Научная статья на тему '3D-printing of build objects'

3D-printing of build objects Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
3D-печать / принтер / печатная головка / экструдер / энергоэффективные материалы / здание / 3D-друкування / принтер / головка для друкування / екструдер / енергоефективні матеріали / будівля / 3D-printing / printer / printing head / extruder / energy-efficient materials / building
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Raising of problem. Today, in all spheres of our life we can constate the permanent search for new, modern methods and technologies that meet the principles of sustainable development. New approaches need to be, on the one hand more effective in terms of conservation of exhaustible resources of our planet, have minimal impact on the environment and on the other hand to ensure a higher quality of the final product. Construction is not exception. One of the new promising technology is the technology of 3D -printing of individual structures and buildings in general. 3Dprinting is the process of real object recreating on the model of 3D. Unlike conventional printer which prints information on a sheet of paper, 3D-printer allows you to display three-dimensional information, i.e. creates certain physical objects. Currently, 3D-printer finds its application in many areas of production: machine building elements, a variety of layouts, interior elements, various items. But due to the fact that this technology is fairly new, it requires the creation of detailed and accurate technologies, efficient equipment and materials, and development of common vocabulary and regulatory framework in this field. Research Aim. The analysis of existing methods of creating physical objects using 3D-printing and the improvement of technology and equipment for the printing of buildings and structures. Conclusion. 3D-printers building is a new generation of equipment for the construction of buildings, structures, and structural elements. A variety of building printing technics opens up wide range of opportunities in the construction industry. At this stage, printers design allows to create low-rise buildings of different configurations with different mortars. The scientific novelty of this work is to develop proposals to improve the thermal insulation properties of constructed 3D-printing objects and technological equipment. The list of key terms and notions of construction by 3D-printing and 3D-modeling. Practical value. Developed in this work equipment and materials allows in the nearest future to move from theory to practice and implement such effective method of construction as the technology 3D-printing.

Текст научной работы на тему «3D-printing of build objects»

УДК 66.001.5:693.546


SAVYTSKYI M. V.1 , Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., SHATOV S. V.2* Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof, OZHYSHCHENKO O. A.3, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof

1 Department of Reinforced-Concrete and Masonry Structures, State Higher Educational Establishment «Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, tel. +38 (0562) 47-02-98, e-mail: sav15@ukr.net, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-0002-0003

2 Department Construction and Road-Building Machines, State Higher Educational Establishment «Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, tel. +38 (056) 756-33-47, e-mail: shatovsv@yandex.ua, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1697-2547

3 Department of Reinforced-Concrete and Masonry Structures, State Higher Educational Establishment «Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, tel. +38 (0562) 47-44-17, e-mail: olga.ozhyshchenko@gmail.com, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0950-4582

Summary. Raising of problem. Today, in all spheres of our life we can constate the permanent search for new, modern methods and technologies that meet the principles of sustainable development. New approaches need to be, on the one hand more effective in terms of conservation of exhaustible resources of our planet, have minimal impact on the environment and on the other hand to ensure a higher quality of the final product. Construction is not exception. One of the new promising technology is the technology of 3D -printing of individual structures and buildings in general. 3D-printing - is the process of real object recreating on the model of 3D. Unlike conventional printer which prints information on a sheet of paper, 3D-printer allows you to display three-dimensional information, i.e. creates certain physical objects. Currently, 3D-printer finds its application in many areas of production: machine building elements, a variety of layouts, interior elements, various items. But due to the fact that this technology is fairly new, it requires the creation of detailed and accurate technologies, efficient equipment and materials, and development of common vocabulary and regulatory framework in this field. Research Aim. The analysis of existing methods of creating physical objects using 3D-printing and the improvement of technology and equipment for the printing of buildings and structures. Conclusion. 3D-printers building is a new generation of equipment for the construction of buildings, structures, and structural elements. A variety of building printing technics opens up wide range of opportunities in the construction industry. At this stage, printers design allows to create low-rise buildings of different configurations with different mortars. The scientific novelty of this work is to develop proposals to improve the thermal insulation properties of constructed 3D-printing objects and technological equipment. The list of key terms and notions of construction by 3D-printing and 3D-modeling. Practical value. Developed in this work equipment and materials allows in the nearest future to move from theory to practice and implement such effective method of construction as the technology 3D-printing.

Keywords: 3D-printing, printer, printing head, extruder, energy-efficient materials, building


САВИЦКИЙ 121. В.1, д.т.н, проф, ШАТОВ С. В.2*, д.т.н, доц., ОЖИЩЕНКО О. А.3, к.т.н, доц.

1 Кафедра железобетонных и каменных конструкций, Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приднепровская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры», ул. Чернышевского, 24-а, 49600, Днепропетровск, Украина, тел. +38 (0562) 47-02-98, e-mail: sav15@ukr.net, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-0002-0003

2 Кафедра строительных и дорожных машин, Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приднепровская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры», ул. Чернышевского, 24-а, 49600, Днепропетровск, Украина, тел. +38 (056) 756-33-47, e-mail: shatovsv@yandex.ua, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1697-2547

3 Кафедра железобетонных и каменных конструкций, Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приднепровская государственная академия строительства и архитектуры», ул. Чернышевского, 24-а, 49600, Днепропетровск, Украина, тел. +38 (0562) 47-44-17, e-mail: olga.ozhyshchenko@gmail.com, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0950-4582

Аннотация. Постановка проблемы. На сегодняшний день во всех сферах нашей жизни идет перманентный поиск новых, более современных методов и технологий, отвечающих принципам устойчивого развития. Новые подходы должны быть с одной стороны более эффективными с точки зрения сохранения небезграничных ресурсов нашей планеты, иметь минимальное влияние на окружающую среду, а с другой стороны обеспечивать более высокое финальное качество продукции. Строительство не является исключением. Одной из новых перспективных технологий является технология 3Б-печати как отдельных конструкций, так и зданий и сооружений в целом. 3Б-печать - это процесс воссоздания реального объекта по образцу 3Б-модели. В отличие от обычного принтера, который выводит информацию на лист бумаги, 3Б-принтер позволяет выводить трёхмерную информацию, т.е. создавать определённые физические объекты. На данный момент 3D-

принтер находит свое применение во многих сферах производства: элементы машиностроения, разнообразные макеты, элементы интерьера, различные детали. Но в связи с тем, что эта технология достаточно новая, она требует создания точных и детально проработанных технологий, эффективного оборудования и материалов, а также разработки общепринятой лексики и нормативной базы данной сферы. Цель. Анализ существующих методов создания физических объектов 3D-печaтaнием и усовершенствование технологии и оборудования для печати зданий и сооружений. Вывод. Строительные 3D-принтеры - это оборудование нового поколения для возведения зданий и сооружений, а также элементов конструкций. Разнообразие строительной печатной техники открывает широкие возможности в строительной индустрии. На данном этапе конструкции принтеров позволяют создавать малоэтажные постройки различных конфигураций с применением разных строительных смесей. Научная новизна данной работы состоит в разработке предложения по повышению теплоизоляционных свойств возводимых 3D-печaтaнием объектов и усовершенствованию технологического оборудования. Предложен перечень основных терминов и понятий строительной 3D-печaти и 3D-моделирования. Практическая значимость. Разработанное в рамках данной работы оборудование и материалы позволят уже в ближайшем будущем перейти от теории к практике и внедрить такой эффективный метод строительства, как технология 3D -печати.

Ключевые слова: SD-печать, принтер, печатная головка, экструдер, энергоэффективные материалы, здание


САВИЦЬКИЙ М. В.1, д. т. н, проф., ШАТОВ С. В.2*, д. т. н, доц., ОЖИЩЕНКО О. А.3, к. т. н, доц.

1 Кафедра зaлiзобетонних та кам'яних конструкцш, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Придтпровська державна aкaдемiя будiвництвa та архггектури», вул. Чернишевського, 24-а, 49600, Дншропетровськ, Укра!на, тел. +38 (0562) 47-02-98, e-mail: sav15@ukr.net, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-0002-0003

2 Кафедра будiвельних та дорожтх машин, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Придтпровська державна академ1я будiвництвa та архггектури», вул. Чернишевського, 24-а, 49600, Дншропетровськ, Укра!на, тел. +38 (056) 756-33-47, e-mail: shatovsv@yandex.ua, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1697-2547

3 Кафедра зaлiзобетонних та кам'яних конструкцш, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Придтпровська державна aкaдемiя будiвництвa та архггектури», вул. Чернишевського, 24-а, 49600, Дншропетровськ, Укра!на, тел. +38 (0562) 47-44-17, e-mail: olga.ozhyshchenko@gmail.com, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0950-4582

Анотащя. Постановка проблеми. На сьогоднипнш день у вах сферах нашого життя йде перманентний пошук нових, бшьш сучасних методiв i технологш, що вщповщають принципам сталого розвитку. Новi пщходи повинш бути з одного боку бшьш ефективними з точки зору збереження небезмежних ресурав нашо! планети, мати мшмальний вплив на навколишне середовище, а з iншого боку забезпечувати вищу кшцеву якiсть продукцп. Будiвництво не е винятком. Однiею з нових перспективних технологш е технолопя 3D-друку як окремих конструкцiй, так i будiвель i споруд в цшому. 3D-друк - це процес вщтворення реального об'екта за зразком 3D-моделi. На вiдмiну вщ звичайного принтера, який виводить iнформaцiю на аркуш паперу, 3D-принтер дозволяе виводити тривимiрну iнформaцiю, тобто створювати певш фiзичнi об'екти. На даний момент 3D-принтер знаходить свое застосування в багатьох сферах виробництва: елементи машинобудування, рiзномaнiтнi макети, елементи штер'еру, рiзнi детaлi. Але в зв'язку з тим, що ця технолопя досить нова, вона вимагае створення точних та детально опрацьованих технологш, ефективного обладнання i мaтерiaлiв, а також розробки загальноприйнято! лексики i нормативно! бази дано! сфери. Мета. Анaлiз iснуючих методiв створення фiзичних об'ектiв 3D-друкувaнням та удосконалення технологи та обладнання для друку будiвель i споруд. Висновок. Будiвельнi 3D-принтери - це обладнання нового поколшня для зведення будiвель i споруд, а також елеменпв конструкцiй. Рiзномaнiтнiсть будiвельно! друкарсько! технiки вiдкривaе широк! можливосп в будiвельнiй !ндустрп. На даному етaпi конструкцп принтерiв дозволяють створювати мaлоповерховi буд!вл! р!зних конфиурацш !з застосуванням р!зних будiвельних сумшей. Наукова новизна дано! роботи полягае в розробщ пропозици щодо тдвищення теплоiзоляцiйних властивостей зводяться 3D-друком об'екпв i вдосконалення технолопчного обладнання. Запропоновано перелж основних термшв i понять буд!вельного 3D-друку i 3D-моделювaння. Практична значим^ть. Розроблене в рамках дано! роботи обладнання i матер!али дозволять вже в найближчому майбутньому перейти вщ теорп до практики i запровадити такий ефективний метод буд!вництва, як технолог!я 3D-друк.

Ключовi слова: 3D-друкування, принтер, головка для друкування, екструдер, енергоефективт матерiали, будiвля

Introduction. Today, in all spheres of our New approaches need to be, on the one hand

life we can constate the permanent search for more effective in terms of conservation of ex-

new, moderner methods and technologies that haustible resources of our planet, have minimal

meet the principles of sustainable development. impact on the environment and on the other

hand to ensure a higher quality of the final product. Construction is not exception. One of the new promising technology is the technology of 3D -printing of individual structures and buildings in general. 3D-printing - is the process of real object recreating on the model of 3D. Unlike conventional printer which prints information on a sheet of paper, 3D-printer allows you to display three-dimensional information, i.e. creates certain physical objects. Currently, 3D-printer finds its application in many areas of production: machine building elements, a variety of layouts, interior elements, various items. But due to the fact that this technology is fairly new, it requires the creation of detailed and accurate technologies, efficient equipment and materials, and development of common vocabulary and regulatory framework in this field. These objectives and the focus of this work.

Findings. Key technologies of 3D-printing are [1-3]:

- Layer Object Manufacturing, LOM. The main idea is to cut the sheet of various materials with a laser beam (paper, laminates, metal foil, ceramic), and then heated rollers glue the layers between each other (Fig. 1a). The disadvantages are: a rough surface products, the possibility of bundling and mistaking if sheet is not completely cuted (damaged layers are needed to be removed, and done again);

- Fused Deposition Modeling, FDM — This is three-dimensional printing technology, in which the object is created of the melting the plastic thread it fed through the extruder on a work surface and is hardened there later. After the first layer, the working platform is lowered and the process continues again (Fig. 1b). It is the only technology of «cultivation» 3D-objects using industrial thermoplastics which can withstand high temperatures and mechanical loads. Layering allows to receive parts of complex geometry. The method has such disadvantages: plastic melts and spreads in all directions, so the models have pronounced relief surface, so the object precision is lost;

- laser stereolithography, SLA - this is three-dimensional printing technique in which liquid photopolymer under the action of laser light changes its physical properties and solidi-

fies. The three-dimensional object is grown layer by layer, the thickness of layer in an average is 0.1 mm, which ensures high print quality. The disadvantages of the technology is high cost of equipment and low printing speed (a few millimeters per hour);

- selective laser sintering, SLS, is like the previous technology, but the basic material is powdered thermoplastic, sintering with laser beam.


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Fig. 1. 3D-printers with print technology [3]: a — production of object by layers: 1 — foil; 2 — heated roller; 3 — laser beam; 4 — scanning prism; 5 — laser device; 6 — layers;

7 — mobile platform; 8 — remains;

6 — modeling by melting method

The powder in the chamber is heated till the nearly melting point temperature, than it is leveled and the laser beam draws the required contour on it. At the point of contact of the beam and powder the particles melt and sinter with each another and with the previous layer. Then the platform is lowered a new layer of the powder is poured in the chamber, it is leveled, and the process is repeated. The technology is characterized by high speedy printing (up to 35 mm / hour), but it requires a lot of time to prepare to heat the powder and stabilize the tem-

perature while resulting models have rough and porous structure.

Жидкая клейкая состовляющэя

Струйная печатающая головка

Продукт Порошок

Поршень подачи

Поршень платформы Разделяющая камера

Световой поток

Отвержденны фотополимер

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Фотошаблон Деталь


Fig. 2. 3D-printers with print technology [3]: a - stereoscopic printing; 6 - photopolymer sintering

- Three-Dimensional Printing, 3DP, is based on inkjet technology. This kind of printers is provided with two ingredients powdered mass and liquid binder. The working chamber of each printer consists of two parts (Figure 2, a.): The first part is a powder feed chamber (model material is loaded), and the second part is the construction chamber where necessary 3D-model is grown. Initially, the material is distributed uniformly on the entire surface of chamber construction. Then, on the first thin layer special binder is applied that glues all the particles of the material together. After the platform is displaced. The supply chamber platform is lifted up, and the construction field platform is lowered down. Dislocation must be made on the same height. After this, immediately the offset printing head again begins to move, building up the model.

- Solid Ground Curing, SGC, is based on the fact that the special tonic creates the specific model template on a glass plate (Fig. 2b). Formed photomask is located over a thin layer of photopolymer situated on the desktop, further it should be exhibited by UV lamp. The layer corresponding photopolymer pattern hardens, and all liquid stocks are removed. In the next step all inside cavities must be filled with molten wax, solidifying enough quickly. Then the process is repeated again, but the template for the next section is already used. The advantage of the technology is that the process can be paused at any time and then be restarted from the same moment (this is important when you need to remove the defective layers or contamination). The printer creates the model with a moving component parts. A lot of noise, large weight and the constant presence of the operator are disadvantages of this type of printing.

Constructions 3D-printing is a new technology of building, which allows to build a house on an individual project using different materials in a short terms. Building 3D-printer uses extrusion technology, where each new layer of building material is squeezed out of the printer on the previous one. Construction printers are divided into two groups, printers, printing the entire building (Figure 3, b.), and printers, printing separate elements (Figure 3 in.). An example can serve models of buildings from the real building materials, elements of landscape design, etc.

Application of printers producing separate structural elements eliminates the seasonality of the construction, i.e., it is possible to print the buildings parts, to cure them in the warehouses till concrete sets necessary strength and then to assemble them into a building on the construction site (Fig. 3d).

Before start building mixture must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the equipment. Accept the place for 3D-printer, it is also required to provide land for: mixture preparation, its supply to the printer printing head, pre-drying station, warehouses and loading site. To install the manufacturing equipment, the area or equipment room should have connection points to service lines (power, water



Fig. 3. 3D-printing of constructions [11]: a, 6 - building; b - printing of construction; г - assembly of printed building structures

In the process of creating a ready-made objects at least two people are involved : the operator (directly controls the printer) and a worker (prepares a mixture, reinforces the products in the process of printing, prepares equipment for use at the beginning and the end of shift). The number of workers is up tothe equipment size

and the complexity of the process, depending on design solutions manufactured object.

Printers for 3D-printing are of different dimensions and weight, for example, a printer format of 12 x 12 meters for printing elements of buildings, landscape items up to 3 meters high, is a large-size 120-ton structure (Figure 4a.). To print individual structures in the enclosed space we can use small-format printers with the capacity of the head storage device 18 ... 32 liters, dimensions of 4 x 6 meters and weight of 620 kg (Fig. 4b). At this stage, the design of printers allows to create low-rise buildings of different configurations using different construction mixtures.

It is reasonable to simulate the shape of the construction and verify the printing process of the object (3D-modeling) before the construction using technology of 3D-printing. This can be made by small format equipement using real building mixes, allowing to check the adopted architectural design and solutions. To print the building model plaster mixes are used, while cement mixture are used to create products designed for outdoor use. The process of horizontal and vertical reinforcement, installation of reinforcing skeletons inside wall cavities, laying of communications is worked out on models. An important aspect is that printed patterns are convenient for carrying out laboratory tests on various parameters.

Advantages of 3D-printing are: the ability to create objects of any shape and complexity;

speed of building;

the use of different materials, including environmentally friendly materials; wasteless production; the simplicity of the process; reduction of the human factor, and thus

quality improvement and construction accuracy.

The disadvantages of this construction technology are:

lack of common terminology; constructed facilities do not have an effective thermal insulation and have a high energy consumption;

tooling elements require further improvement.



Fig. 4. Building printers [11]:

a -format 12 x 12 metres; 6 -format 4 x 6 metres

Research purpose. is to analyze the existing methods of creating physical objects by 3D-printing and the improvement of technology and equipment for the printing of buildings and structures.

Results of the study. Based on the analysis of publications and research, authors suggest, the following key terms and notions in the field of 3D-printing building.

3D-printing - the process of real object recreating based on the 3D-model.

Technology of 3D- printing - is based on the principle of layered growing (creation) of solid model.

3D-modelling - the process of construction object physical model creating.

3D-printer - device to recreate real object per sample of 3D-model.

Printing head - a component of the printer, delivering the mixture to the object of construction.

Extruder - part of the printing head, forming a thick layer of extruded mortar.

Extrusion - technological process, when each new layer of building material is extruded from the printer over the previous. During the construction of the building by any known at present method it is necessary to ensure high energy efficiency of building envelopes as well as the whole building. Alternative building wall structure created by 3D-printing, makes it necessary to search for alternative methods of energy efficiency. In this paper, we propose to increase the thermal insulation properties of objects created by 3D-printing, and reduce the overall energy losses of the building by laying energy-efficient thermal insulation of

ecological materials in empty wall structures (Fig. 5) (on the basis of cut reed, pressed straw, hemp shives, adobe, lightweight adobe, lightweight concrete on the base of boon of hemp). All these materials have been created in our laboratory [9, 10] and passed preliminary tests. Their main properties are shown in Table 1.


Fig. 5. Building hollow structure [11]:

a - reinforced with fiber;6 - reinforced by partitions

As for the technology, the printing process by different mortars basically differs by thickness of the printed layer and the total height of the product. The thickness of the extruded layer formes extruder. During the printing we can adjust the geometry of the extruded layer, change the speed of printing to obtain high-quality products.



To increase the efficiency of printing it is proposed to use printing head with several extruders set at different levels one after the another (Fig. 6).

Taking into account the properties of a stacked mixture the distance between extruders 1, 3 and 4 can regulated extending the possibilities of printing technology and capacity of construction projects.

Originality and Practical value. Developed in this work equipment and materials allows in the nearest future to move from theory to practice and implement such effective method of construction as the technology of 3D-printing and make the process of building fast, efficient and modern.


1. Building 3D printers is a new generation of equipment for the construction of buildings structures, and structural elements. A variety of building printing technologies opens up wide range of opportunities in the construction industry. At this stage, printer design allows to create low-rise buildings of different configurations with different mortars.

2. The proposals for improvement of the thermal insulation properties of constructed 3D-printing objects and improvement of technological equipment are developed.

3. The list of key terms and notions of construction by 3D-printing and 3D-modeling technology are proposed.


1. Khoshnevis B. Automated Construction by Contour Crafting-Related Robotics and Information Technologies. Automation in Construction. 2004, vol. 13, iss. 1, pp. 5-19. Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580503000736.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

2. Lipson H. and Kurman M. Fabricated. The New World of 3D Printing. Indiana: Wiley, 2013, 320 p.

3. Alwi A., Karayiannis S., Starkey B., Gardner M., Reodique K. and Varley Th. Contrucktion. MegaScale 3D Printing. Group 1. Final Report, 11th January 2013. Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences University of Surrey.. 201 p. Available at: http://personal.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Webb/MDDP/2012/Report/3D%20Building%20Printer%20%20Group%2 01.pdf.

4. Warszawski A. and Navon R. Implementation of Robotics in Building: Current Status and Future Prospects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 1998, vol. 124, iss. 1, pp. 31-41. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(1998)124:1(31).

5. Savitskii N.V., Kulichenko I.I., Benderskij E.B. and Novichenko N.V. Printsipy ekologicheskogo industrial'nogo stroitel'stva maloetazhnykh zhilykh zdanij [The principles of ecological industrial building low-rise residential buildings]. Budivelni konstruktsii [Building structures]. Derzh. n.-d. in-t bud. konstruktsii M-va region. rozvytku, bud-va ta zhitlovo-komun. gosp-va Ukrainy [State scientific research institute of building structures of Ministry of region

Table 1

Characteristics of thermal insulation materials [10]

Material Volume weight, kg/m3 Thermal conductivity coefficient, Watt/(m*K)

Chop of jonk 400 0,12

300 0,09

260 0.078

220 0,06

Pressed straw 150-250 0,09

90-110 0.045

73-85 0.04-0.05

100 0.054-0.065

Boon of hemp 70-90 0.048-0.06

Adobe 1500 0,5

Lightweight adobe 1000 0.13

900 0.114

580 0.073

420 0.071

Lightweight concrete on the base of boon of hemp 260 0,075

360 0,079

400 0,084


Fig. 6. Printing head with multiple extruders: 1, 3, 4 — extruders; 2, 5, 6 — cavity of mixture feed

development, construction and housing and utilities infrastructure of Ukraine]. Kyiv, 2013, iss. .77, pp. 72-76. (in Russian).

6. Kulichenko I.I., Savytskyi M.V, Skladanovska M.G, Benderskyj Yu.B. Teoretyko-metodologichni zasady rozrobky proektu suchasnogo ekoposelennia [Theoretical and methodological foundations of modern ecovillage development project]. Stroitel'stvo, materialovedenie, mashynostroenie [Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering]. Prydnepr. akad. str-va i arhitektury [Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture]. Dnepropetrovsk, 2013, iss. 68, pp. 203-210. (in Russian).

7. Savitskii N.V., Panchenko N.V. Chumak Yu.G., Medgauz B.A. and Chernets V.A. Effektivnaya konstruktivno-tekhnologicheskaya sistema dlya stroitel'stva dostupnogo zhil'ya [Effective structural and technological system for affordable housing]. Stroitel'stvo, materialovedenie, mashynostroenie [Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering]. Prydnepr. akad. str-va i arhitektury [Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture]. Dnepropetrovsk, 2013, iss. 68, pp. 355-357. (in Russian).

8. Evseeva G.P. Natsionalno-ideologichni zasadi ekobudivnitstva v Ukraini [The national and ideological principles of eco-construction in Ukraine]. Stroitel'stvo, materialovedenie, mashynostroenie [Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering]. Prydnepr. akad. str-va i arhitektury [Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture]. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014, iss. 75, pp. 70-80. (in Ukrainian).

9. Konoplyanik A.Yu., Savitskii N.V., Sobinova N.V., Novichenko N.V. and Dashnor O. Legkie teploizolyatsionnye betony na osnove solomy zlakovykh kul'tur [Lightweight insulating concrete on the basis of straw cereals]. Stroitel'stvo, materialovedenie, mashynostroenie [Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering]. Prydnepr. akad. str-va i arhitektury [Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture]. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014, iss. 75, pp. 102-105. (in Russian).

10. Savytskyi M.V., Bondarenko O.I., Babenko M.M. and Benderskyi Yu.B. Options of sustainable development of region's territory. Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnogo hirnychogo universytetu [Scientific bulletin of National Mining University]. Dnipropetrovsk, 2015, no. 4, pp. 157-161.

11. Joop de Boer. Which Architect Is Winning The 3D Printing Rat Race?. Pop-Up City. 2014, 1 July. Available at: http://popupcity.net/which-architect-is-winning-the-3d-printing-rat-race/.


1. Khoshnevis B. Automated Construction by Contour Crafting-Related Robotics and Information Technologies / Behrokh Khoshnevis // Automation in Construction. - 2004. - Vol. 13, iss. 1. - P. 5-19. - Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926580503000736.

2. Lipson Н. Fabricated. The New World of 3D Printing / Hod Lipson, Melba Kurman. - [Indiana] : Wiley, 2013. -320 p.

3. «Contrucktion». MegaScale 3D Printing, Group 1 : Final Report, 11th January 2013 / Alwi A., Karayiannis S., Starkey B., Gardner M., Reodique K., Varley Th. ; Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences University of Surrey. - 2013. - 201 p. - Available at: http://personal.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Webb/MDDP/2012/Report/3D%20Building%20Printer%20-%20Group%201.pdf.

4. Warszawski A. Implementation of Robotics in Building: Current Status and Future Prospects / Warszawski A., Navon R. // Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. - 1998. -Vol. 124, iss. 1. - Р. 31-41. - Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(1998)124:1(31).

5. Принципы экологического индустриального строительства малоэтажных жилых зданий / Н. В. Савицкий, И. И. Куличенко, Е. Б. Бендерский, Н. В. Новиченко // Будiвельнi конструкцп : мiжвiд. наук.-техн. зб. / Держ. н.-д. ш-т буд. конструкцш М-ва регюн. розвитку, буд-ва та житлово-комун. госп-ва Укра!ни. - Ки!в, 2013. - Вип. 77. - С. 72-76.

6. Теоретико-методолопчш засади розробки проекту сучасного екопоселення / I. I. Кулiченко, М. В. Савицький, М. Г. Складановська, Ю. Б. Бендерський // Строительство, материаловедение, машиностроение : сб. науч. тр. / Приднепр. акад. стр-ва и архитектуры. - Днепропетровск, 2013. - Вып. 68 : Создание высокотехнологических экокомплексов в Украине на основе концепции сбалансированного (устойчивого) развития. - С. 203-210.

7. Эффективная конструктивно-технологическая система для строительства доступного жилья / Н. В. Савицкий, Н. В. Панченко, Ю. Г. Чумак, Б. А. Медгауз, В. А. Чернец // Строительство, материаловедение, машиностроение : сб. науч. тр. / Приднепр. акад. стр-ва и архитектуры. - Днепропетровск, 2013. -Вып. 68 : Создание высокотехнологических экокомплексов в Украине на основе концепции сбалансированного (устойчивого) развития. - С. 355-357.

8. Свсеева Г. П. Нацюнально-вдеолопчш засади екобудiвництвa в Укрш'ш / Г. П. Свсеева // Строительство, материаловедение, машиностроение : сб. науч. тр. / Приднепр. гос. акад. стр-ва и архитектуры. - Днепропетровск, 2014. - Вып. 75 : Создание высокотехнологических экокомплексов в Украине на основе концепции сбалансированного (устойчивого) развития. - С. 70-80.

9. Легкие теплоизоляционные бетоны на основе соломы злаковых культур / А. Ю. Конопляник, Н. В. Савицкий, К. С. Собинова, Н. В. Новиченко, Дашнор Окса // Строительство, материаловедение, машиностроение : сб. науч. тр / Приднепр. гос. акад. стр-ва и архитектуры. - Днепропетровск, 2014. - Вып. 75 : Создание высокотехнологических экокомплексов в Украине на основе концепции сбалансированного (устойчивого) развития. - С. 102-105.

10. Options of sustainable development of region's territory / M. V. Savytskyi, O. I. Bondarenko, M. M. Babenko, Yu. B. Benderskyi // Науковий вюник Нацюнального прничого ушверситету : зб. наук. праць. -Дншропетровсьвск, 2015. - № 4. - С. 157-161.

11. Joop de Boer. Which Architect Is Winning The 3D Printing Rat Race? / Joop de Boer // Pop-Up City. - 2014. -1 July. - Available at: http://popupcity.net/which-architect-is-winning-the-3d-printing-rat-race/.

Рецензент: д-р т. н., проф. В. Р. Млодецький

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