Строительство и архитектура список научных статей
Restoration Peculiarities of Ground Water Basins in the Mountainous Relief Regions
The goal of the present research is to figure out how to increase the efficiency with which water resources are used in mountainous relief regions on the example of the Ararat Artesian Basin of the Republic of Armenia. The accumulation of significant water runoffs in reservoirs under difficult...
2023 / Samvel Sahakyan, Arestak Sarukhanyan, Tatevik Yedoyan, Arevshad Vartanyan, Eleonora Avanesyan -
Unconfirmed Fluid Movement in the Pyramid-Shaped Well of the Centrifugal Pump
The article touches upon the unconfirmed fluid movement in the prism-shaped receiving basin of a multi-unit pumping station, which is fed from a large-volume basin through a fluid pressure overflow pipe. During the joint operation of the units, a constant fluid level is established in the receiving ...
2023 / Albert Margaryan, Garnik Vermishyan, Aram Sahakyan, Hovsep Hoveyan -
Multilayer Reading of the Urban Environment as a Method of Studying Space Transformation
The urban environment is undergoing significant transformations driven by a multitude of factors, raising methodological questions about forecasting these changes within the context of sustainable development. This article delves into the multifaceted realm of urban science, exploring how it...
2023 / Arsen Abrahamyan, Sargis Tovmasyan -
Influence of Carbon Nanotubes Concentration on the Mechanical Properties of Cement Mortars
In recent decades, mechanical properties of composite materials containing carbon nanoparticles, in particular single-walled or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs or MWCNTs), have been researched, taking into account their excellent physical and mechanical characteristics. In this work, the...
2023 / Suren Malumyan -
Ways of Development of Modern Urban Environment in the Context of Appropriation of Underground Spaces
Today, in many countries of the world, the appropriation of underground areas is directly related to urban planning and development. If, until now, the subsoil was considered a technical area through which the engineering and technical infrastructures passed, a new task is presented: to develop the ...
2023 / Emilia Sargsyan, Zara Manvelyan, Hayk Dheryan -
Development of Technology and a Convertеr for Neutralizing Greenhouse Gases Emitted from Automobiles
The article touches upon the issues of global warming associated with carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere from vehicle internal combustion engines (ICE). To neutralize existing greenhouse gases emitted by ICE, in particular CO2, the interaction of the latter with various chemicals...
2024 / Yeghiazar Vardanyan, Valerik Harutyunyan, Vladimir Koichev, Karapet Mosikyan -
Trachyandesite: A Resource for the Future of Old Buildings
The aim of this action research project is to (re)define and (re)get to know the material trachyandesite. A magmatic rock that has contributed to the identity of the Massif Central region, through the construction of towns since the 15th century, its exploitation has accelerated with industrial...
2024 / Gwenn Gayet-Kerguiduff -
Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Armenia: A Preliminary Study of the Internal Surfaces in the Geghard Monastery
In the Armenian context, most of the architectural heritages are monasteries often subjected to geological hazards and degradation of materials due to the environmental conditions. The aim of this study, in collaboration between the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the National University of...
2024 / Matilde Veneziano, Emma Harutyunyan, Nanar Kalantaryan, Guido Driussi, Zeno Morabito, Elisabetta Zendri -
Change of Axial Forces in Layered Rubber–Steel Base Isolators of High-Rise Buildings at Earthquake Impact
Seismic isolation technology makes buildings more capable of withstanding earthquakes, protecting them from major damages or collapse. The same methods of analyses are not suitable for all types of buildings. The isolation system used Armenia, unlike foreign countries ones, cannot take any tension...
2024 / Tigran Dadayan, Lusine Karapetyan -
Determining Military Resistance in the Republic of Armenia's Border Settlements Within Spatial Planning
Due to the military operations conducted by the opponent during and after the 2020 Artsakh war, as well as potential future risks and threats, the Republic of Armenia faces the challenge of ensuring the secure livelihoods of border settlements and implementing programs aimed at territorial...
2024 / Anna Vardanyan -
Research of Unsteady Turbulent Motion in a Flat-Parallel Pipe
This paper focuses on studying structural changes in the viscous fluid during turbulent unsteady plane-parallel pressure flow. This investigation analyzes how hydrodynamic parameters change in viscous fluid unsteady motion, particularly by calculating the turbulent viscosity coefficient. The study...
2024 / Arestak Sarukhanyan, Garnik Vermishyan, Hovhannes Kelejyan -
Between Reasoning and Resonance Proposal of Intelligibility for Inhabiting the Crossroads of the Five Chinese Elements and the Five Platonic Solids
This thesis explores the heuristic virtues of a correspondence hypothesis between two cosmogenesis, the Greek 5 Platonic solids and the Chinese 5 agents wuxing. This research deploys its coherence by weaving transdisciplinary links, from works in Chinese medicine, polyhedral geometry, philosophy,...
2024 / Serge Monnot -
Investigation of Fine-Grained Concrete Properties with a Mixed Binder and Various Fillers
The article focuses on investigating the influence of various fillers on the physicomechanical characteristics of fine-grained concrete modified with a mixed binder. River sand and lithoid pumice were chosen as fillers for the study. Compositions of aerated concrete with different fillers based on...
2024 / Amalya Karapetyan, Grigor Arakelyan, Maria Badalyan, Anahit Ghahramanyan -
Following Armenian Memories: In the Myth of Venice. In Search for Determinants of Architectural Form
To invoke Mnemosyne (goddess of memory in Greek mythology) is to invoke her daughter muses? If so then memory is always behind the imagination. The idea of the research grew out of interest to understand if architecture can be recognized as a physical manifestation of memory. The work is an attempt ...
2024 / Ruzanna Meliksetyan, Elvio Manganaro -
The Quality of Social Housing: Evaluation of User Satisfaction. The Case of the 670 Social Housing Units in Oran, Algeria
Improving people's quality of life depends on the quality of their housing. Nowadays, countries around the world attach great importance to this issue. This article aims to analyze the discourse of social housing residents in Oran. Using the qualitative method of Post Occupancy Evaluation, the goal ...
2024 / Bachir Benyamina, Sidi Mohammed El Habib Benkoula -
В статье рассмотрены два варианта снижения теплопотерь зданий, а именно: использование методов архитектурно-планировочной организации пространства и применение современной аэрогелевой теплоизоляции. Подобные пассивные в ежедневном использовании и обслуживании решения способствуют снижению расхода...
2023 / Исанова Анна Владимировна, Кретова Екатерина Дмитриевна, Драпалюк Дмитрий Александрович, Драпалюк Наталья АлександровнаВАК -
В статье приведено описание проблемы снижения эффективности работы вентиляционных систем крупных торгово-развлекательных комплексов, наблюдаемое при продолжительной эксплуатации, а также определение технического состояния этих систем и фактических параметров воздухообмена, теплового режима...
2023 / Чичиров Константин Олегович, Гарькин Игорь Николаевич, Боровков Дмитрий Павлович, Леонтьев Виктор АлександровичВАК -
В процессе жизненного цикла «Эксплуатация металлических труб из стали и серого чугуна систем водоснабжения и водоотведения» на их внутренней поверхности образуется слой отложений, при этом существенно изменяются гидравлический потенциал изношенных сетей, остаточный период эксплуатации труб, а также ...
2023 / Продоус Олег Александрович, Якубчик Петр Петрович, Шлычков Дмитрий ИвановичВАК -
В статье рассматривается широко применяемый в практике обследований бетонных и железобетонных строительных конструкций метод фенолфталеиновой пробы. Данный метод эффективен только при 8 ≤ рН ≤ 10 бетона. В связи с этим актуальным является вопрос о расширении границ применения технологии...
2023 / Гоглев Илья Николаевич, Логинова Светлана АндреевнаВАК -
Цель исследования – создание безопасного способа грануляции серного цемента, не сопровождаемого избыточной влажностью получаемых гранул. Задачи исследования: достичь равномерного распределения охлаждающей воды по поверхности падающих капель расплава и полного ее испарения; обойтись в процессе...
2023 / Купчикова Наталья Викторовна, Шаяхмедов Растам ИрфагильевичВАК