases such as diarrhea (intestinal). Wash all fruits and vegetables in clean, boiled water before eating them, even if you plan to cook them. Everything should be washed before eating, even fruits cut from the tree. Cook the meat well. Eating undercooked meat, fish or poultry is bad for your health and can make you very ill.There should be no undercooked or bloody spots in the meat. Keep food away from pets such as dogs and cats. Eating food contaminated by animals is harmful to health. Keeping the house clean is important for health Teach your children to use the toilet or potty and always empty the potty into the toilet. If your yard is free of trash and debris, there will be fewer pests and rodents, and your children will be less likely to come into contact with them. Keep your house clean. Flies and midges carry dirt on their feet. Mice and rats carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Cover your food well. You will protect them from such pests. Remember, cleanliness can protect your family from diseases: • Wash your hands often with soap. • Boil water for 15-20 minutes before drinking. • Wash fruits and vegetables before eating. • Keep leftovers covered in a cool place. Physiological and biological processes in the body become more active if a person engages more in physical exercises, sports games, and body-training procedures in everyday life. As a result, the mood improves and the ability to work increases. Undoubtedly, this is important in promoting health. Organizing the agenda and work based on the biological regime. In the universe, natural phenomena are repeated based on a certain order. In particular, the rising and setting of the sun at a certain time every day, and the annual repetition of the seasons are proof that all actions in nature are subject to a certain order. And man is no exception. For example, activity in the human body increases during the day and decreases at night. Therefore, the working day and rest time should be properly planned. Abstaining from harmful habits such as alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction. There is no need to emphasize that these diseases are harmful to health and marriage. After all, it has often been observed in life that such people turn into weak people who are indifferent to life, live for the day, and do not think about their health and future. Cleanliness, observance of mediocrity, attitude to the environment. In the course of daily life, a person has a certain influence on the
environment. For example, it is very natural to produce waste from the food that is necessary for our life.
As you know, the environment is polluted due to waste disposal: water, soil and air have negative health effects. That is why strict observance of cleanliness should become a habit in our daily life. CONCLUSION:
In conclusion, to live a long life, pray to Allah for long life and follow a healthy lifestyle.A healthy lifestyle is the key not only to protect against diseases, but also to increase the quality of life, to feel active and happy. If you want to live a long and healthy life, adopting a healthy lifestyle is in your hands. It is the best gift for your body and soul! This is not just a set of rules, but an attitude towards life, taking care of yourself and your future.
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