ными, так и прикладными аспектами и являются новой ступенью в познание особенностей биологических систем при различных их функциональных состояниях.
Utegenova A.R.1, Uzbekov D.E.1, Ilderbayev O.Z.1, Chaizhunusova N.Zh2, Shabdarbaeva D.M.2, Uzbekova S.E.2
1L.N. Gumilyov «Eurasian National University» NCJSC, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2«Semey Medical University» NCJSC, Semey, the Republic of Kazakhstan
darkhan.uzbekov@mail. ru
Introduction. Japanese scientists maintain that one of the dominant neutrons induced ^-irradiator during first few hours following atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima and Nagasaki became 56Mn. Currently, a mathematical model has been developed to calculate distribution of absorbed energy around sources of p- and Y-radiation in testes. In this regard, for morphologists are crucial the continuation of study the neutron and Y-radiation affect the male reproductive organs, which will help to develop diagnostic criteria to assess the radiation factor effect.
Objective of the study: to conduct comparison of microscopic changes in the testes of rats exposed to neutron (56Mn) and Y-radiation (56Co).
Materials and methods. In experiment, both sexes «Wistar» rats in amount of 48, weighting approximately 220-330 g. Four groups were identified. The first group of animals (n=12) were subjected to 56Mn which was obtained by neutron activation of 100 mg of manganese dioxide (Mn02) powder using nuclear reactor («Baikal-1») with neutron flux 4*1014 n/cm2. Activated powder with total activity of 56Mn 2.75* 108 Bq was sprayed pneumatically over rats placed in the special box. The moment of exposition beginning of experimental animals by 56Mn powder is 6 minute after finishing of neutron activation. For the second group used inactivated Mn02 which sprayed in special box with biological objects (n=12). The third group of animals (n=12) were irradiated with a single dose of 2.0 Gy using 60Co Y-ray by czech radiotherapeutic device «Teragam K-2 unit». The fourth group consisted of control rats (n=12). Necropsy of the animals were on the 3rd, 14th and 60th days after irradiation, then the testes removed, after which it was fixed in 10% formalin. Tissues fragments embedded in paraffin, then sections are manufactured serial transverse 4 ^m thickness, which were subsequently stained by hematoxylin and eosin
(H&E). The specimens were examined under a Leica DM 1000 microscope and images were captured with a charge-coupled device camera at *10 and *40 magnifications. Qualitative histological assessment of intestinal injury was carried out to obtain an overall damage severity result.
Results and discussion. According to finding the most prominent histologic picture characterized by presence the signs of arterial hyperemia and erythrocytes stasis on the 3rd day, in particular, in rats exposed to 56Mn and 60Co compared to rats from Mn02 and control groups. On the 14th day in 56Mn-exposed rats were a slight devastation of spermatogonia, degenerative changes in spermatocytes. Separate seminiferous tubules with pronounced necrobiosis. In the testicular parenchyma only spermatids were traced. In contrast, in convoluted seminiferous tubules at 60Co-exposed rats the cells number of spermatogenic epithelium were reduced, Leydig cells were in a state of degenerative changes too. Majority of experimental animals exposed to neutron and Y-radiation more pronounced alterations were observed on the 60th day after exposure, consisting the appearance of expressed necrobiotic changes in spermatocytes and weakly expressed necrobiosis with a tendency to necrosis of spermatids, whereas in Mn02-inhaled rats dominated only signs of vascular hyperemia. It should be noted that in rats inhaled by Mn02 were observed sclerosis of vascular walls.
Conclusion. Our data obtained from in vivo experiments provide strong evidence that neutron (56Mn) and Y-radiation (56Co) causes formation of morphologic features, namely edematous and kariopyknotic alterations depending on both dose and type of radiation. Summing up, 56Mn effect on the testes of rats showed a high level of risk exposure, which is confirmed by the presence of degenerative and necrotic changes.
Sagatbek Zh.B1, Ilderbayev O.Z.1, Uzbekov D.E.1, Chaizhunusova N.Zh2, Shabdarbaeva D.M.2, Uzbekova S.E.2
1L.N. Gumilyov «Eurasian National University» NCJSC, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2«Semey Medical University» NCJSC, Semey, the Republic of Kazakhstan
darkhan.uzbekov@mail. ru
Introduction. It is commonly known that dominant role of neutron-activated radionuclide 56Mn was noted in Japanese scientists' treatises who studied the atomic bomb effects of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,