Биотехнологии в медицине список научных статей
Влияние продолжительности записи КРГ на вариабельность сердечного ритма2024 / Рахимжанова Ж. А., Хамчиев К. М., Ибраева С. С., Жиенгалиева А. К.
Стрессоустойчивость, уровни здоровья, функциональные состояния организма: оценка и прогнозирование2024 / Шукуров Ф. А., Халимова Ф. Т.
Последствия фракционированной дозы гамма излучения на Т клеточное звено иммунитета у крыс и их потомков 1 поколения2024 / Жетписбаев Б. А., Жетписбаева Х. С., Сембаева Ж. П.
Цель. Изучить возможность использования нанопор для мониторинга функционирования аспарагиназы. Процедура и методы. В работе была сконструирована нанопора на базе SiN, в которую встраивали молекулу L-аспарагиназы. Мониторинг каталитической активности встроенной в нанопору единичной молекулы...
2024 / Иванов Юрий Дмитриевич, Аблеев Александр Нарманович, Шумянцева Виктория Васильевна, Жданов Дмитрий Дмитриевич, Покровская Марина Владимировна, Александрова Светлана Серебеджановна, Иванова Ирина Александровна, Виноградова Ангелина Владимировна, Неведрова Екатерина Дмитриевна, Зиборов Вадим Серафимович, Ваулин Никита Васильевич, Лебедев Денис Владимирович, Букатин Антон Сергеевич, Мухин Иван Сергеевич, Арчаков Александр ИвановичВАК -
Функциональные морфоденситометрические параметры хроматина ядра и цитоплазмы эритробластов и эритроцитов птиц в постэмбриональном онтогенезе
Цель – характеристика развития синтетической активности полихроматофильных эритробластов и эритроцитов, в частности статуса гемоглобин-синтезируемой функции клеток эритроидного ряда птиц в раннем постэмбриональном онтогенезе. Методы. Экспериментальная часть исследования была выполнена в условиях...
2024 / Евгений Анатольевич Колесник, Марина Аркадьевна Дерхо, Максим Борисович Ребезов -
Potassium Permanganate Alleviates the Potential Effect of Estrogenic Pollutants on Vitellogenin Gene Expression in Male Oreochromis niloticus
This study aimed to determine the concentration of some estrogens like 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) and bisphenol A (BPA) in agriculture drainage water that used in Egyptian fish farms and to evaluate the oxidative degradation effect of potassium permanganate on these estrogenic...
2016 / Alaa Magdy Elgaabary, Shawky Mahmoud, Michel Fahmy Saad, Ahmed Abdel Azeez Abdel RahmanScopusAGRIS -
Cadmium Bio-Accumulation and the Associated Biomarkers in Edible Frog Species (Hoplobatrachus Occipitalis) in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
The spate of natural emissions and anthropogenic activities has comparatively increased cadmium pollution in recent times. This has also increased the attendant hazardous implication on both the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, a total of 50 edible frog species (Hoplobatrachus...
2016 / Omonona Abosede Olayemi, Jubril Afusat Jagun, Akinnibi Oluwatobi Felix, Adekola Augustine AdewoleScopusAGRIS -
Development of Sternum and Ribs in White New Zealand Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
The bone development and the assessment of the fetal skeletal improvement turn into a basic segment in the behavior of a prenatal toxicity study. The sternum is a unique bone in the distinctive shape and development. This study focuses on the development of the sternum and the ribs attached in the...
2016 / Basma Mohamed Kamal, Reda Farag Rashed, Atef Mohamed ErashaScopusAGRIS -
Influence of Enzymatic and Mechanical Liquefaction of Seminal Plasma on Freezability of Dromedary Camel Semen
This study aimed to investigate the efficiency of mechanical and enzymatic elimination of semen viscosity in adult dromedary camel bulls’ semen on cryopreservation potential of spermatozoa during the breeding season. Bulls showed reaction time 40.0±8.23 seconds and 251±24 seconds mating duration....
2017 / Khalid Ahmed El-BahrawyScopusAGRIS -
Chemical Characteristics and Amino Acids Profile of Protein Hydrolysates of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Viscera
Research on protein hydrolysate has been performed by using various types of fish and enzymes, but there is limited research on the nutritive value of visceral waste proteins of tilapia. The present study aimed to determine amino acid profile and composition (water, protein, fat and ash content) of ...
2019 / Putut Har Riyadi, Eddy Suprayitno, Aulanni’am Aulanni’am, Titik Dwi SulistiyatiScopusAGRIS -
Effects of Curcumin Supplementation on Viability and Antioxidant Capacity of Buffalo Granulosa Cells under In Vitro Culture Conditions
The current study was conducted to investigate the possible protective effect of curcumin supplementation on buffalo granulosa cells (GCs) under in vitro culture condition. Buffalo ovaries were collected from local abattoir in physiological saline solution and transported directly to laboratory....
2020 / Nasser Ghanem, Ahmed Amin, Ayman Moustafa Saeed, Sherif M. Abdelhamid, Ashraf El-Sayed, Omar A. Farid, Sherif M. Dessouki, Marwa S. FaheemScopusAGRIS -
Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Cryptosporidium Infection in Raw Vegetables in Yazd District, Iran
Consumption of raw vegetables is an important route of parasites transmission. It is an important source for foodborne outbreaks in both developed and developing countries, and outbreaks of parasitic diseases in humans. The objective of the present study was to detect the presence of...
2020 / Ali Fattahi Bafghi, Mohammad Reza Yavari, Farzaneh Mirzaei, Abolghasem Siyadatpanah, Watcharapong Mitsuwan, Maria De Lourdes Pereira, Veeranoot Nissapatorn, Roghayeh Norouzi, Seyed Abdollah HosseiniScopusAGRIS -
S-Methyl Cysteine Protective Effects in Oreochromis Niloticus Fish Contaminated by Thiobencarb Herbicide
Thiobencarb which is a carbamate herbicide is used for managing undesirable weeds during rice cultivation in Egypt. This study was designed to investigate the adverse effects of a field dose of thiobencarb on Nile tilapia and ameliorating the role of the low dose of S-methyl cysteine (SMC)....
2020 / Mostafa Ali Elmadawy, Walied Abdo, Amira Alaa El-Dein Omar, Nadia B. MahfouzScopusAGRIS -
Evaluation of Prophylactic and Anticoccidial Effects of Black Seed and Garlic Extracts in Rabbits
The present study was carried out to discover the protective and curative effects of alcoholic extracts of garlic (Allium sativum) and black seeds (Nigella sativa) in rabbits experimentally infected by Eimeria magna using in vivo, in vitro, and histopathological examination. Overall oocysts number...
2021 / Huda Mohammed Mohammed Kuraa, Basem Refat Nageib, Abeer Hashem Mostafa El-Hendy, Ahmed Abdel-Fattah Ahmed HassaninScopusAGRIS -
Role of Elastin Expression in Thickening the Postpartum Vaginal Wall in Virgin and Postpartum Rat Models
Childbirth induces a number of alterations, including ligament weakening and increased vaginal distensibility. The occurrence of vaginal laxity or distensibility is associated with the vaginal wall and introitus overstretching during vaginal parturition while the pathophysiology is due to increased ...
2021 / Trisniartami Setyaningrum, M. Yulianto Listiawan, Brahmana Askandar Tjokroprawiro, Budi Santoso, Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, Widjiati WidjiatiScopusAGRIS -
Comparison of Painful Response to Mechanical Stimulation of the Plantar and Dorsal Surface of Paw Following Chronic Constriction Injury-induced Neuropathic Pain
Mechanical and thermal stimuli were used to evaluate neuropathic pain-like behavior in animal models usually. Mechanical stimulation of paw plantar surface is commonly used to determine mechanical allodynia. In the present study, paw withdrawal response to plantar surface stimulation was compared...
2021 / Ali Ghanbari, Mohadeseh MohammadiScopusAGRIS -
Molecular Identification of Trypanosoma theileri and Biology of Trypanosomes
Trypanosoma theileri (T. theileri ) is a non-pathogenic, cosmopolitan, and commensal protozoa of cattle. The main objective of the current study was to investigate the biology and feasibility of T. theileri as a model candidate for the discovery of a novel drug. In the present study, the isolates...
2021 / Tewodros Fentahunand, Jan PaeshuyseScopusAGRIS -
Immunolocalization of Steroidogenic Enzymes (3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and P450scc) in Rats with Testicular Dysfunction Treated with Mesenchymal Stem Cells-conditioned Medium
About 60-80 million couples in the world are suffering from infertility disease. Infertility is a major problem in patients coping with chemotherapy. The chemotherapy process can degenerate non-target organs, especially in testes. Infertility in male or testicular dysfunction is caused by the...
2021 / Linda Miftakhul Khasanah, Teguh Budipitojo, Yuda Heru FibriantoScopusAGRIS -
The Role of Salinity in Histopathology Description of Jatim Bulan Tilapia Juvenile (Oreochromis niloticus) Exposed by Lead (PB)
The decrease in the number of lands for aquaculture will cause the freshwater fish aquaculture, especially tilapia is reared. As one of the efforts to survive, the breeders use the coastal area to anticipate, so the freshwater fish can adapt to the sea waters. Heavy metal pollution near the coasts...
2021 / Febri Ramadhan Batista, Juni Triastuti, Kustiawan Tri PursetyoScopusAGRIS -
The Effects of Borax (NA2B4O710H2O) on Histopathology of Wistar Rats’ Cerebrum (Rattus norvegicus)
The present study aimed to determine the effects of borax (Na2B4O7.10H2O) addition on the changes of histological cerebrum imaging in the brains of white mice (Rattus norvegicus). The current research was an experimental study with randomization of 24 white mice that were divided into four...
2021 / Fernanda Elfan, Suryo Kuncorojakti, Nusdianto TriakosoScopusAGRIS