Животноводство и молочное дело список научных статей
Effects of Dietary Inclusion of Probiotics and Organic Acids on Performance, Intestinal Microbiology, Serum Biochemistry and Carcass Traits of Broiler Chickens
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of probiotics and organic acids, as alternative feed additives to antibiotics, on productive performance of broilers. Two different types of probiotics varying in the microbial content were tested and organic acids blend was compared against a single ...
2017 / Ibrahim M.I. Youssef, Ahmad S. Mostafa, Mariam A. Abdel-WahabScopusAGRISRSCI -
Performances of Broiler Chickens Fed on Diet Supplemented with Thyme and Oregano Essential Oils Stabilized in a Plant Charcoal Matrix
This study was designed to mitigate the volatile and oxidative ability of essential oils (EOs) in poultry feed using natural plant charcoal. The dietary treatments consisted of supplementing control diet (R0) with 0.01% of the mixture (1/1) of thyme and oregano EOs (RTh+or), 0.2% of Canarium...
2017 / Ngouana Tadjong Ruben, Kana Jean Raphaël, Necdem Tsafack Boris, Yemdjie Mane Divine Doriane, Mube Kuietche Hervé, Kuiede Serges, Teguia Alexis, Meimandipour AmirScopusAGRISRSCI -
Effect of Chemically Treated Litter on Ammonia Emmission, Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chicken
The condition of litter is a single major factor in deciding the emission of various harmful gases particularly ammonia, which is a major environmental concern, affecting the overall welfare of birds. Therefore, a study was conducted with the objectives to assess the effect of two chemicals namely...
2017 / Arjumand Rashid, Mohd Tufail Banday, Sheikh Adil, Azmat Alam Khan, Saim Qureshi, Madeeha Untoo, Mohd Ashraf PalScopusAGRISRSCI -
Use of MannanOligosaccharides (MOS) As a Feed Additive in Poultry Nutrition
The European Union banned using all prophylactic antibiotics as growth promoters in poultry nutrition. As a result, the poultry nutritionist is now forced to look for growth promoting antibiotic alternatives, or at least considerably demote the amount of antibiotics used to sustain efficient...
2017 / Muhammad Saeed, Fawwad Ahmad, Muhammad Asif Arain, Mohamed E. Abd El-Hack, Mohamed Emam, Zohaib Ahmed Bhutto, Arman MoshaveriScopusAGRISRSCI -
Growth Performance and Haemato-biochemical Parameters of Different Breeds of Rural Chickens
A total of 2000 un-sexed day-old-chicks of each Desi, Fayoumi and Rhode Island Red (RIR) breeds were reared and maintained on deep litter system for a period of 20 weeks. In floor pens, each breed was reared separately in a single pen until 7 weeks of age when the 2000 birds had been randomly...
2017 / Abida Parveen, Sohail Hassan Khan, Tabinda Khawaja, Naveed Iftikhar, Saira KhanScopusAGRISRSCI -
Effect of Plumage Color and Body Weight on the Semen Quality of Naked Neck Chicken
The low fertility of local chicken breeds is a major issue in backyard poultry system. The fertility rate varies among different males due to their difference in semen quality. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of plumage color and body weight on the semen quality of...
2017 / Waseem Abbass, Adnan Jabbar, Amjad Riaz, Muhammad Akram, Yasir Allah DittaScopusAGRISRSCI -
Effect of Floor Eggs on Hatchability, Candling, Water Loss, Chick Yield, Chick Weight and Dead in Shell
A chicken with high quality resulted from a clean egg, not broken, and not containing cracks. This experiment was performed with the goal to evaluate the effect of contaminated eggs on hatchability, egg water loss, chick weight, chick yield, DIS, A grade and B grade chicks. Eggs (Cobb 300, Ross...
2017 / Adnan Jabbar, Yasir Allah DittaScopusAGRISRSCI -
Growth Performance and Carcass Quality of Broiler Chickens Fed Dried Pawpaw (Carica Papaya Linn) Latex
This study is aimed to evaluate the effect of latex of pawpaw (Carica papaya Linn) as a feed additive and crude enzyme complex on growth performance, cell-mediated immunity, carcass and organ measurements of broiler chicken. Four experimental diets each were formulated during the starter (1-28d)...
2018 / Moshood Abiola Haruna, Adeyinka Adeniyi OdunsiScopusAGRISRSCI -
The Effect of Early Setting inside Single Stage Incubator on Stored Eggs
Eggs weight loss during storage has been documented well due to water loss. The single stage incubators are designed to use egg water loss as humidity source during incubation. In this experiment one week old eggs (n=430840) were collected in Salman hatchery, Pakistan and divided into two groups,...
2018 / Adnan Jabbar, Abdul Hameed, Amjad Riaz, Yasir Allah DittaScopusAGRISRSCI -
Effect of Technological Intervention on the Economics of Vanaraja Chicken Rearing in West Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh, India
The present investigation was conducted to evaluate the comparative economics of two methods of Vanaraja chicken rearing under backyard system i.e. improved technologies demonstrated under Front Line Demonstration (FLD) and Farmer’s Practice (FP) traditionally adopted by the farmers. All together...
2018 / Moloy Sarmah Baruah, Chitrangad Singh Raghav, Homeswar KalitaScopusAGRISRSCI -
Effect of Cold Stress and Various Suitable Remedies on Performance of Broiler Chicken
A biological trial was conducted on commercial chicks during the winter months (December and January). Day old commercial meat type broiler chicks (273) were procured from a reputed source. Cold conditioning (2ºC to 8ºC) at third and fourth day of age for 3-4 hours was provided to 78 birds. These...
2018 / Saim Qureshi, Hilal Musadiq Khan, Masood Saleem Mir, Tariq Ahmad Raja, Azmat Alam Khan, Haider Ali, Sheikh AdilScopusAGRISRSCI -
Antibiotics Resistance in Broiler Chicken from the Farm to the Table in Eastern Algeria
A survey was carried out to collect information on the place of chicken meat in the feed ration of families. It aims at assessing the occurrence of diseases, the method of their diagnosis, the commonly used antibiotics in poultry farms and their impact on the health of humans in the North-Eastern...
2018 / Amine Berghiche, Tarek Khenenou, Ibtissem LabiadScopusAGRISRSCI -
Biochemical Alterations in Hypervitaminosis D3 in Broiler Chicks Concomitantly Challenged with Endotoxin
Vitamin D3 is ten times more biologically active than vitamin D2, over supplementation of vitamin D3 causes hypercalcemia with deposition of calcium and phosphate as crystals in the visceral organs. Birds are considered more resistant to endotoxin and information on inflammation and homeostasis in...
2018 / Rahul Kumar, Rajinder Singh Brar, Harmanjit Singh Banga, Sandip SodhiScopusAGRISRSCI -
Effect of Combination of Encapsulated Black Cincau Leaves (Mesona Palustris BL) and Probiotics on Production Performances, Yolk Cholesterol Content and Ammonia Level of Laying Hen
The purpose of this research was to determine addition of natural feed additives from combination of encapsulated black cincau leaves and probiotics on feed intake, feed conversion, hen day production (HDP), egg mass, income over feed cost (IOFC), egg weight, yolk cholesterol content and ammonia...
2018 / Muhammad Halim Natsir, Osfar Sjofjan, Ilham Ardiansah, Siti Khairani, ElliyanaScopusAGRISRSCI -
A Review on Potential of Glutamate Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria of West Sumatera’s Fermented Food Origin, as Feed Additive for Broiler Chicken
Increasing broiler populations must be supported by cheap and high quality feed. Improving the quality of feed can be done by adding feed additives. Glutamate is a non-essential amino acid that can be used as a feed additive in the form of flavoring agents in broiler feed which functions as a...
2018 / Vebera Maslami, Yetti Marlida, Mirnawati, Jamsari, Yuliaty Shafan Nur, Frederick Adzitey, Nurul HudaScopusAGRISRSCI -
A Review on Fungal Fermented Cassava Pulp as a Cheap Alternative Feedstuff in Poultry Ration
In order to reduce the production cost, cassava pulp has been incorporated in chicken diets as an energy source. However, the use of such agro-industrial by-product may be confined by its higher fibre and lower protein contents. Improving the nutritional characteristics (lowering fibre and...
2019 / Sugiharto SugihartoScopusAGRISRSCI -
Ecological Aspects and Policy Impact on Expansion of Poultry Production in Ireland (1995-2014)
Poultry meat is very popular in Ireland because of low cholesterol level. Ireland is in the top position for the consumption of poultry meat in whole Europe. Ireland emits 3.3 kg CO2-equivalent per kg of poultry for the poultry meat production which is the lowest amount among all the other European ...
2019 / Sarwar Inam, Suzauddula, John KearneyScopusAGRISRSCI -
The Effect of Dietary Inclusion of Probiotics on Growth and Intestinal Morphology of Broiler Chickens
Probiotics are currently under investing the most valuable substances alternative to antibiotic growth promoters in poultry breeding practice. This research was performed to evaluate the effect of supplementing broiler drinking water with probiotics (Pediococcus acidilactici and Bacillus subtilis)...
2019 / Murat Gulmeza, Nurhayat Gulmez, Seyitali Bingol, Turgay Deprem, Serap Koral TasciScopusAGRISRSCI -
The Effect of In Ovo Exposition to Ethanol Upon Osteogenesis of the Chicken Embryo
Excessive alcohol consumption by a pregnant woman may delay foetal development and may cause malformations. In this study, the model of the chicken embryo to demonstrate the teratogenic effect of ethanol (33%) on the chicken osteogenesis on the 10th day of embryonic development have been used. 49...
2019 / Hadjira Boussouar, Tarek Khenenou, Omar Bennoune, Amine BerghicheScopusAGRISRSCI -
Effects of Feeding Different Levels of Baker’s Yeast on Performance and Hematological Parameters in Broiler Chickens
The effects of feeding baker’s yeast performance of Cobb 500 broilers were studied. Four nearly isocaloric and isonitrogenous starter and finisher rations were prepared. 240 chicks with an average initial body weight of 42g were randomly divided into 12 groups contained 4 treatments with 3...
2019 / Kassech Mulatu, Negassi Ameha, Meseret GirmaScopusAGRISRSCI