Медицинские технологии список научных статей
VGG Convolutional Neural Network Classification of Hyperspectral Images of Skin Neoplasms
The article is devoted to the problem of early diagnosis of cancer. In last five years, various optical methods have been increasingly used to study biological tissues. This study aims to investigate the capability of a convolutional neural network classifier to diagnose skin cancers. The article...
2023 / Boris V. Grechkin, Vseslav O. Vinokurov, Yulia A. Khristoforova, Irina A. Matveeva -
Monitoring Methods for Biocontrol of Robotic Wheelchairs
The challenges that arise in the process of developing robotic means of locomotion controlled by people with disabilities are examined in this paper. In addition, the methods of managing modern wheelchairs are analyzed. In order to prevent the occurrence of critical situations in the process of...
2023 / Tatiana V. Istomina, Elmin V. Bayramov, Elena V. Petrunina, Denis K. Pecherskiy, Elena V. Kopylova -
Electronic Contact Lenses as a 3P Medicine Tool: the Electrode Lead System Modeling
Electronic contact lenses (ECL) are a high-tech solution for diagnosing, including early, both ophthalmic and systemic diseases. The authors of the article propose the implementation of 3P medicine approaches by integrating electrodes and circuits into the ECL to realize bioelectrical impedance...
2023 / Dmitry M. Shamaev, Elena N. Iomdina, Petr V. Luzhnov -
Possibilities of MRI Texture Analysis of Brain Images in Differential Diagnosis of Primary Extra-Axial Tumors
The possibility of using textural features for the differential diagnosis of primary extra-axial tumors on the basis of two-dimensional digital magnetic resonance (MR) images is being investigated. Histogram and correlation characteristics, as well as features based on run lengths, were considered...
2023 / Nataly Yu. Ilyasova, Nikita S. Demin, Evgeniy N. Surovcev, Aleksandr V. Kapishnikov -
In Vitro Study of Tetracycline Penetration into the Enamel and Dentin of the Tooth by Fluorescence Spectroscopy
With the use of tetracycline in childhood, as well as with intrauterine or ectopic exposure before teething through the gums during mineralization or calcification of the teeth, the antibiotic binds to calcium ions in the teeth. This results in permanent staining of the teeth. In dentistry, the...
2023 / Alexey A. Selifonov, Tatiana Yu. Rusanova, Ekaterina I. Selifonova, Andrey M. Zakharevich, Nikolay A. Yurasov, Julia S. Skibina, Valery V. Tuchin -
A New Discrimination Method of Imaging Regions for Improved Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging Performance
Up to date, adaptive beamforming technologies have been successfully introduced to medical ultrasound imaging, resulting in a considerable improvement in imaging quality versus non-adaptive delay-and-sum beamformers. Minimum Variance (MV) adaptive beamforming improved resolution rather than...
2023 / Shahad A. Thanoon, Zainab Alomari, Mahmod A. Al-Zubaidy -
Human blood plasma SERS analysis using silver nanoparticles for cardiovascular diseases detection
In recent years, the use of Raman and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy for disease detection has grown. The motives for their increased use have commonly been attributed to their well-known benefits, such as the creation of narrow spectral bands that are characteristic of the molecular...
2024 / Sahar Z. Al-Sammarraie, Lyudmila A. Bratchenko, Elena N. Tupikova, Maria A. Skuratova, Shuang Wang, Peter A. Lebedev, Ivan A. Bratchenko -
Exploring Convolutional Neural Networks for the Classification of Acute Lymphoblast Leukemia Blood Cell Images
This paper introduces a novel approach to blood cell classification using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Our emphasis lies in methodological insights derived from comparative analyses across various CNN architectures, implemented in Python with PyTorch such as ResNet152V2, Xception,...
2024 / Andrey Trubnikov, Dmitry Savelyev -
Exploring the Relationship between Hypodermis Thickness and Diffuse Reflectance Spectra in Different Age and Gender Groups
This study explores the use of spatially-resolved diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for non-invasive method for measuring subcutaneous fat layer thickness. We investigated the relationship between spectroscopic measurements and hypodermis thickness, particularly focusing on lipid absorption...
2024 / Denis A. Davydov, Nikolay A. Fadeev, Ivan D. Filippov, Gleb S. Budylin -
Highly Accurate EEG Signal Classification Using Multiple Feature Extraction and LSTM Networks
Brain-computer interface (BCI) was first only thought of as a control channel for end users with simple disabilities, like those locked in a room. Nevertheless, the spectrum of BCI applications has significantly increased due to the multidisciplinary advancements made over the past ten years....
2024 / Deshmukh Deepika, Gillala Rekha -
The Implications of Varying Batch-Size in the Classification of Patch-Based Lung Nodules Using Convolutional Neural Network Architecture on Computed Tomography Images
In recent years, the research on deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has led to remarkable advancements in image categorization and segmentation. This paper presents a new Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) system utilizing convolutional neural networks and Computed Tomography (CT) image...
2024 / Bushara A.R., Vinod Kumar R.S., Kumar S.S. -
Multidimensional Analysis of Dermoscopic Images and Spectral Information for the Diagnosis of Skin Tumors
The paper is devoted to the identification of skin tumors and interpretation of their component composition based on multidimensional analysis of Raman scattering spectral data and dermoscopic images. The dataset contains 65 samples of malignant melanomas, 107 seborrheic keratoses, and 166 nevi....
2024 / Irina A. Matveeva, Andrey I. Komlev, Oleg I. Kaganov, Alexander A. Moryatov, Valery P. Zakharov -
Improving the Detection of Blood on Poultry Meat Based Colorimetry Using a Camera
The purpose of this study was to measure blood levels in quail meat with a cellphone camera using a spectrophotometer as a standard. Samples were obtained from 9 pieces of quail meat cut by hanging, 9 pieces of quail meat cut without hanging, 9 pieces of quail carcass dead for 4 h, and 9 pieces of...
2024 / Koekoeh Santoso, Hadri Latif, La Jumadin, Putri Gusfani Wida -
Рассмотрены алгоритмы определения положения беспилотного летательного аппарата самолётного или вертолётного типа относительно посадочной платформы с помощью специальных оптических меток и программ компьютерного зрения. Проведена оценка возможности расчёта углового положения, высоты и расстояния до...
2023 / Т Ю. Гайнутдинова, C В. Новикова, В Г. Гайнутдинов, М В. Трусфус, В М. ЛитвинВАКRSCI -
Измерения глюкозы по месту лечения: пострегистрационное испытание госпитального глюкометра Акку-Чек Информ II
Обоснование. Измерения глюкозы по месту лечения (ИМЛ) – важный компонент ведения пациентов с гипергликемией и гипогликемией в стационарных лечебно-профилактических учреждениях (ЛПУ). В российских ЛПУ для ИМЛ традиционно применяются обычные глюкометры, предназначенные для самоконтроля глюкозы...
2023 / Петряйкина Елена Ефимовна, Маянский Николай Андреевич, Дёмина Елена Степановна, Карамышева Ирина Викторовна, Горст Ксения Андреевна, Тимофеев Алексей ВалентиновичScopusВАК -
Микрохирургия хронических заболеваний гортани с использованием оптоволоконных лазеров (обзор литературы)
Обоснование. Лечение хронических заболеваний гортани является проблемой, которая не теряет своей актуальности. На долю хронических продуктивных образований гортани приходится до 55–70% патологии в структуре пролиферативных заболеваний верхних дыхательных путей. Возросшая нагрузка на голосовой...
2023 / Кривопалов Александр Александрович, Шамкина Полина Александровна, Глущенко Александра ИвановнаВАК -
Abstract. In this article, modern service and commercial organizations collect accurate information about each order made through plastic cards and control computer systems, using data recording and storage technology. collecting a large amount of information about purchases, orders and services...
2024 / Abduganieva M. -
Аппаратно-программный комплекс для диагностики психофизиологического состояния человека в процессе решения когнитивных задач
Разработан аппаратно-программный комплекс для диагностики психофизиологического состояния человека в процессе решения когнитивных задач по сигналам электроэнцефалограммы (ЭЭГ). Проведено сопоставление диагностической способности разработанного комплекса с сертифицированным серийным прибором....
2024 / Курбако Александр Васильевич, Храмков Алексей Николаевич, Боровкова Екатерина Игоревна, Дубинкина Елизавета Сергеевна, Ишбулатов Юрий Михайлович, Пономаренко Владимир Иванович, Караваев Анатолий Сергеевич, Прохоров Михаил ДмитриевичScopusВАК -
In medical practice, the primary diagnosis of diseases should be carried out quickly and, if possible, automatically. The processing of multimodal data in medicine has become a ubiquitous technique in the classification, prediction and detection of diseases. Pneumonia is one of the most common lung ...
2023 / O.N. Ivanova, A.V. Melekhin, E.V. Ivanova, S. Kumar, M.L. Zymbler -
Optimizing MEMSbased Navigation Sensors for Aerospace Vehicles
This comprehensive study delves deeply into the intricate domain of optimizing Micro-electromechanical Systems (MEMS)-based navigation sensors for aerospace vehicles. It entails a meticulous examination of MEMS sensors, focusing on their role in guidance, navigation, and control, with particular...
2024 / Ализадех Али, Салтыкова Ольга Александровна, Новинзадех Алиреза Б.ВАК