Медицинские технологии список научных статей
In today’s world, attention to environmental protection and sustainable development is increasing. Natural resources are limited, so it is important to take measures to control and preserve the ecological state of the environment. One of the effective tools for this is environmental monitoring...
2023 / L М. Oleshchenko, M О. Ilin -
Исследование активации легких ядер в крови человека при проведении высокоэнергетической лучевой терапии
Проведена серия экспериментов по изучению активации тормозным излучением некоторых химических элементов в венозной крови человека при проведении лучевой терапии на линейном медицинском ускорителе с энергией пучка 20 МэВ. При таком режиме работы ускорителя целый ряд легких элементов в крови пациента ...
2023 / Желтоножская Марина Викторовна, Ремизов Павел Дмитриевич, Ленивкин Максим Вадимович, Лыкова Екатерина Николаевна, Черняев Александр Петрович, Яценко Владимир Наумович, Яценко Оксана ВладимировнаWOSВАКRSCI -
Digitalization of the clinical exam in Covid-19 pandemic: Karaganda Medical University’s experience
Nowadays, Medical education in the Covid-19 pandemic poses a new challenge to explore approaches for delivering quality distance education, especially in the clinical competence assessments. Assessments of clinical competence approaches to conducting an exam, implementation of a new innovative...
2022 / Gulshat Kemelova, Ilya Shekhter, Dinara Aimbetova, Victor Riklefs, Yekaterina Yuchnevich -
Comparison of direct low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement with the Friedewald formula and alternative formulas
Aim: Our aim was to compare the direct enzymatic measurement with four formulas which are used in determining the value of low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. Material and methods: A total of 33842 patients’ files were retrospectively reviewed and data was collected. Triglyceride...
2023 / Nilgun Isiksacan, Mehmet Erturk, Cennet Yildiz Fatma Nihan, Turhan Caglar, Murat Koser, Pinar Atar, Ismail Biyik, Dilay Karabulut -
The role of artificial intelligence in colonoscopy imaging and colonic diseases: A scientometrics analysis and visualization study
Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) has made a big difference and is used in many different sectors also in medicine. We sought to identify the areas of interest and potential future directions for AI in the field of colonoscopy imaging and colonic diseases by utilizing bibliometrics to...
2023 / Tuba Erürker Öztürk -
A retrospective CT based comparative analysis of available screw pathways to determine optimal iliac screw trajectory
Introduction: The lumbo-sacral stabilization using iliac screw is gaining popularity in such cases of long multi segment lumbar constructs. Iliac screws help to achieve strong spinopelvic fixation, augments and protects sacral screws. However, there is a great variability found in literature for...
2023 / Atul Sareen, Anuradha Sharma, Jatin Prakash, Hitesh Lal, Ashish Bansal, Ashish Jaiman -
Conventional videolaryngoscope versus 3D printed videolaryngoscope
Background and objectives: In patients with Covid-19, using a video laryngoscope as an alternative to direct laryngoscopy is recommended to protect the intubator from infection and reduce intubation failures due to personal protective equipment. The cost of video laryngoscopes limits their...
2023 / Kamil Varlık Erel, Nagehan Ümit Karacan -
Intravenous (IV) therapy plays a crucial role in clinical settings, delivering fluids, medications, and nutrients directly into a patient’s bloodstream. This paper explores the transformation of IV therapy with the integration of smart technologies in modern hospitals. It examines the advantages of ...
2024 / Durdyhanov G., Durdyyeva G., Rustamova M. -
Quantitative evaluation of diffusionweighted imaging with multiple b-values in vertebral fractures
Aim: Differentiating benign from malignant vertebral fracture is sometimes difficult in geriatric oncology patients. Accurate diagnosis is necessary for treatment planning. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the role of quantitative evaluation of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) at multiple...
2018 / Fatma Kulali -
Diagnostic Performance of T2-weighted sequences in Upper Abdominal Magnetic Resonance Imaging: BLADE Technique or HASTE Technique?
Objective: To evaluate T2-weighted BLADE tecnique for evaluating intra-abdominal organs and lesions, especially the gastrointestinal wall and pathologies, and to compare the findings with HASTE. Material and Methods: Sixty patients (mean age: 47.2 years, range 19-88) (32 males, 28 females) referred ...
2019 / Safiye Sanem Dereli Bulut, Fuad Nurili, Hadi Sasani, Omer Aras, Yasar Bukte -
The effects of robot-assisted movement training on daily life activities and hopelessness levels in neurorehabilitation patients
Objective: To determine the effects of robot-assisted movement training on daily life activities and hopelessness levels in neurorehabilitation patients. Material and methods: The study is a randomized controlled trial. The study was conducted on 48 patients. Of these 48 patients, 8 were excluded...
2019 / Filiz Ozdemir, Fatma Oksuz, Tuba Tulay Koca -
The comparison of chest CT and RT-PCR during the diagnosis of COVID-19
Objective: Our aim in this study is to compare the diagnostic accuracy of chest computed tomography and Real-time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction in a population with suspected Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) presenting at the emergency department. Material and methods: The...
2021 / Avni Uygar Seyhan, Fatih Doğanay, Erdal Yılmaz, Ömer Aydıner, Rohat Ak Serap, Demir Tekol -
Coronary computed tomographic angiography studies: A brief review in analysis, interpretation, and reporting
Coronary computed tomographic angiography is a non-invasive procedure that makes it very convenient to imagine the anatomical ability to remove coronary artery disease in patients with chest pain in a population at low to moderate risk. For plaque identification and physiological assessment,...
2021 / Teuku Yusrizal, Ivana Purnama Dewi, Rosi Amrilla Fagi -
Analysis of Pulmonary Function Test Results By Using Gaussian Mixture Regression Model
Background: FEV1/FVC value is used in the diagnosis of obstructive and restrictive diseases of the lung. It is a parameter reported in the literature that it varies according to lung disease as well as weight, age and gender characteristics. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the...
2021 / Serdar Abut, Fatih Doğanay, Abdullah Yeşilova, Serap Buğa -
Utilization trend of magnetic resonance imaging examinations in an academic emergency department and the weekend effect
Aim: The utilization of magnetic resonance imaging in the emergency department is gradually increasing. An update is needed on how the use of magnetic resonance imaging exams in the emergency department has evolved. To reveal the magnetic resonance imaging utilization trends of the emergency...
2021 / Mehmet Cihat Demir, Yasemin Özdamar -
Effect of non-ionizing radiation on the health of medical staff of magnetic resonance imaging rooms
Working conditions of medical staff in magnetic resonance imaging rooms are associated with high levels of stationary magnetic fields and electromagnetic fields of various frequencies and increased work intensity. It can affect cognitive, psychological and hemodynamic changes of the body with...
2021 / Lyazat Ibrayeva, Olga Grebeneva, Almagul Shadetova, Dina Rybalkina, Larissa Minbayeva, Irina Bacheva, Alexey Alekseyev -
Evaluation of the effectiveness of non-invasive instrumental diagnostics in the detection of urolithiasis
Aim: To assess the effectiveness of non-invasive instrumental diagnostics in the detection of urolithiasis, particularly ultrasonography and computed tomography. Materials and methods: Ultrasonic diagnosis and computed tomography were performed in 78 and 104 patients, respectively. All patients...
2021 / Reza Fatkhi, Shora Seidinov -
Пестициды, как часть современных средств борьбы с вредителями в сельском хозяйстве, становятся все более неотъемлемой частью аграрной практики. Однако, несмотря на их эффективность в защите урожая, вопросы о потенциальных последствиях для окружающей среды и здоровья человека остаются в центре...
2023 / Умарова З. Х. -
Криоконвейерные протоколы в корреляционной световой и электронной микроскопии: от многоуровневой визуализации до моделирования биофизических эффектов и «криотераностики»
Данная статья может рассматриваться как технико-методическая заметка, целью которой является внедрение в практику биологических исследований методов криомикроскопии в конвейерном режиме, начиная с малых увеличений и заканчивая пределами увеличениия/разрешения сканирующей электронной криомикроскопии ...
2023 / Градов Олег ВалерьевичWOSВАКRSCI -
Интерфейсы мозг–компьютер для восстановления движений руки после инсульта: текущий статус и перспективы разработок (обзор)
Интерфейсы мозг–компьютер (ИМК) — это группа технологий, позволяющих проводить ментальные тренировки с предъявлением обратной связи для восстановления движений после инсульта. Данные технологии в разных модификациях уже более 10 лет изучаются в клинических исследованиях, а их конструкции и...
2023 / О А. Мокиенко, Р Х. Люкманов, П Д. Бобров, Н А. Супонева, М А. ПирадовScopusВАКESCI