Научная статья на тему 'A comprehensive approach to the development strategy of national culture of ethnoses in Southern Siberia'

A comprehensive approach to the development strategy of national culture of ethnoses in Southern Siberia Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Oorshak Herel-Ool D-N, Samdandorj Jamts

There is a problem of preservation of national culture of indigenous peoples of Southern Siberia. This issue requires a comprehensive approach. A significant role in this issue is occupied by the level of economic development of the region, especially the republics of Gorny Altai, Tuva and Khakassia, common culture, as well as natural and social factors. It is important to approach the study of the problem holistically, with the help of scientists and specialists in different disciplines, including classical and national cultures.

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Текст научной работы на тему «A comprehensive approach to the development strategy of national culture of ethnoses in Southern Siberia»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2014 7) 457-461

УДК 394(571.52)

A Comprehensive Approach

to the Development Strategy of National Culture

of Ethnoses in Southern Siberia

Herel-ool D-N Oorshaka* and Jamts Samdandorjb

a Kyzyl Pedagogical Institute of the Tuvan State University 36 Lenin Str., Kyzyl, 667000, Russia hMongolian State University of Education Ulan Bator, Mongolia

Received 05.10.2013, received in revised form 11.12.2013, accepted 16.01.2014

There is a problem ofpreservation of national culture of indigenous peoples of Southern Siberia. This issue requires a comprehensive approach. A significant role in this issue is occupied by the level of economic development of the region, especially the republics of Gorny Altai, Tuva and Khakassia, common culture, as well as natural and social factors. It is important to approach the study of the problem holistically, with the help of scientists and specialists in different disciplines, including classical and national cultures.

Keywords: national culture, ethnic groups of Southern Siberia, strategy, integrated approach, education, economics, physical education.

Currently, humanity is experiencing a change of world orders; the search for a rational variant of the future is going on. Radical changes could not but address issues of ethno-national being, including the processes of upbringing and education. Nations and peoples face the challenge of choosing the paths of their own development and interethnic integration (Atamuratov, 1992).

A positive side of this phenomenon is that the peoples have faced the task of revival, preservation of their national culture and harmonization of interethnic relations on a fundamentally new basis while maintaining the humanistic values of past eras.

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

The new situation requires unconventional approaches. The only best way to solve the problems of self-affirmation of peoples as subjects of historical creativity is preservation of their traditional culture, formation and protection of the integrity of their culture. But in this case, acts the principle of complementarity and historical interconnection, in the paradigm of which national cultures remain autonomous under the ethnic integration (Kotozhekov, 1991).

In this work we have agreed that the national culture of the peoples of Southern Siberia (Altaians, Tuvans, Khakas) should be considered as a kind of universal culture having a complex

structure and functioning as a value formation. Thus, it gives us an opportunity to build a model of functioning and development of the national culture and to improve methodology of the practice of social management of the cultural movement in the republics of Southern Siberia, as well as in the whole region.

The formation strategy of the peoples of Southern Siberia is the core of the development strategy of ethnoses. And this, in turn, is a crucial part of the economic development strategy of the republics of Altai, Tuva and Khakassia.

Thus, the problem is to prepare well-rounded people who would have good health, in-depth knowledge, strong will and versatile physical and intellectual abilities. In this case, they may be rightful owners of their country, nature and themselves.

In the development strategy of ethnos, a basis is of great importance. In this case we also need to know its superstructure, namely:

a) correct position of Southern Siberia in Russia's economic strategy;

b) establishment of a strong support base for education, science, culture in general, and medicine in order to meet the needs of the strategic development of ethnoses;

c) determination of a level of the real ratio between psycho-physical and spiritual development of ethnoses, cultural and economic development of the region;

d) development prospects of national culture, traditions, language, ethnopedagogics;

e) strengthening of the status of the family and its role in upbringing of an all-round person.

The development strategy of ethnos has a connection with almost all the strategy issues in the process of development of the market economy. It is a dialectical connection, a law of productive activity of society and life.

The level of economic development of the region, particularly the republics themselves, the

general culture and natural factors has influence on the development of the national culture of the peoples of Southern Siberia. Therefore, in solving the problems of national culture it is very important to take into account their level of development, interaction, manage them according to the laws of nature and the social system (Oorshak, 1995).

Thus, the main political, economic and social objectives are to enhance the role of ethnic groups in the region, create a real incentive system that supports the prosperity of life of these ethnoses, and create conditions contributing to the full development of an individual. In connection with this, the problems of ethnoses in Southern Siberia appear as a complex. Therefore, it can only be solved comprehensively by cooperating efforts of scientists, experts in various disciplines, including national culture.

Since legal norms, laws and forms of activity of the society in general exist and operate in the society, they may either promote or hinder the social activity of a person. The developed national culture can enhance social activity of a person, but it depends on the level of material well-being, social development, interpersonal and international relations, psychological climate, as well as general and special education, the level of development of political, spiritual, and other spheres.

All-round psychophysical development and deep spiritual preparedness of an individual is one of the most important factors determining the implementation of strategic plans for the economy. For example, the problems of physical culture, particularly physical development of the peoples of Southern Siberia, especially the younger generation, are not yet fully resolved. This is evidenced by the study of physical development and physical fitness of graduating students of the Republic of Tuva.

In order to have physically healthy, educated generation in Southern Siberia, it is necessary

to conduct a comprehensive study and develop a number of programmes:

1. A programme of physical and spiritual development of ethnoses in Southern Siberia, especially of young students on the basis of the study and scientific analysis of traditional culture, ethnopedagogics of the people. At the same time it is necessary to take into account the condition and development of national education, general pedagogy, theory of culture, as well as the level of economic, scientific and technological development. Problems of physical development of ethnoses should be closely linked to the direction of development of cultural processes in Russia, to the market economy.

In this regard, we have developed a comprehensive programme of education in schools (Ernin Erezi, 1995).

2. The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Gorny Altai, Tuva and Khakassia must radically rethink the issues of cultural and educational development in the region. At the same time, it should observe the traditional (folk) culture, its many forms and means. Only in this case can we properly assess the role and importance of the national culture of the people, gradually overcome its lag behind modern demands, and achieve continuity of traditional and classical culture.

In order to predict and set specific tasks, it is required to use modern methods of forecasting, improve the quality of education of students in the light of modern requirements to the national culture, hygiene and nutrition. It is effective to use the experience of health promotion for children and students in the national republics of neighbouring countries and beyond.

The need to stabilize the standard of living in Russia and stop the fall of the national economy encourages people to form a new model of a person. It is characterized by a high level of culture, education, intelligence, good

health, mastery of physical qualities, motor skills providing a highly efficient performance of public and professional functions. Society and, particularly, the organizations associated with culture, education and upbringing are responsible for the formation of a highly educated, cultured person, a person of a new type. In this case, the role of ethnic groups and families is no less important.

Social factors play a major role in the personality's formation. History of the formation and development of the peoples of Southern Siberia cultivated their own specific traits of character and personality. Education strategy that is a part of the development strategy of ethnoses must play an important role in the formation of a fully developed personality.

Character and personality traits of ethnic groups of Southern Siberia are formed by many different means. Their mental development, ethics, aesthetics and especially all-round education actively participate in shaping the level of their traditional and classical culture.

If we evaluate the role of oriented and correctly-set motor activity that promotes the full development of a person, it must be recognized that the regular physical education and sport cultivate intellectual, mental, physical, spiritual and moral abilities of a person. Such a cultural environment meets the specific needs of a person in a particular form of its activities. The positive orientation of people on the values of physical education indicates the level of not only physical but also spiritual and moral culture.

Affecting the development strategy of the economy and society, as well as big-time politics serving and obeying the objectives of economy, the state of culture and education throughout the whole development process, a person of any age and status acquires permanent values. It should also be noted that physical health, spiritual and moral factors of a person's development

have substantially the same value, because a person as a subject is a combination of all his powers, abilities, qualities and skills in the process of economic, cultural and educational development.

The problems of physical culture of the peoples of Southern Siberia are now becoming especially important because, in recent years, there is a decline and deterioration of their physical development, general health, and inconformity with the time requirements. This problem also remains open and sets great challenges in the field of motor culture.

Thus, based on the theoretical position, it is possible to formulate the following provisions as a conclusion. The actual conditions of the free development of ethnoses and harmonization of

interethnic relations in Russia will be determined primarily from the relationship between ethnoses (peoples and nations) with the Russian people. Strictly speaking, in Russia the Russian people playing a major unifying force have always stood against the destructive processes.

The future of the peoples of the former Russian autonomies is seen in two directions of development. On the one hand, it is the formation of sovereign republics as subjects of Russia, and on the other hand, integration into one Russian confederal state, without national-territorial formations.

However, the main prerequisite is to create legal and institutional conditions for the reproduction of ethnic identity of each of the ethnic groups.


1. Atamuratov, S. National culture and national self-awareness in the process of renewal of society (socio-philosophical aspect) [Natsionalnaya kultura i natsionalnoye samosoznaniye v protsesse obnovleniya obshchestva (sotsio-filosofskiy aspekt)] [Text]: Abstract of a PhD thesis, Tashkent, 1992, p. 46.

2. Kotozhekov, G.G. The genesis of the national culture. [Genezis natsionalnoy kultury] (Experience of the philosopho-sociological and historical analysis on the material of culture of the peoples of Southern Siberia) [text] - Abakan, 1991, p. 191.

3. Oorshak H.D-H. Pedagogical content of physical education of the peoples of Southern Siberia

[Pedagogicheskoye soderzhaniye fizicheskoy kultury narodov Yuzhnoy Sibiri] [Text]. Kyzyl, 1995, p. 228.

4. Ernin Erezi (experimental programme for 7th grade). Kyzyl: Tuvinian Publishing house. 1995, p. 152.

Стратегия выработки комплексного подхода для национальных культурных этнических групп южной Сибири

Х. Д-Н. Ооржака, Шамс Самдандоржийнб

аКызылский педагогический институт Тувинского государственного университета, Россия, 667000, Республика Тыва, Кызыл, ул. Ленина, 36 Монгольский государственный университет образования

Улан-Батор, Монголия

Существует проблема сохранения национальной культуры малочисленных народов Южной Сибири. Данный вопрос требует комплексного подхода. Значительную роль в данном вопросе играют уровень экономического развития региона, в особенности, республик Горный Алтай, Тыва и Хакасия, общая культура, природные и общественные факторы. Важно подойти к изучению проблемы комплексно, с привлечением ученых и специалистов разных дисциплин, включая классические и национальные культуры.

Ключевые слова: национальная культура, этнические группы Южной Сибири, стратегия, интегрированный подход, образование, экономика, физическая культура.

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